Necromantic Myth

Chapter 350: Sorting out (140 plus more)

  Chapter 350 Sorting out (140 plus more)

  Maybe it was the conversation between Liu Zhi and the goblin that attracted the attention of another goblin. After that goblin ran over to inquire about the situation, his eyes lit up immediately.

"Sir, don’t believe that madman’s thoughts. He can’t wait to put missiles on the eating table. It’s useless. My father told me since I was young, don’t put weapons on machines. We are peace lovers. , I recommend to you my idea, nuclear power system, no matter what machine, as long as the nuclear power system of my family’s ancestors is installed, the power will be directly increased by three hundred times. Think about it, the machine you built for gem detection is for what.

   must be to find gems, to expand the range of power by three hundred times, what a direction is that. "

"Go away, I saw this design first. This sir, if you choose to use my plan, I can send me a sixty-six-barrel Gagarin machine gun, which is so powerful that you can't think of it. "

   "What are you, sir, with my design plan, I will send two more units of radiant energy to guarantee..."

  Looking at the two goblins about to fight, Liu Zhi was also a little helpless. He took out the design drawing of the gem hunting machine in his hand.

"This is the design drawing. I am not very demanding. As long as I have a complete design plan, I will help me build a machine like this in the end. By the way, I don’t need artificial intelligence or force. I have manpower. , What I need is this one that can accurately find gems and dig them out for me."

   "This is really a terrible idea." A goblin said, "No idea at all, sir, or else, let me design an underwater movement system for you, so that you can dig gems underwater."

"Pull it down. You didn't hear this gentleman's thoughts. He just wants a machine that can find gems and dig them out. I am best at this. Sir, I have an idea called black hole extraction. Fa, you don’t want to hear that the name is not good, but it is actually a good way. Look, I have a basis..."

  When the two goblins were showing off their designs there, Mark and the others had already handed over. At this time, Mark and Mike were balancing the dead bodies there.

   And the goblin went to Yanagi's side, wanting to participate in the design of Yanagi's gem hunting machine.

  But the two goblins didn't want to add one more person in. They squeezed their companions away, surrounded Liu Zhi and talked about their plans there.

The goblin who came from behind kept jumping up and down, but there was no way to catch up with Liu Zhi. In the end, he was a little unwilling to listen to it, and his mouth kept breaking and thinking, as if saying that he could do it. Come up with the corresponding technology or something.

At this moment, Mark and the others also came over. Liu Zhi looked at the way they came. He should be ready to divide the spoils. He didn't plan to drag it down here. He just pointed to one of them relative to each other based on the performance of the previous two goblins. Said the reliable goblin.

"Then leave it to you. I need your final design drawings and a prototype. As for the drawings and future use, it’s up to you to decide. But I have a requirement. The prototype must be do the best."

"Sir, don’t worry. I’m also a genius in the goblin clan. Your choice is correct. In three days, I only need three days to complete the design again. The prototype can be built in about ten days. It will be delivered to you at that time."

  Looking at the way his companion was boasting there, the remaining two goblins showed disdain on their faces, and at the same time they started to think of other ideas in their hearts.

  Ryuzhi now has no time to care about the thoughts of those goblins. At this time, he looked at the corpses turned over on the ground and was talking with Mark and the others.

  Mark also had no objection to Liu Zhi's idea of ​​taking all the corpses away. These corpses were left here, either eaten by wild dogs, or rotted here. No one would care at all.

  But before taking the corpse, they still have to deal with some of the things on the corpse, after all, these are the real source of income for the mercenaries.

  Mark said to Liu Zhi: "This gentleman has fought together for so long, and I don’t know your name yet. My name is Mark. I am a third-level fighter of the Matrib Guild."

   "My name is Sandru, the 9th member of the Fourth Scourge Homecoming Group, a Level 2 Necromancer."

  Ryuzhi introduced himself first, and then said: "So I plan to take all of these corpses. Of course, if there is something you need or the corpse of your friend, you can also take it yourself."

"No." Mark waved his hand. "As a player, I didn't intend to take back the body. I don't understand how to play the game. If you die in the game, it is called a place of death without burial, I I came to you, just want to tell you that you can take the corpse, but we still have to divide the equipment on the corpse according to the rules."

Liu Zhi nodded. He didn't know how many players that Matrib Guild invested in this sludge monster, but the players would have equipment. These equipment may be destroyed or left behind. , If Liu Zhi took away with the equipment and corpse, they would lose out.

  So no matter what, these equipment must be taken out separately.

  Ryu Zhi also understood this. He didn't say much, and let Mark and the others deal with the corpses first.

  I don’t know what method Mark used. After calling some players who seem to be level 1 or even no level, the speed of processing the corpses has become much faster.

  After all, these corpses have been soaked in the sewage of the silt monster for too long, and the clothes on their bodies have been rotten to the ground. Those people just drag the corpses aside to see if there is anything on them.

  Yagiji took this opportunity to meditate for a while and recovered his magic power. After they sorted everything out, they took Vidnina and walked over.

At this time, Liu Zhi nodded his head slightly when he saw the battlefield in front of him. It can be seen that these people should be used to this approach. They sorted the corpses neatly and divided them into a pile. Put them together, leaving only the bones at the end.

  And all the equipment that can be found has been classified according to their quality and type. Even Liu Zhi noticed that they also made a detailed record.

  While Ryuzhi looked at these things, Mark led a female player over.

  (End of this chapter)

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