Necromantic Myth

Chapter 351: Divide the spoils

  Chapter 351 Dividing the Loot

  For this female player, Liu Zhi was also impressed. She seemed to have come with a large army of those players. After coming, she took over Mark's command and directed the players to clean up the scene.

  It can be seen from the situation of her command that she should be the kind of administrative staff who does not have much strength, but is indispensable to every guild.

  The situation that Mike had talked with Liu Zhi and the others was that the people who went out talked with Liu Zhi. Although the core things cannot be changed, some details can still be said.

  The female player also didn't say anything about three or seven points, but pointed to these things in front of them, where they elaborated on the detailed value of each item.

  Yiu Zhi saw their thoughts at a glance. After the female player spoke for a moment, she knew that they wanted to take advantage of some values ​​because of their ignorance.

  Yagiji changed his mind and said, pointing to some of them.

  "You don’t need to talk about it. It’s a good one. Don’t count the details with me. Just take out the ten items and I will take the three of them."

   "That's not what we say, we are also three or seven points in terms of value, and my side is good for making money."

"Really, what should you do if your value is different from mine, for example, the gem you mentioned before, you said that it is an ordinary gem, but sorry, I am a legendary gem appraiser, I can see it Come out, that thing is an extraordinary gem, otherwise, I will take away all the gems here, I guess the number in the past may be less than 30%, I don't want to do the rest."

The female player was also a little embarrassed by what Liu Zhi said. The reason why she would take the gem away in advance was because she happened to see this gem, and at the same time felt that this gem was extraordinary. level.

  Unexpectedly, Liu Zhi had a better vision than him. He could see the characteristics of this gem at a glance, which was embarrassing.

   Even more embarrassing is that Liu Zhi also put forward his own opinions.

   Regarding a legendary gem appraiser’s suggestion that only gems are needed, the female player couldn't help but think about it. What to do if there are legendary gems in these gems? Even if they take away more good things, they will lose money.

   hesitated for a while, and finally the female player could only say: "We divide the things by the number of pieces, and after the points are divided, we draw lots to decide. You draw three piles, and the rest is ours.

  Hearing this, Liu Zhi also showed a slight smile on his face.

  He just glanced at all the gems here. Except for the better quality one found by the female player accidentally, the other gems are only between magic gems and ordinary gems.

  He was just frightening the female player before, lest she really thought she didn’t understand anything.

  Now that the female player has made a concession, Liu Zhi naturally will not forcefully demand any more, just watching them re-categorize the sorted equipment into ten piles of the same size and look similar.

  Then the female player took out ten pieces of paper, and wrote the number in front of Yanagi.

  Liu Zhi glanced at the equipment and knew that they hadn’t done anything wrong this time, so he randomly drew out three of them, which was considered to be his own target.

   What's interesting is that Liu Zhi didn't even get that transcendent gem this time, which made him a little speechless.

   But looking at the female player's proud face, Liu Zhi knew that they had done some tricks.

Regarding such a thing, Liu Zhi couldn’t say anything, and he didn’t seize the evidence. He didn’t say much. He dropped the death rod a little on the spot, and the cadaver truck and a large number of skeleton transport trucks appeared. nearby.

  Some skeleton laborers helped put all the equipment and corpses on the car, and dragged the things away in front of the players.

  As for whether there are any good things in these things, Liu Zhi didn't plan to pay attention to them for the time being, and everything should be sent back to the palace before talking.

  For these things, Liu Zhi also ran a special time, personally escorting these things to the outskirts of Toga’s Sleep.

At this time, the goblins also came here. After determining the location, the goblin who took the design drawing said: "Okay, I have already memorized the place. Don't worry, I will use goblin-specific methods. Send the things here, ten days, you can wait ten days for me."

  After speaking, the three goblins ran away like this.

  Looking at them leaving in such a weird rhino cart, Liu Zhi couldn't help but shook his head, "It looks a bit crazy, but their IQ should be good enough. There should be no problem."

  Yagizhi had only finished speaking. The rhino cart that hadn't driven too far made a bang and was blown up.

   Seeing such a situation, Liu Zhi still wanted to go over and take a look, but found that the three goblins had already gotten up, and seemed to be proficient in starting to repair the rhino cart.

This situation stopped Liu Zhi, who originally wanted to help them in the past, but now he has made up his mind. In the future, as long as there is no special situation, he will definitely not study engineering, even if he has studied engineering. Non-stick goblin engineering.

  After seeing all the transported corpses and equipment sent into the Hades, Ryuzhi took Vednina on the road again and rushed to the side of Burning Blade City.

  Because of this battle and the driving back and forth, Liu Zhi and the others wasted a lot of time. When they arrived at the gate of Burning Blade City, the sky was completely dark.

  However, Liu Zhi noticed that those strong green skins were still soliciting customers at the door. It could be seen that they were obviously very tired, but they did not miss any opportunity to make money.

  Liu Zhi glanced at their similar faces, and finally pulled a green-skinned man awkwardly.

   "Well, I want to ask, why is there a brother who sold me wolf breeds before is gone."

  The brawny green-skinned man quickly said: "This gentleman, we have already sold the goods, and we will return them forever."

   "No, I just want to buy some more things." Liu Zhi couldn't help but explain.

"Well, sir, you can look at my goods. I have a lot of good things here. What do you want to buy? Wolf? I have a group of war wolves that have just arrived. They are very powerful, mainly a The head is also very big, you see..."

  Before he finished speaking, a strong man ran from nearby and knocked him away at once. Then the strong man held Liu Zhi's hand and said.

"Sir, how about the wolf breeds I sold you last time? The she-wolves in my family miss them. It's great that you can come. They should be alive and well now, I know, entrust them to You are the most correct choice."

  Ryuzhi said straightforwardly, "I am a Necromancer."

  (End of this chapter)

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