Necromantic Myth

Chapter 353: Goblin team (150 plus more)

  Chapter 353 Goblin Team (150 plus more)

  After discussing the matter, Liu Zhi left quickly, this time he did not even enter the gate of Burning Blade City.

  On the way back, Liu Zhi slowly began to have some goblins around him that seemed to be very poorly mixed, all of which were brought in by the strong man a little bit and met Liu Zhi's requirements.

  In fact, Liu Zhi has a lot of requirements for goblins. First of all, they are mainly commercial goblins, and at least they must be those who can do business.

  Secondly, Liu Zhi does not need to join the existence of other forces. After all, Liu Zhi's city is a dead city. Now he is the only one who has the final say. He doesn't want to make himself more trouble.

  The third thing is to drag the family away. Liu Zhi knows that recruiting goblins is a wave of things. If he recruits male goblins to go back, how will the offspring multiply.

Moreover, these goblins need to be managed well. Liu Zhi knows the habits of goblins. Commercial goblins may be better. Engineering goblins and garbage goblins are a mess, so Liu Zhi agreed directly. If you don’t obey the management, then Liu Zhi will Will destroy all these goblins.

  It can be said that Liu Zhi’s recruitment money this time not only bought the lives of these goblins, but also bought their offspring.

   took these goblins and walked back, about halfway through, the strong man who had signed the agreement with Liu Zhi was about to leave.

As a party to the agreement, the most important thing for him is to trade with the meditation goblin caravan that Liu Zhi is about to set up. This is a new way for him, and it is also a test. Now he has a lot of things to do, he can’t. Stayed outside Fireblade City again.

  After leaving Ryuzhi's team, the brawny man immediately went in another direction.

That's the main road leading to Grom's High, the main city of the mainland. Actually, Liu Zhi discovered the existence of this road when he went to Burning Blade City. However, I heard that there are several fortresses on this road. It didn't have a relationship with Fireblade City, so naturally he didn't even consider going to the main city to go around.

  But this brawny man is different. The goblins have been on this continent for so long and have offended so many people. They can also be allowed to eat outside the city of Burning Blade. Naturally, they have their own skills.

After leaving Ryuji's team, this brawny goblin ran to a place where no one was there, and his body shrank like an inflated balloon, and finally changed back to the size of a normal goblin except his skin. Because he was stretched so much when he became a strong man, now he is loose, as if a cloak was put on his body.

After    changed back to a goblin, the goblin looked around, then he used a knife to cut off his excess skin, then wrapped himself in cloth, and then headed towards Grom's High City.

  At this time, Liu Zhi also encountered some troubles, and he was quickly spotted on the road with the goblin.

  As for Ryuzhi, the goblins all look the same, so when the goblins in his team changed a little at the beginning, he still didn't care much.

  But as time passed, Liu Zhi also found out that something was wrong. He noticed that there seemed to be some goblins communicating in the team.

  Yagiji did not prohibit communication between goblins. Didn’t you see that there was a hero on the Murloc side?

  It's just that these goblins seemed a little weird when they were communicating. Liu Zhi noticed that when the goblins were talking, they seemed to keep looking at him.

  What's so good about this? Liu Zhi was a little speechless. When the strong man brought them over, hadn't he already said everything? Is there anything else to talk about here?

   With such doubts, Liu Zhi's gaze when looking at the goblins also changed a little. He soon noticed that there were some goblins in those goblins whose clothes were obviously not very suitable.

  If it is an ordinary person, it may not be obvious. After all, the clothes on the goblin are mostly rags. There is no reason for this thing.

  But all the goblins in front of him were commercial goblins. When Liu Zhi bought them back, they were required to have at least a certain degree of self-care ability, and they could not be brought back as uncles to raise them.

  So every goblin in Ryuzhi looked at it. Although he didn't remember what these goblins looked like, he at least felt the clothes. It wouldn't look like the present, which was not suitable.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi's eyes narrowed. He felt as if he had been fooled. The goblin was changed. The goblin he had chosen was replaced by a goblin who didn't know what the background was.

  With this thought, Liu Zhi put his hand on the sun carriage, and the death rod emitted a dazzling light, and then all the goblins discovered that a large number of skeleton soldiers appeared in front of them.

This is the most common skeleton soldier, but with the help of oil paintings, all the undead under Liu Zhi, whether they are skirmishers or troops, have reached level 2. When they appeared, they took spears and shields and took these on the spot. The goblins were surrounded.

  Liu Zhi acted so, all the goblins were frightened.

Some of the goblins drew their weapons, and Liu Zhi didn't even notice. The weapons in their hands were hidden in the beginning, and some goblins were shouting there, and Liu Zhi couldn’t understand their names. , But it can be guessed more or less, they seem to be provoking the opposition between Liu Zhi and the goblin.

Liu Zhi put the death rod on the sun carriage a little bit, "Shut up, you guys signed the agreement before, remember that there is one in the agreement. If the meditation is not successful, I have the right to transform you into undead. So if you don’t want to become an undead, just shut up. Now I’m re-naming and standing behind me if I get the name.”

After being yelled at by Liu Zhi, the goblins calmed down. At this time, Liu Zhi had no plans to make a move, so they were still safe at this time, but they all held the weapons in their hands. If Liu Zhi really has anything They will also resist.

At this time, Liu Zhi took out a roster and started to click. The goblins were surrounded by skeleton soldiers, but they didn't have any expressions of fear. If they were scared, then they were not commercial goblins, but they couldn't be beaten by sight. The garbage goblin who just ran away.

  Be aware that both commercial goblins and engineering goblins are the kind of existence that won’t stop if you don’t play yourself to death.

  Yagiji read down the roster. Every time a name was uttered, a goblin would raise his hand and stand up. Then, Liuji would take a look at him, and then he asked to stand behind him.

  After about five names, something went wrong. A goblin raised his hand, but Liu Zhi pointed at him and said, "No, your clothes are wrong, who are you?"

  (End of this chapter)

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