Necromantic Myth

Chapter 354: Venture Capital Company (160 plus more)

  Chapter 354 Venture Capital Company (160 plus more)

After being yelled at by Liu Zhi, all the goblins looked over there. If one or two unknown goblins appeared among the hundreds of goblins before, no one might find out, but now this one has been singled out and placed In front of hundreds of goblins, the situation was different, and the goblins screamed immediately.

   "I know Duo Ka, he is not Duo Ka."

  At this time, the whole goblin group was in chaos, and the goblins looked at each other as if they were looking for something there.

  Liu Zhi won't give them any chance. With a wave of his hand, the two skeleton soldiers rushed up, preparing to catch the fake Doka.

  The fake Talkative Doka didn't care much when he saw this situation. He took the weapon and sent a signal to the sky, and a huge gear-like thing exploded in the sky.

   Then there were some weird sounds nearby, and Liu Zhi noticed that a large number of giant robots that looked like wood shredders suddenly rushed out. Inside these machines were some goblins.

  Looking at the situation of these goblins, Liu Zhi knew that he had recruited goblins by outsiders. These things in front of him should be the venture capital companies that caused the commercial goblins to change their appearance.

Thinking of this, Liu Zhi also understood where the uncoordinated goblins in the team came from. They should be the goblins of the venture capital company. The reason why they would be mixed into the team of goblins is that they want to be in the dark. A nail was laid in the palace.

For these goblins who have not signed an agreement with him, Liu Zhi doesn't like it at all. Let alone what they have done to commercial goblins, they want to join the team and go to the palace with Liu Zhi. It made Liu Zhi suspicious, what did they want to do, do they want to shake the sky?

  At this time, Liu Zhi directly ordered: "All the goblins will squat down for me, and all the goblins who are still standing will be killed."

  The goblins all squatted down as soon as they heard it, and Ryuuji drove the sun carriage towards the logging machines.

  As Liu Zhi rushed forward, some troops slowly appeared beside him.

  This time, Liu Zhi never brought out some skirmishers enough. He released the Skeleton Mage (Ice) Troops and Mummy Spear Troops.

   These two units can be regarded as the two most idle units in Liuzhi City. After being released, the mummified pikemen rushed towards the logging machine.

  The body of the mummy can be sanded. At this time, the mummy was rushing forward. Before the timber feller was approached, the skeleton mage behind had already released the Frost Arrow.

  There are not many skeleton mages here, but the power of the Frostbolt is still sufficient. The few wood shredders that rushed in the front were instantly frozen, and their movement speed was obviously slowed down.

  Then the mummy pikemen rushed to the front of the logging machine, and a stab pierced the spear in his hand.

  However, these loggers can be used as weapons by goblins. They are naturally large in size. The left hand of the shredder is the same thing as a crane, and the right hand is a huge circular saw. The power of turning is not what ordinary people can imagine.

  Although it was freezing cold, the shredders still turned around and sliced ​​the murloc mummies in half.

   But that's all, Liu Zhi laughed and pushed his hand forward.


  Under the strong wind, the cut murloc mummies turned into yellow sand. Driven by the strong wind, they rushed onto the logging machine.

The logging machine seems to be relatively large, but it is actually a mechanical body. I don’t know if this is a characteristic of a venture capital company or an engineering goblin method. However, any machinery is combined with gears. If a bit of yellow sand gets stuck in, there will be problems with the machinery.

  And what Liu Zhi blows out is not a little bit of yellow sand, but a lot of yellow sand with the breath of undead.

Under the influence of the yellow sand, some of the logging machines were really stuck, but the goblins of the venture capital company were not useless waste, and their machines were not used for combat, but were mainly used for logging. For some yellow sand, they still can withstand it.

  But these guys have also noticed Liu Zhi's methods. They all know that their ability to withstand the yellow sand is only temporary, and it can't be delayed for too long. If they drag on like this, their advantage will be lost.

  At this time, these fellers quickly rushed towards Liu Zhi, preparing to hack Liu Zhi to death.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi suddenly laughed, and the death rod pointed at the ground, and a large number of arms stretched out from the ground, dragging the timber feller.

  There are even logging machines that fell directly to the ground because of their arms extending from the ground.

  The logging machine behind, regardless of the situation inside, they whizzed forward.

The scene in front of him made Liu Zhi understand that this battle was a bit difficult. There were not many shredders in front of him, but they weren’t so good to fight. His two magics could only kill one or two shredders. But there are at least thirty logging machines here.

  And the most important point is that Liu Zhi also heard other sounds coming from nearby. It can be guessed that not only will there be a new logging machine coming soon, there may be other enemies coming.

  Looking at the situation in front of him, Liu Zhi snorted and quickly calculated in his heart.

  At the same time, his hand was not idle, the death rod in his hand was lifted, and a flash of light was released.

  Next, Liu Zhi didn't care whether the flash burst was useful or not. He pointed the death rod forward on the spot, and released an electrostatic shock at the wood shredders.

  This time, Liu Zhi finally found the weakness of the logging machine. The electrostatic shock is really useful for the logging machine. All the logging machines hit by the static shock stopped. It can be seen that the machine has failed.

  However, there is not much time for Liu Zhi at this time. He has heard voices from all directions. It can be seen that the venture capital company has prepared many methods to deal with him.

  Although they don’t know how they could get everything done in such a short time, and arrange everything from ambushes, but Liu Zhi believes that the other party definitely cannot arrange the nails in his own palace.

   Glancing at the shredders that fell on the ground, Liu Zhi raised the death rod and drew a huge circle at the shredders, goblins, and his own hands.

  When this circle was drawn, it was full of starlight, as if Liu Zhi had opened the sky. In the next instant, Liu Zhi forcibly took away everything in this area.

  When a new wave of logging machines and some robots that look similar to flying machines appeared here, all they saw were empty ground and a circle of burnt marks.

  (End of this chapter)

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