Necromantic Myth

Chapter 362: Frontal combat (200 plus more)

  Chapter 362 Frontal Combat (200 plus more)

  Compared to the melee in the sea area of ​​the Hades, the battle on the front wall of the Hades was a more regular battle. The fishmen came out of the water and pushed some siege equipment under command to prepare for the attack.

  The murlocs who attacked frontally were the most numerous group. In addition to the 7 full-man murloc troops brought by the hero, they also brought nearly 2,000 murloc skirmishers.

The murloc cannon fodder that also impacted the sea area of ​​the Hades is different. These murloc skirmishers are all skirmishers brought by the murloc who have not joined the team. They all have corresponding occupations, but In the absence of a system, it looks more disorganized.

  Because it is used to siege the city, more than half of the 7 murloc troops are long-range troops. Among the two thousand skirmishers, long-range troops also accounted for half.

At the same time, the commanding hero of this unit also appeared directly in front of the formation. He should be a hero of the law system. He sat on the back of a crab with two huge drums in front of him. When the crab moved, this The hero beat the drum hard.

  Under the sound of the drum, all the murloc's eyes became a little flushed, which can be seen. These murlocs should be affected by a similar bloodthirsty art.

Mander, who was standing on the city wall, saw everything in front of him. The enemy's long-range troops, Mander just glanced at it and passed. For the defender, the long-range troops are the best. His natural ability can cut the enemy's long-range attack by half.

  Instead, the three siege weapons in the murloc team made Mander a little worried.

  It was a giant trebuchet driven by more than 30 murlocs, a rush vehicle that was draped in heavy armor and used to hit the city gate, and there was also a hot air balloon that could obviously be lifted off.

Mander glanced at the opponent's location and ordered, "All the skeleton mages are ready, classified by ice and flame, ready for fireball, and attacking the rushing car at the same time as the rushing car is moving forward. As the car approached the city wall, the gargoyle was ready for battle, and when the other party’s hot air balloon took off, knock me down."

  As for the opponent's giant catapult, Mander didn't say anything. The range of that thing was clearly beyond the range of Mander's men. If he had to deal with it, he could only let the gargoyle or other troops sneak attack.

  But then it will change from a siege to a field battle, which is not good for Mander.

  After taking a look at the direction of the giant catapult, Mander had to order again: "Let someone go to the alchemy hut to get the alchemy potion. After the catapult attack, quickly use the alchemy potion to repair the city wall."

Under Mander’s order, all troops on the wall, whether they were organized or not, were taken into action, especially the skeleton shooters of the Skeleton Shooter Team. They were blessed by Mander, and they were in a state of defending the city. It obviously increased a lot. At this time, they were all taken away by Mander, ready to use them at the most critical time.

  Now all the most common troops are on the walls of the city. Of course, in order to ensure his strength when defending the city, Mander still selects the number of long-range troops and melee troops in a one-to-one ratio.

  The troops on the mass graves have recently run out of manpower, and Mander didn’t care about using the troops on the Bone Desert.

   Like the two units arranged on the wall this time, they are the two units of the Sand Raider and the Shield Beetle that were just thought of by Amanite and transformed in the Bone Desert.

  The sand-raising unit is a mummified unit. Borrowing the characteristics of mummies that can be transformed into sand, they throw sand at the bottom of the city wall.

  This type of unit can be considered a long-range unit, but its range is only two-thirds of that of a normal long-range unit, and the power of sand is not great. Generally speaking, as long as it is not hit by a large number of units, it cannot kill people.

But one advantage of them is that the raised sand can block the enemy’s sight. In addition, the sand is also poisonous. As long as it gets on it, it will slowly affect the enemy, so Mander brought them over and used it in the first wave. On top of the attack.

As for the shield beetle, it is the transformation of the undead, such as the shell of the worm in the buried bone desert. This kind of thing looks like a worm, with a chitin hard shell on its body. They can turn their shells into defensive weights. The shield was forcibly blocked in front of the long-range unit, and it was considered a relatively good defensive unit.

  As soon as these two troops were on the wall, Mander quickly mobilized new troops. This time he mobilized troops from the dead bones in the bone-buried desert.

Unlike the mass graves, the dead bones in the Bone Burial Desert are all sun-dried bones. They are relatively brittle. It is for this reason that they don’t have a strong melee force, Mand’s. The Withered Bone Units that were put up this time were colorful withered bone decoys that were quite eye-catching at first glance.

These withered bone decoys actually look a little bit stronger than ordinary withered bones. There is no frontal combat power and no damage at long range. The only feature is that it looks like a flower. A withered bone decoy stands on the city wall and looks like it has More than a hundred undead squeezed there.

  This is used to attract enemy firepower. Once they are on the wall, they are directly placed in a relatively unimportant position on the wall.

  At this time, the first wave of the sand lifter had been used out, and the yellow sand was raised and followed the wind and rushed towards the murloc.

  Then the mummy slinger caught up and just replaced the sand-raiser. The slinger is a relatively remote member of the mummy troop. As for the power, there is no need to worry about it. Just change the stone.

  In order to deal with murlocs this time, Liu Zhi prepared a lot of things, such as quicklime powder packets for murlocs.

  These slingers are ready when they stand on the wall. They are waiting for the murloc to initiate a charge.

  But they haven't taken a shot yet, Mander is about to stare at the fish people's every move.

The murloc hero sitting on the crab also raised his head at this time. He raised the drum in his hand and waved it against the city wall. The charge was slowly pushed by some murlocs. Walked towards the city wall.

  In addition to smashing through the city gate, the rushing vehicle also acts as a suspension bridge. Therefore, it will be relatively large. In addition to strengthening the defense of the rushing vehicle, the entire rushing vehicle moves quite slowly.

   Driven by more than a hundred murlocs, the murloc slowly approached the city wall. At the same time, at least five hundred murlocs followed the murloc, waving their weapons there.

  They didn't even hold a siege weapon. It was obviously used as cannon fodder to attract firepower. No matter how Mander would be fooled, he pointed at the attacking vehicle.

   "Skeleton Mage, focus on firepower, destroy the car."

  (End of this chapter)

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