Necromantic Myth

Chapter 363: Illusion war

  Chapter 363 Battle of Illusion

When the battle at the gate of the Palace of the Underworld, Rusty Bone was halfway there. Compared with Amanite, Rusty Bone is just an undead who has just become a hero. The troops in his hand are not reorganized. It was not the main force, except for the Golden Skeleton Shield Guard who was guarding Rusty Bone tightly and advancing, the other troops were a little scattered as soon as they ran.

But fortunately, the authority with the least rust bones is still there, and it can control the situation, but it is definitely incomparable with Amanite’s kind of murloc mummies who learn the stab technique along the way. He rushed to Toga’s body. When it was nearby, half an hour had passed.

  Before he approached Toga's corpse, Rustbone felt something was wrong. He raised his hand to stop his men from moving forward, and looked up at Toga's corpse, which had been dug up in half.

   "It's too quiet."

  Yes, the Toga’s corpse was too quiet at this time. In addition to nearly two hundred troops and a few small bosses, there were a large number of skeleton laborers working here.

  This is something that hasn't stopped. Even though they have been strengthening the defense of the Hades to prepare for battle these days, they have not stopped here.

  But at this time, none of the skeleton soldiers here saw it. The entire Toga's corpse was quiet as if it had entered another world.

  At this point, Rusty's pale golden face has also become more rigid.

  The enemy is so powerful?

Such a thought flashed through Rusty Bone's mind, but soon he shook his head. There are a lot of skeleton laborers here, and there are also defensive troops, and there are small bosses commanding them. Half an hour is not in a hurry. Kill all the undead and deal with it clearly.

  At this moment, a few ghosts floated to Rustbone, and whispered: "The concentration of magic nearby is a bit high."

   Rustbone reacted immediately, "It may be magic like illusion, you destroy the magic."

  Before the ghosts started to take action, Rusty bone quickly recruited his troops to his side. He also thought about it. This battle is mainly about protecting himself, and there will be no major problems in defending himself.

  As Rusty Bone gathered the troops together, the ghosts took a deep breath into the air, only to see the blue light being drawn away by them, and then Rusty Bone and they saw the body of Toga in the melee.

At this time, the undead troops on Toga’s corpse are fighting the murlocs. The murlocs are also led by a hero. This hero does not have his own mount. He is just leaning on something like a staff. Looks like the kind of old murloc that is too old to die.

  Behind him are some murloc professions like mages. It can be seen that these mages should be the units that have enveloped Toga in the illusion before.

  As soon as he saw this situation, Rusty Bone commanded: "All the ghosts stare at the mages for me. If they do any action, draw their magic power directly."

   Then Rustbone rushed towards the enemy with the team.

At the moment when the illusion was lifted, Rusty Bone had already seen it. The opponent had not taken the entire Toga's corpse. Although the little bosses were unable to command, they all retreated to Toga's corpse for the first time and blocked them with skeleton soldiers. I stayed at the entrance and used the Skeleton Archer to shoot at the enemy. It was still able to withstand the enemy’s attack.

  In this situation, Rustbone discovered an opportunity to attack. Before, he was worried that the enemy would use the illusion to ambush himself. Now he didn't think about it at all, and rushed out with his men.

  Rustbone itself is also the kind of warrior-type hero, he is not the kind of existence that directs the battle behind. When encountering such a situation, he made a judgment while carrying a long sword and rushed forward.

  As a result, the undead forces under Rusty Bone's men do not quite understand Rusty Bone's intentions.

Only the Golden Skull Shield Guard knew the idea of ​​rustbone, and rushed down with the rustbone. The others were like the released pheasants, all flocking to the murlocs over there, letting you look back at this situation. Rusty bones could not help but feel a little embarrassed.

But he didn't have time to pay attention to this. The situation in front of him was an opportunity for him. The enemy was attracted by the undead guarding Toga's corpse. The enemy did not expect that he could crack the illusion. The enemy did not react. He was so reliable. near.

  These three opportunities can be regarded as the right time, the right place, and the right people. If they were missed, it was a waste of fighters.

  If Rust Bone stops and all tasks are arranged, maybe the fighter plane will pass by in a flash.

  For this reason, Rusty Bone didn't drag it any more, as soon as it judged the situation, he rushed down with his long sword.

Rusty Bone moved very fast, and for this reason, the hero below did not react immediately. When the hero saw Rusty Bone rushing towards him with a long sword, Rusty Bone was almost rushing to him. In front of it.

  As a legal system hero, in addition to the corresponding legal system troops, there will definitely be a defensive force for defense.

  This defensive unit is a team of murlocs that look like they are made up of water. If Yanagi is here, maybe they will be called Water Elemental.

  These murlocs stand in front of legal heroes even when they are fighting. They usually don't have any work, and only stand up for defense when legal heroes are attacked.

  At this time, the rust bone seemed to have seen everything he had encountered while guarding here. At that time, his golden skeleton blocked the enemy's attack.

  And what is needed now is his attack power.

   Facing the situation before him, Rusty Bone turned the direction of the charge and moved it to some positions. At the same time, he shouted loudly: "Tomahawk Zombie, jump!"

  Tomahawk zombies are relatively early units in the mass graves, but Liu Zhi has always been disliked by the zombies and zombie units in the mass graves, thinking that their movement speed is relatively slow, so there is no chance to fight.

  Rustbone is not so picky. After the Tomahawk Zombie is brought out, it affects some of the forward speed, but at this time, this Tomahawk Zombie is best used.

  The fighting style of Tomahawk Zombies is very similar to that of barbarians or berserkers. They have the ability to jump, as well as the ability to jump strike and whirlwind.

  Under the order of Rustbone, the Tomahawk Zombie jumped towards the water elemental murloc.

  Those water elemental murlocs have faced various enemies directly. Such attacks from above have actually encountered many times underwater. They just lifted their hands up, and a water curtain was formed in their hands.

But at this time, it was on the ground. There was no underwater buoyancy. Instead, there was a power to drag the zombies down. The effect was naturally different. After a jump, about one-third of the water elemental murlocs were beaten. It became a liquid, and at the same time, these Tomahawk zombies rushed to the vicinity of enemy method heroes.

  (End of this chapter)

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