Necromantic Myth

Chapter 364: Kill the Murloc Mage hero

  Chapter 364 Killing Murloc Mage Heroes

  After the battle axe zombie jumped to the water elemental murloc, without any pause, he raised the battle axe in his hand and began to spin.

The axe in the hands of the tomahawk zombies is naturally produced by the blacksmith. These axes have been carefully processed. When the zombies were spinning, several nearby water elemental murlocs were all brought in by this tomahawk. Soon the line of defense formed by the water elemental murloc was broken.

  Rust bone rushed to the defense line formed by the water elemental murloc, but he saw such a big flaw at a glance, how could he miss such an opportunity.

  Rustbone roared at this time.

   "Golden Skulls, protect me."

Speaking of those golden skeletons, they raised the bucklers in their hands and rushed towards the space created by the Tomahawk Zombies. These golden skeletons had relatively strong defensive power. They raised the bucklers in their hands and could almost block them. Part of the attack.

  At this time, they formed a square formation, protected the rust bones and some of the skeleton soldiers inside, and rushed through the defense line formed by the water elemental murlocs together.

  Those Shuiyuan murlocs also found that the situation here was not right, but they were being affected by the Tomahawk Zombie's Whirlwind, and none of them came over, which made Rusty Bone successfully rush to the front of the legal hero.

  The hero also reacted at this time, he pointed at Rustbone, and a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and hit Rustbone's body.

  If it is normal, such a lightning rust bone will definitely dodge, because he himself has some metal on his body, and lightning will cause relatively large damage to him.

   This time Rusty Bone didn't evade anything. He held a shield and rushed forward against the lightning. He ignored the impact of the lightning on his life. Not only did he not stop, he improved a lot.

  The murloc wizard didn't expect Rustbone to be so desperate. He was taken aback by this situation.

  Then the Murloc Mage actually wanted to understand that, as an undead, in fact, as long as the person is not broken up, they don't care about their body.

  The murloc wizard cursed a fool in his heart, and then began to prepare for a new magic.

  This time he was going to release a huge stone ball to crush the rust bone into pieces.

  But the rust bones had already rushed in front of him, where could he let the murloc mage put another magic out, he rushed forward, and hit the murloc mage head-on.

Under this collision, the magic that the Murloc Mage was preparing was interrupted, and then Rusty Bone pushed the Murloc Mage to the ground, and the buckler in his hand hit the Murloc Mage face to face. .

   Under this smash, all the magic of the Murloc Mage could not be remembered, and there was only a piece of gold star in front of him.

According to the normal situation, Rusty Bone still had to take another blow, but Rusty Bone understands that the opportunity in front of you is not common. If this murloc mage cannot be killed this time, once he reacts, the next battle will be fine. It's not that easy.

  So Rustbone suppressed some of his thoughts, and the backhand was a sword against the neck of the Murloc Mage.

When the sword went down, Rusty Bone felt something stuck on the murloc mage’s neck, which happened to block the sword, but he didn’t hesitate to loosen the shield in his left hand and press his hands directly. Go down.

   Stabbed the long sword into the opponent's body along the murloc wizard's neck.

  This time the Murloc Mage can be regarded as nothing but can do nothing, this sword went down, and finally broke through the Murloc Mage's defense and beheaded the hero.

After killing the Murloc Mage, Rusty Bone finally breathed a sigh of relief. There were too many tricks in his battle this time. If it wasn't for the opponent's hero's carelessness, he would never have a chance to kill the opponent's hero. .

  And this one in front of him is still a mage. He is naturally restrained from rusty bones. As time goes on, he and the defenders here will not be opponents of this unit at all.

  But the situation is different now. The opponent has lost the hero, and now this is the home of Rusty bones.

   Pulled out the long sword from the Murloc Mage hero, Rusty Bone stood up straight, he raised the long sword in his hand, and laughed loudly: "Alright, let me listen to it, kill me."

This time, the undead troops brought by Rusty Bone no longer had the hesitation they had before. Although there was still a chaos, their speed was significantly faster when they impacted. At the same time, the skeleton soldiers guarding Toga's corpse were also caught. This opportunity was forcibly killed under the leadership of several small bosses.

The characteristics of the undead units are in full play at this time. Murlocs will be injured if they are slashed, and there is nothing wrong with the undead being slashed. If the murlocs die, they will lose morale. Even if only one remains, the undead can still fight. .

  In this way, the murlocs were immediately surrounded by the undead on both sides, and even the skeleton laborers crawled out of Toga's corpse, holding ordinary weapons behind to scare the murlocs.

  Those murloc troops also chose to work hard at this time. Except for the mage and water elemental defense forces, the troop chosen by the murloc hero was all normal units in the murloc troop.

Although they have their own characteristics, they don’t have much highlights, and there are no weird professions such as Murloc Knights and Murloc Sword Saints. It can be seen that these five troops are entirely for the heroes of Murloc Wizards. A face.

Naturally, troops like    will not work hard for their heroes like murloc mages, nor will they get any different blessings.

   Surrounded by the Rusty Bone Troops, although they formed one battle after another, they failed to expand their advantages and were even forcibly surrounded by the Rusty Undead Troops.

  When Rusty Bone's troops merged with the troops who had been guarding Toga's corpse, their combat power was further improved.

Under the command of Rusty Bone, all the skeleton soldiers and other defensive units or melee units stood in the innermost circle, constantly squeezing the living space of the murlocs, while the archer-type troops were on the periphery, facing the murlocs. Take a shot.

  Because the murloc stations are relatively dense, the archer troops do not need to aim too much, and they can easily kill batch after batch of murlocs.

  It’s not that the murlocs didn’t think about counter-charge or something, but they did not organize each other, and they were wasted several times for several sessions.

  Instead, because they both wanted to kill, they lost a lot of murlocs.

  In this case, one of the murlocs suddenly raised a coral harpoon in his hand and screamed loudly: "Everyone listens to me."

  (End of this chapter)

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