Necromantic Myth

Chapter 365: New Hero (210 monthly pass)

  Chapter 365 New Hero (210 monthly pass)

  The number of murlocs present at this time is no longer there, but the organization of the murloc troops has not been broken up. Hearing the screams of the murlocs, all the murlocs looked over there.

  Rustbone yelled badly when he saw such a situation. What he was most afraid of now was sudden accidents.

   Judging from the situation of this murloc, he should be a small boss. This is considered an explosion on the spot, and it may be promoted to a hero.

This kind of situation is rare in the game, but it is not uncommon. If this murloc becomes a hero, then it will be really difficult to handle in the future. There is a difference between a unit with a hero command and no hero command. Kind of.

  Rustbone rushed towards that direction as soon as he saw such a situation, and at the same time called out loudly to deal with the murloc who jumped out.

   Rust bone will be relatively far away, and he has no chance to run to the position of the murloc.

  But Rustbone didn't expect it, but a small boss who had guarded Toga's body before seized this opportunity.

  The little boss is a zombie. He uses strengthened hands. Those hands can form fists or claws. He has some skills in combat, but his greatest ability is relatively high defense.

  So during the battle, the little boss has been fighting at the forefront, and he just hit the murloc.

  The little murloc boss called, and the little boss reacted. The zombie was not fast, but he ignored the murloc's attack on him at all, and rushed towards the little murloc boss on the spot.

When the little murloc boss saw this situation, he couldn't help but get confused. The reason why he called out before was on the one hand because he felt that he was about to break through and become a hero, and he was excited.

  On the other hand, it’s also because the situation is wrong. If you don’t give the fish people some confidence, even if he becomes a hero, it’s useless.

  But this way, the little murloc boss was exposed instead, watching the undead pouring toward him, the little murloc boss tightened him.

   Transforming into a hero is not an instant thing. Although the greater the pressure, the higher the conversion rate, but it also takes time. This one just has the possibility of transforming into a hero, and he is not a hero now.

  The little murloc boss holding a coral made into a harpoon quickly retracted the harpoon and retreated into the murloc team.

He himself comes from the team of Murloc Spearmen, and his abilities are the same as those of Murloc Spearmen. There is a certain improvement in the assault and stab, but when he stepped back, he is not a shrimp. How could he be able to do this? thing.

As soon as he retreated, the entire murloc battlefield was in chaos. Some of the murloc swordsmen who were stuck behind the murloc spearmen were in chaos. Originally, they blocked the attack from the side of Rustbone. As a result, the situation has changed again.

  At this moment, a long arrow flew from a distance. It was issued by an archer who looked like a normal skeleton archer.

  In fact, even Rusty Bone did not realize that there was such a person in his team. This skeleton archer used to attack directly like other archers, and had no characteristics.

  But this time, after the little murloc boss appeared, the skeleton archer did not attack again. He put down the wooden bow on his hand, and carefully arranged his wooden bow.

  If Yanagi would find here, his wooden bow is still the one that Yanagi got when he defeated some invaders in the Golden City.

The wooden bow did not shoot far, and the power was not great. Later, as the number of bows and arrows in Liu Zhi's hand increased, this wooden bow was slowly eliminated. Unexpectedly, the skeleton archer would actually use this wooden bow. The bow is left, and it seems that the wooden bow has been carefully maintained and adjusted.

After rearranging the wooden bow, the skeleton archer drew another long arrow from his waist.

  The long arrow is a good thing at a glance, and it is better than other arrows in terms of balance and other aspects.

After the skeleton archer picked up the bow and arrow again, he did not immediately draw the bow and shoot, but stared at the enemy closely. The murloc did not make a move when he was jumping and shouting, and the murloc was in command. He did not show up during the army.

  Until the little murloc boss stepped back, the skeleton archer opened his bow and set an arrow at the little murloc boss.

  The arrow was like lightning, it flew to the head of the little murloc in an instant, and plunged heavily into the head of the murloc.

  The little murloc boss obviously did not expect to encounter such an attack. He retreated to the fish crowd, in fact, he wanted to find another place to organize people to prepare for the challenge.

  Unexpectedly, the arrow pierced in the back of his head, and pierced out of his mouth.

  The little murloc boss looked at the long arrow sticking out of his mouth with an unwilling look in his eyes.

  In the end, he fell forward and slammed heavily on the ground.

  The skeleton archer who killed the little murloc boss also put away his wooden longbow, slowly stood up straight, and a strange aura appeared on his body.

He was commanding the troop to kill the murloc's rusty bones, and the speed of the sword in his hand stopped. He noticed that the bones of the skeleton archer had begun to change. The bones that looked a little gray at this time Has slowly turned white.

  At the same time, a faint blue flame appeared in the eyes of the skeleton archer. It can be seen that the essence of the skeleton archer changed in the moment the flame appeared.

   "Hero?" Rusty bone said slowly.

  Rustbone, who has not been a hero for a long time, does not judge the hero as accurately as Ryuzhi.

  But at this time, the situation of the skeleton archer made Rusty bones understand that these people have been besieging here for so long, and everything has been taken advantage of by the skeleton archer in front of him.

Before these undead, no matter whether they were rust bones or those little bosses who wanted to become heroes, they did not get any substantial benefits. Only this skeleton archer made it to the sky in one step, and suddenly became a dispensable one. The skeleton soldier became a hero, and also a long-range hero.

Seeing everyone's gazes, the skeleton archer who has become a hero was quite calm. He raised the wooden bow in his hand. This time he didn't see him hitting the bow, but just pulled it gently. A long arrow composed of light appeared on his bow.

   Then he faced the sky with a move, and when the right hand of the bow was loosened, the light arrow flew into the air, exploded in the sky, and turned into a little rain of light falling from the sky, piercing the murlocs.

  The next moment, the remaining murlocs on the scene are all destroyed.

  (End of this chapter)

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