Necromantic Myth

Chapter 368: Ready to attack

  Chapter 368 Ready to Attack

  The catapult is the biggest threat during siege.

  At this point, Mander had already made a judgment when he saw the enemy.

  But the Murloc hero also understands the role of the catapult. He did not make the catapult too far forward, but fixed the catapult in a place where Mand could not attack from a distance.

  The ordinary troops under the Murloc Heroes are also outside the attack range of the long-range troops. Every time they just jump in a certain distance, they retreat. It seems that they are waiting for the stone machine to destroy the city wall before launching a new charge.

  This method can be regarded as the safest way to siege the city, but the number of catapults they bring is somewhat small, only such one, and the power is relatively large, the attack speed will naturally be relatively slow.

  This catapult generally takes five to ten minutes to launch once.

It’s not because this thing is slow to respond, but because the stone bullets used in this thing are not simple. They need various counterweights. It takes five minutes to reload one shot. If you need to adjust the direction and angle, it doesn’t take ten minutes. It's simply not possible.

   And if you only hit one point, judging from the walls of the Liuzhi Palace, that wall can support at least seven to eight bombardments from the catapult.

  The next hour will pass.

  If the murlocs do nothing during this hour, just waiting for the catapult to throw stones, do you guess Mander will do something.

  In order to prevent Mander from having time to react, the murloc hero naturally wanted to destroy Mander’s counterattacks, allowing his men to constantly test Mander’s way of defending the city.

  This is the way to blow arrows to strengthen the wind attack.

  Under the attack of Blow Arrow, many troops on the wall were recruited.

  Those blowing arrows pierced the undead on the wall, and the wall was in chaos for a while.

  Seeing this situation, Mander couldn't help but roared: "Stand up for me, what do you look like now? As undead, what are you afraid of?"

Speaking of Mander dragging an undead with his hand, he pulled out a blowing arrow from him, "Using poison, the murloc’s brain will not be water at all. They will think of using poison against the undead, but they think something No, this kind of holy water is of no use to our undead. We are undead who can live under the sun. Okay, all stand for me, and the dead bone bait comes to the forefront."

  Under Mander’s order, the chaos on the city wall finally calmed down. It can be seen that Mander is still in place to control the city wall.

  However, Mander's face was quite solemn at this time. At this time, there was only one thought in his mind, and that was to show it well and fight a beautiful battle.

He is a city defender, unlike Nesha and Rusty Bone who can leave the city. Originally, he thought he would be responsible for the defense of the entire Hades, but as Hades turned into sea areas and icebergs at the same time, he The territory has been reduced by half.

  If something like this happens again, let him defend the city.

  So he must perform correspondingly, let Liu Zhi see his strength, let Liu Zhi agree to give him the defense of the sea area of ​​the palace and the iceberg.

   Judging from the current situation, it would be better for Nasha to lead the team out of the city. He is guarding the situation in the sea area of ​​the Hades, is it a bad fight?

  A hero fought a group of skirmishers at his home court. In the end, Mander felt ashamed for Nesha.

  If the current commander is him, he can completely use the reefs in the sea area of ​​the Hades to form a line of defense, and face each other wave after wave, instead of fighting in a melee like now.

  While thinking this way, Mander was in charge of the overall situation of the battlefield in front of him. At this time, he had seen the catapult adjusting its direction. About a minute later, the catapult would start again.

  "This is the third time. It seems that they have found a suitable position and are ready to meet the attack. The workers will immediately repair the city wall after the catapult attack."

  Mander, who could see the situation at a glance, quickly ordered.

  At this moment, Amanite stepped onto the city wall.

"Do you need my help?"

  As soon as he went up the city wall, Amanite spoke directly.

Mander frowned and looked at Armanet with some dissatisfaction. Although Armanet is not a hero, but a more advanced existence than a hero, it does not mean that Armanet can influence his defense at will. It’s important to know that even Liu Zhi hadn’t taken care of his handling of the city defense.

  Looking at Mander’s expression, Amanette knew his thoughts. For this kind of person who had determined his authority, Amanette knew quite well.

   "When Sandro went out, he left behind the corpse dogs that he had just trained. I think you need these troops."

  Mander came to the reaction. The help Amanite said was that he could mobilize troops to himself if necessary.

After thinking about it, Mander looked up at the catapult again. Although he didn't want to say it, he was really annoyed by the catapult in his heart. If he could destroy the catapult, he would really be willing to go. do.

"what do you want?"

"You want to destroy the catapult, right? The corpse dog certainly cannot destroy that thing. There are no troops under your hand that can be sent out. On the contrary, there are some troops on my side. You have to open the door for me. Protect me back."

  "Are you going to play?" Mander also understood Amanite's plan at this time.

"Yes, I've been in the city all the time, I'm almost too idle. I must be involved in this kind of battle." As Amanite said, he pointed to the city, Mander noticed, Ama. Knight has prepared everything for the troops.

  Among these units are the cannibal wolves under the corpse dog trained by Yuji, and some murloc mummies or other weird units trained in the bone-buried desert.

   may be for assault. The units selected by Amanite are obviously speed-type. The attack power may be relatively strong, but the defense power may be.

  If these troops are surrounded by people, they may not be able to get back. No wonder Amanite will run to the city wall to find Mander.

Mander thought about it seriously, and finally nodded slightly, "You can leave after their catapult launches again. At that time, they will send some murlocs to harass and prepare for the catapult loading. That's exactly yours. Opportunity for impact."

  Speaking of this, Mander paused, "If you can't beat you, you will return. As long as you lead them near the wall, I can guarantee your safety."

  Amarnet smiled, “You don’t need to protect security, as long as you open and close the door in time.”

After talking about Armanet, he didn’t take the usual path and jumped directly from the wall. As soon as she fell, Ryuji’s sun carriage appeared at her feet, and Armanet, who was driving the sun carriage, lifted it up. Spear, roared loudly.

  "Ready to attack, we warriors!"

  (End of this chapter)

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