Necromantic Myth

Chapter 369: Charge (230 plus more)

  Chapter 369 Charge (230 plus more)

  Amanette drove to the gate of the city in a chariot, and the troops she had selected at the beginning had gathered behind her.

  Especially those corpse dogs and cannibal wolves, all being dragged by the dog handlers, you can see from their movements, they are already eager to try and want to attack.

  Behind these corpse dogs and werewolf wolves, followed by various mummies and worm-type undead.

  Looking at these undead, Amanite controlled the sun carriage to walk in front of them, holding up the spear in his hand, like a queen walking in front of her own people.

  Every time she walked a certain distance, Amanite would raise the spear in his hand, and the undead in front of her would also raise their weapons. Except for no sound, the scene became more and more atmospheric.

   Just then, there was a bang from the city wall.

  It can be seen that this is where the murloc’s catapult hit the wall of the Palace of Underworld again.

  After the boulder fell, Mander commanded the skeleton laborers to repair the city wall, and at the same time opened the only gate of the palace of Hades.

  The murloc didn’t seem to have thought that Hades would open the city gate at this time. They were still like before, but stood a little bit forward, trying to attract the attention of the city wall.

  Unexpectedly, the gate of Hades was opened at this time.

  The murloc hero on the crab's eyes lit up when he saw such a situation. He banged the two drums in front of him heavily, and at the same time a group of murlocs holding shields appeared behind him.

   "The enemy opened the gate, rushed in, and held the gate to me."

  As soon as the murlocs heard this, they swiftly moved towards the city gate, but they only rushed out a few steps and saw a large number of corpse dogs and cannibal wolves rushing out of the city gate.

  Riuji has trained many such corpse dogs and cannibal wolves these days, and the number here has even reached 240.

After these guys were released, as if no one was in charge, they rushed directly at the murlocs in front of them, regardless of whether the murlocs were equipped or not, whether they were capable of fighting or not. As soon as they rushed to the murlocs, they opened their mouths and bit them. Go down.

Both corpse dogs and cannibal wolves have a relatively strong bite force. The most important thing is that their movement speed and pounce speed are quite fast. The fastest time is obviously beyond the galloping horse. At the same time, these guys also understand their own situation. , They don't have weapons, they only have a chance to hit, so they will not bite anything unimportant when attacking, and they will bite toward the opponent's throat with their mouth open.

The same is true for the murloc this time. Although the murloc’s head is big and the body is small, they also have necks. The corpse dogs and wolves have a very fast impact speed. They rushed in front of the murlocs and opened their mouths They bite off.

   Under this bite, more than a hundred murlocs were bitten to death in an instant, and the murlocs who ran out to attract firepower were chaotic.

  At this time, the Murloc Hero also understood the other side’s thoughts, and he immediately ordered: "Return, everyone will return to me, protect the catapult, and don’t let the catapult be affected."

But the reaction of the Murloc Hero was still a little slower. Armanet, who rushed out of the city gate, did not care about the free-running corpse dogs and cannibal wolves. Her only goal was to hit the catapult. If possible, It is best to rush into the enemy line and kill the enemy heroes together.

  It’s just that this idea is obviously not easy to achieve. Murloc heroes are not like catapults, because they have to be placed in the front of the Murloc battlefield to calculate the ballistic distance.

  The professional characteristics of the murloc hero itself have been hidden in the deepest part of the murloc battlefield. It is feasible for Amanite to attack the catapult, but it is not feasible to kill the murloc hero.

  So from the beginning, Amanite didn't have the idea of ​​killing the Murloc hero. Her goal was actually to destroy the catapult, so that the Murloc had to attack the walls of Hades.

  When Amanite was driving the sun carriage, the murloc also retreated under the command of the murloc hero.

  At the same time, the murlocs on the catapult dragged the catapult back. They are veterans and know what to do at this time.

  At this time, there is no need to worry about the target or the like. Dragging the catapult to the end of the battlefield is their first choice.

  But they still underestimated the speed of the sun carriage, and Amanite rushed to the catapult alone ahead of time.

  The sun carriage directly smashed the murloc in front of him. Amanite's spear kept shooting out, and every time she stabbed, a murloc would be killed by her.

  The murloc that hit the plane caused chaos on the scene and prevented other murlocs from approaching.

  Seeing this situation, the Murloc Hero quickly ordered: "The archer shoots and kills that woman for me."

But Armanet rushed by alone, naturally prepared, she lifted her hand, and a huge shield was raised by her. The blowing arrow released by the murloc was nailed to the shield, and there was no way to hurt it at all. To Armanet.

  As for the 37 scarabs used to pull carts, they are not big, evasive and flexible, and blowing arrows has no effect on them at all.

Taking this opportunity, Amanite rushed to the stone car, and the spear in his hand was a little forward, and it just stabbed the tow rope of the catapult. With this blow, the tow rope of the catapult was hit by Amanite. Cut off, the catapult that had just returned to its place and hadn't put the stones on it came to an empty release.

  For the catapult, this can be regarded as a more traumatic thing. After all, the catapult cannot use bowstrings and the like. The catapult can throw stones out, relying on the counterweight and various mechanisms.

  Every time a stone sling is a test for the catapult, and the empty release is a damage to the catapult. Generally speaking, as long as the catapult is empty, the gate and counterweight inside will be affected.

  And this time the empty release of the catapult even smashed out some murlocs who were dragging the catapult to leave.

  The catapult stopped in place.

  All the murlocs were shocked. A large number of murlocs rushed towards Amanite with their weapons. They only had one idea in their hearts, to kill Amanite and prevent Amanite from destroying the catapult.

But they are too late. If they choose to encircle when Amanite rushes over, maybe there is still a rescue. In just such a little time, the undead who rushed out of Amanite have also been killed here. These undead are like tides. Generally, they flock to the murlocs, some fight directly with the murlocs, and some jump onto the catapult and start smashing the catapult.

  Standing in front of the catapult, Amanite looked at the Murloc Hero with a smile on his face.

   "Without the catapult, the situation is already under my control."

  (End of this chapter)

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