Necromantic Myth

Chapter 370: No way to escape (240 plus more)

  Chapter 370 There is no way to escape (240 plus more)

  Lost the catapult, the murloc’s frontal attack has obviously lost its direction. Without the catapult or rushing, the probability of wanting to break through the walls of the palace is not very high.

  After all, the wall of the Hades is more than ten meters high. These murlocs are not large creatures like the Titans, nor flying creatures like the flying eagles and griffins. They can't even break the walls, let alone attack the city.

  The murloc hero also understands this.

  He glanced at his men, then at the skirmish murloc, he even took out something like a horn and blew it into the sky.

  Hearing this, whether it was Armanet who was still in the melee, or Mander on the wall, they became nervous. They were not sure what the murloc hero wanted to do.

  But at this moment, the murlocs suddenly moved, and some of the skirmish murlocs rushed forward.

  What's the matter, did the murlocs launch a general attack?

  Amanite thought while commanding the troops to face the enemy.

  But Amanite soon discovered that the situation was not right. Except for that part of the skirmish attack, the other murloc troops retreated to protect the murloc hero preparing to enter the sea.

  Amanet understood it as soon as she saw it, she commanded loudly: "They want to run away and catch up."

But it’s useless for Amanite to call again. The troops she brought out are used to destroy catapults. Not only are they small in number, but they are also not the strongest. They can rush to the enemy in a short time, and they can fight The enemies are fighting each other, but if you want to break through the Murloc's line of defense and pursue it, it is still somewhat difficult.

   Seeing that the murloc hero was about to flee to the sea, a voice came from a distance.

   "Reverse Storm!"

  As this sound rang, everyone saw that a sandstorm composed of yellow sand formed on the sea and pressed towards the Murloc. In the sandstorm, there were a lot of weird ghosts.

  The murloc hero did not expect that someone would suddenly appear from the sea. He raised the hammer of both hands and threw it heavily on the drum.

   Under the bang, a bolt of lightning went in the direction of the sound.

  This lightning broke up the sandstorm and made people see a solar boat appearing on the sea, while Ryu Zhizheng was standing on the bow of the solar boat with the corpse soul Naga.

  The lightning that dissipated the sandstorm did not weaken, but turned into an electric current to rush towards Liu Zhi.

   Liu Zhi raised his brows, and the death rod pointed forward, and a bolt of lightning sprang from the death rod and struck towards the lightning in the sky.

  Two lightning bolts collided in the sky. After a bang, the two lightning bolts disappeared completely, as if they had never appeared before.

Seeing the scene in front of him, the murloc hero's face turned pale in an instant. Instead, Liu Zhi smiled at the murloc hero from a distance, made a hand gesture that you were dead, and put the corpse soul naga in at the same time. Sea.

  The situation in front of him aroused the idea of ​​the Murloc hero to resist. He lifted his hands, and the Murloc shaman behind him quickly surrounded him.

At this time, a strong wind blew in the direction of the Murloc Hero, and the strong wind actually pushed the sea up backwards. It can be seen that the Murloc Hero wanted the strong wind to push the sun boat of Yanagi away for the Murloc. Blow out a way.

  This situation made Liu Zhi quite surprised. Where did they come from their self-confidence, as long as they blow themselves away, they can escape.

At this moment, Liu Zhi saw that someone in the fish crowd seemed to be sending out a signal. Looking back, Liu Zhi understood that although one of the three giant turtles had been killed before, there were still two floating in the sea. It.

  These murlocs were fighting with this idea. They wanted to escape to the turtles. No matter how much Liu Zhi chased them, there would be no way faster than them.

  But they have to be able to escape.

  Yagiji felt the oncoming strong wind with a look of disdain on his face.

   "Do you think you can blow the wind? I will too, strong wind!"

  Under the control of Liu Zhi, a strong wind blew from Liu Zhi, pushing back against the strong wind blown by the murloc hero.

  In the next moment, the whole situation became quite weird. Two equally powerful winds on the sea were blowing against each other, and no one could push anyone. There was a calm feeling in the air.

  This situation made Liu Zhi stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing.

This is a good thing for him, he can't blow the opponent's wind, it's okay, anyway, he doesn't rely on this to fight, just when the strong wind blows each other, the corpse soul Naga under Ryuzhi has been facing the murloc from underwater. Rush over there.

  The lead is naturally the four-armed corpse Naga with a two-handed axe. At this time, she is already close to the murloc hero.

The murloc hero has no way to leave at this time. He used strong winds before, and is now fighting with Liu Zhi. If he gives up now, the strong winds he released will be swept back by the strong winds of Liu Zhi, and eventually even cause Terrible backlash.

  Thinking of this, even if the Murloc Hero wanted to escape, he couldn't escape. Instead, some Murloc troops, without the command of the Murloc Hero, jumped into the sea according to the original route.

The murlocs who jumped into the sea naturally couldn't care about the situation outside. Before they could swim a certain distance, they were stared at by the soul Naga in the water. The one who rushed to the front was the point of the soul Naga. Sea people, their abilities are the best underwater, as soon as the murlocs enter the water, they are eyeing them.

  The sea dividers just rushed forward, and the shield in their hands smashed the murloc back. At the same time, the trident in their hands was picked forward, and the murloc who was smashed out would be stabbed to death.

  And the four-armed corpse soul Naga was even more crazy, she rushed a few steps forward, and rushed to the shore.

   Seeing the murloc who wanted to go into the water, the Soul Naga just shrank her waist, lowered her body and twisted, and the whole person was spinning like a tornado.

Under the rotation of the corpse soul naga, all the nearby murlocs were swept in, no matter what the origin and level of the murloc, as long as the murloc was swept in and then thrown out, only the fragments of the corpse were left. .

  This situation made the murloc hero's heart tense, his mental power was not connected for an instant, and there was a slight problem with the control of the strong wind.

  This flaw was immediately caught by Liu Zhi. He held the death rod and pushed his hands forward.

  The strong wind whizzed against the strong wind blown by the Murloc Hero, and instantly rolled up a huge wave and pressed it toward the coast.

At this time, all the murlocs and corpse soul naga in the sea received the same treatment. No matter who they were, they were all swept up by the huge waves and slammed into the shore heavily, where they were where the murloc heroes were .

  (End of this chapter)

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