Necromantic Myth

Chapter 371: Back to the city

  Chapter 371 Return to the city

  Although the last road was rushed by the sea, the corpse soul naga took advantage of their own body strength, and the undead had no pain and other advantages, and successfully climbed up before the murloc.

  These corpse soul naga raised the weapons in their hands and began to kill the murlocs who had not yet risen from the ground, and the murloc hero who was also washed by the sea was naturally their primary target of attack.

  At this moment, Armanet also reacted. He pointed at the Murloc Hero, hoping that his subordinates could kill him.

  But the last line of defense arranged by the Murloc Heroes is still acceptable. Only a small part of the undead broke through the line of defense, and most of the rest were dragged and failed to pass.

  On the contrary, at this time, the cannibal wolf and the corpse dog rushed out quickly.

The previous cannibal wolves and corpse dogs went because they attacked the murlocs, and did not participate in the battle against the catapults. This time Amanat sent a signal for a general attack. The corpse dogs and cannibal wolves will naturally not To deal with ordinary murlocs, they are also ambitious.

  The corpse dog, they rushed forward quickly, taking advantage of the chance that the murloc did not react, rushing towards the murloc who wanted to escape.

  After these corpse dogs and cannibal wolves jumped over the murlocs blocking the road, they rushed towards the murloc heroes and murloc shamans. In the eyes of these canines, those guys have the value of attack.

This is the fighting instinct of corpse canines and cannibal wolves. They grew up in Ryuji’s Hades. Some of them were activated by the life essence spring water. Although they are adults physically, they are still puppies in spirit. .

  They have some instincts and know what is best for them.

In the current battle situation, these corpse dogs discovered the existence of murloc heroes for the first time without anyone's command. They all have a feeling in their hearts. Kill him, eat him, and they will get super strong. growing up.

  So under the order of Amanite, these guys will rush like the wind.

   Soon these corpse dogs and cannibal wolves rushed to the beach and rushed to the murloc hero.

The murloc hero has not yet woken up from the previous wave attack, but the huge crab has reacted, and is walking towards the sea, seeming to want to drag the murloc hero. Into the sea.

  After the corpse dogs and cannibal wolves rushed here, they didn't give the Murloc hero a chance to escape, and they rushed into the crab's body.

The crab also waved its front claws to kick these corpse dogs out, but there are too many corpse dogs. What is the use of flying one or two? After a while, the crabs will be full of food. The corpse dog and the cannibal wolves are gone.

   And the murloc hero did not even wake up, he was bitten to death by the corpse dog, and became the most tragic murloc hero to die this time.

At this time, Liu Zhi who was on the sun boat also took a look at the seaside situation, and finally shook his head, commanding the sun boat to go around from the sea to the sea area of ​​Hades. As for the remaining murlocs here, Liu Zhi had already seen it. Amanite, he didn't need to stay here any longer.

  After returning to the sea area of ​​the Hades, Liu Zhi noticed that the entire sea area had calmed down at this time. It can be seen that the previous war did not have much impact on this place, or in other words, it did not affect it in a hurry.

  Nasha is commanding the murlocs in the Dead Lake to dispose of the corpses of some murlocs.

   Seeing the return of the sun boat, Nasha took the initiative to find Liu Zhi and explained the situation here.

  After hearing about the enemy's strength in the sea area of ​​the Hades, Liu Zhi couldn't help looking at the head of the murloc who was thrown at the bow of the ship.

  It can be seen that he really counted everything, Nasha, the sea area of ​​Hades, and Liu Zhi’s defense focus here.

  If Ryuzhi commanded this battle, he would definitely regard the Hades Palace as the main battlefield. After all, the murlocs were fighting in the water, and there was no wall here. As long as the battle passed, you could enter the city.

But he never expected that Chisu would give up this important point, and really only sent such ordinary murlocs, and it was these ordinary murlocs that dragged Nasha and all he had in his hands. Murloc troops.

   "Tian Ji horse racing." Liu Zhi sighed, "A murloc also has such a brain. It seems that I really can't keep going through it in the future."

   But I sighed, but at this time, Liu Zhi was more concerned about the situation in the palace. As the first hero to end the battle, he himself was in the palace, so Liu Zhi couldn't help but ask a few more questions.

   "No accident happened in the Hades, but it seems that Lord Amanit was guarding on the glacier at first, and it seems that there are murlocs over there, but now it seems that they are not there anymore."


Liu Zhi frowned and stepped onto the glacier in one step. After entering the sea area of ​​the Hades, he actually has the ability to teleport anywhere in the Hades, but before he wanted to see Nasha, he did not teleport at will. .

Standing on the top of the glacier, Liu Zhi noticed that on the side of the glacier's head, there were indeed some frozen murlocs left in place, but the number of these murlocs was not large, only about a dozen, except for these murlocs. Besides, there are no other murlocs.

  It can be seen that the murloc commander here determined that there was no way to climb the glacier and entered the Hades Palace to sneak an attack, then retreated along the same path.

  It can be seen from this point that there should be a hero in this murloc army.

   "It's a pity, if their hero is a foolish guy, just climb an iceberg, you can trap all of your murlocs here."

  Liu Zhi sighed, and then retreated to the palace. At this time, the battle on the side of the city wall had ended, and the situation in the palace became quiet.

  At this moment, Ryuji noticed that Mander seemed to be looking at himself on the wall.

  For this situation, Liu Zhi was a little surprised, because Mander usually stayed on the wall, and he always stared at the situation outside the wall, and paid little attention to the inside of the palace.

  Yagiji thought for a while, and appeared in front of Mander.

"What happened?"

   "Today's battle, there were enemies invading the glacier and the sea."

   "Well, I know, they arranged the means to hold Neuss in the sea, and no one on the glacier can climb up yet."

"That is only temporary. Now the sea area and the glacier side have been out of my control, and the defensive net of the palace is broken. What if one day, I defend the city in front and be attacked in the back? So Master Sandru, please leave the defenses on the sea and glaciers to me."

  (End of this chapter)

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