Necromantic Myth

Chapter 372: Mander's request

  Chapter 372 Mander's Request

  Mander's request made Ryuzhi's face condensed, he stared at Mander's face for a long time, and finally nodded slowly.

  If Mander didn’t say it, Liu Zhi might not have noticed it yet, but when he said that, Liu Zhi knew that his Hades’ defense system was about to collapse.

  If this continues, his Hades will be full of loopholes.

"I understand. In the future, Nessa will only deal with murlocs. You will also handle the line of defense between the sea area of ​​the Hades and the glacier. Whether you want to add a defensive net, add a lighthouse or an arrow tower. Okay, I will approve it here."

Hearing what Liu Zhi said, Mander was also happy. At this time, he was thinking that after this battle was over, if he dealt with the entire defense of the Hades, he had also seen the chaos in the waters of Hades. In fact, In Mander's opinion, this is not necessary at all.

  The sea area of ​​the Hades is actually not too big. The whole is like a bay. If they want, they can completely seal the sea area with a defensive net like a lighthouse instead of using murlocs to fight in the water.

  At the same time, the glacier is not a universal line of defense. Flying troops can climb up like ice-based troops, so it’s better to have troops on the glacier to defend.

  These are things that Liu Zhi has not considered.

Mander talked about the situation a little bit. The Liu Zhi he was talking about was also a sweat. He hadn't thought about many things. He thought that he had himself in the Hades, and had a divine character that enveloped Hades. This Everything will be fine on the side.

  Unexpectedly, there are still so many problems here.

   But Liu Zhi finally asked, "But can you keep it by yourself?"

"My lord, don’t worry. One hero can bring two sub-heroes. I have already calculated it. As long as you are willing to hand over the defense of the entire Hades to me, then I can arrange two sub-heroes. One is placed in the iceberg, and the other is placed in the sea area of ​​the palace."

   "Isn't that the same division of troops?" Liu Zhi was a little puzzled, why Mander would make such a choice.

  But at this time Mander said: "Because of professionalism and obedience, the Murloc King named Nasha is a bit strong, but he is not a professional defender. Letting him defend is a waste of his talent."

In the end, Liu Zhi nodded and agreed to Mander’s request, but he only agreed to Mander’s defense of the Hades. As for the troops Mander needed, as well as co-heroes, that could only be said to be true. Do your best.

  Mander didn’t care about this. He had thought that this would happen a long time ago. As an undead, he has time. As long as Liu Zhi doesn’t oppose his ideas, he can slowly replenish his strength and heroes.

  After talking with Mander, Liu Zhi returned to the sea area of ​​Hades.

At this time, Nasha was taking the Dead Lake murlocs to deal with the corpses in the sea. It can be seen that the earliest batch of Dead Lake murlocs have already died in battle, and most of the Dead Lake murlocs here now live through life. It is stimulated by the essence of spring water.

Their aptitudes are relatively better, but they are just the kind of forcibly trained for a few days before going to the battlefield. If you calculate by the time of the murlocs, they are still under adult. This time the battle has overdrawn their growth. Said that this wave of murlocs has been abandoned.

   Seeing Liu Zhi coming, Nasha quickly said to Liu Zhi: "My lord, I want to apply for some more life essence spring water. The Dead Lake murlocs still need to refine two more rounds."

  Ryuzhi understands what Nasha means by two rounds of refining, that is, giving up two generations of murlocs and setting the target on the offspring of the dead lake murlocs.

In response to this request, Liu Zhi finally nodded, "Yes, but I didn’t come to you for this thing. This time the defensive warfare disappointed me more on your side. You are a hero and have enough troops. There are still so many units that have been organized, and as a result, they have fought a group of murloc soldiers there for so long, and they have rushed into the sea area of ​​the palace.

It can be seen from this point that you don’t know how much defense is, so I plan to hand over the defense of the Hades to Mander. You are responsible for the management of the murlocs, and there will be guards for the routes in the future. jobs.

   By the way, you let your murloc learn some knowledge about sailors. I can't just use skeleton sailors in the future. "

Nasha immediately understood what Liu Zhi was thinking. He was also watching the blackwater goblins taking the sun boat before, and even the dock was under his nose. He knew that the goblins wanted to be able to communicate. The big businessmen of reality and the underworld, there will only be more things like this in the future.

The number of skeletons under Liu Zhi was originally small. It is impossible for him to devote all his energy to the skeleton sailors. There is no way to transform the sailors in the Burial Desert, so the source of the remaining sailors will naturally fall in the underworld. Murloc body.

  In this way, Nasha would know his future position, and he would definitely play in the future.

After thinking about it, Nessa immediately changed some of his thoughts, "My lord, I have no problem. I will take care of the murloc sailor's affairs. In addition, I will let other murloc wise men come here on the Demon Reef of the Abyss. Management, I don’t participate in it myself."

Liu Zhi laughed as soon as he heard it. He also saw that Nasha was actually very spiritual, but he became a hero on the Abyss Demon Reef at the beginning, so his thoughts were completely restricted by this place. .

  He had never encountered any trouble before, so he didn't think about how he would go in the future.

  It was different this time. Liu Zhi pointed out his problem, and he naturally understood what he needed to change.

  When he didn't know what to do, Nessa simply gave up the opportunity to go to the Abyss Demon Reef.

  Anyway, he is still the only murloc hero, the king of the dead lake murloc.

  Even if he did not control the Demon Reef of the Abyss, he had the strongest control over the Murloc.

Seeing that Nasha wanted to understand, Ryuzhi was relieved. He was always worried that Nasha was unwilling, and finally stayed on the Demon Reef of the Abyss, so that Nasha might slowly become a city defender in the future. , And even only become Mander’s deputy hero, helping to guard the sea area of ​​the Hades.

  This is not the result that Ryu Jiichi wanted.

  Now that Nasha agrees, it means that Nasha has already taken that step by himself. No matter what happens in the future, it will always be better than it is now.

  At this time, the battle outside was almost over, and Amanite returned to the palace in advance.

  The remaining undead did not come back so quickly, after all, the battlefield outside had to be cleaned up.

  After seeing Amanite, Liu Zhi smiled and asked, "How is it, what was the situation like when I was away?"

  (End of this chapter)

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