Necromantic Myth

Chapter 373: Not more than dead (250 plus more)

  Chapter 373 Can't compare to the dead (250 plus more)

"I saw the murlocs on the glacier. Those murlocs were quite smart. After trying three times and found that there was no way to climb the glacier, I gave up the idea of ​​going up the mountain and retreated directly from the original route. I want to chase, but they find that they are still carrying out various defenses when they retreat. It can't be beaten by going out and chasing."

  For the question of Ryuzhi, Amanette only said this.

  Liu Zhi thought for a moment, and he became more affirmed that he had agreed to the necessity of Mander's request.

  If Mander was defending the city at that time, Amanite could attack the murlocs, and would not let the murlocs leave without leaving a few corpses.

   "By the way, have Rusty bones come back? How is the fighting situation over there?"

   Regarding this question, Armanet really had no way to answer. The rest of her time was spent on recruiting troops and fighting, and she really didn't have time to take a look at the situation on Rusty Bone.

  Fortunately, at this time, Rustbone also sent someone to send news that they defeated the enemy murloc and guarded Toga's corpse.

  Looking at this information, and then taking another look at the space wall that was slowly recovering, Liu Zhi thought for a while, and finally sent someone to Rustbone and them to bring a message.

   "Keep Toga's body and wait for Toga's sleeping space to recover before returning to the city."

  After the news spread, Liu Zhi did not pay much attention to the rusty bones. At this time, he still had a lot of things to deal with.

  Naturally, the most important thing is to deal with the head of Chibe. Liu Zhi feels that this should be the think tank of the mechanical shark crazy scales, and he should know something.

  Although I can guess why the mechanical shark has always wanted to attack Toga’s Sleep, there are many details that need to be reconfirmed.

  Holding the head of Chibe, Liu Zhi first looked up and down the murloc. This murloc looked similar to an ordinary murloc, but his beard was quite individual, and it looked like a metal spring.

  Liu Zhi believes that this kind of beard is relatively rare in other murlocs, and it should be feasible to use this to prove that he killed the left and right hand of this mechanical shark crazy scale.

   After carefully cutting off this bright beard, Liu Zhi put Chibe's head in front of him.

  Holding the death rod, Liu Zhi put a spiritism on Chisu's head.

  When the spiritism fell, Liu Zhi stared at Chibe's head very seriously. Spiritism did not have the effect of directly turning the enemy into an undead, but the corpse could be adjusted once.

  At the moment when the spiritism fell, a stern wind blew, and Liu Zhi's brows wrinkled involuntarily.

  He felt that Chibe’s soul had disappeared. As for some things in his mind were also destroyed, it can be seen that when he died, he had already destroyed all the things of the Murloc Empire.

   "It seems that he really doesn't keep any backhands."

   But Liu Zhi changed his mind. This is right. If the murloc empire's think tank does not have any backhands, then the murloc empire cannot become so powerful.

  Just as Liu Zhi shook his head and was about to toss Chisu's head aside, an accident happened suddenly, Chisu's head suddenly opened his mouth, and something like a machine was making a sound inside.

"Hahaha, I knew that you would definitely want to use spiritism to check my memory, so you don’t need to think about it, all my memories have been deleted, but I can tell you a piece of news, that’s because you want to chase me. , I have broken a lot of good things. For example, the statue I threw out. You haven't found it now. Do you want to know what it is? I won't tell you, hahaha."

  The next moment, Zhibeu's head exploded, and a large amount of flesh and blood directly hit Liu Zhi's face, making him very angry.

  Looking at the flesh and blood in a place, Liu Zhi snorted heavily, "It's fun, isn't it? I want to see how long you murlocs can play."

  After talking, Liu Zhi kicked away the flesh and blood skull of Chisu as soon as he lifted his foot.

  But he never expected that there was something hidden in the skull of Chisu. After being kicked away by Liu Zhi, the eyes of Chisu's skull flashed blue light, as if recording something.

  In the deep sea, the huge shark with wild scales is stopping somewhere to repair. Judging from the situation of the sharks at this time, they have just experienced a battle.

  At this time, Kuanglin was sitting in his own position, thinking about the gains and losses of this battle, while the gold murloc who was obviously not part of the Mechanicalized Murloc clan was standing aside, seeming to be thinking about something.

  At this moment, a strange blue light flashed across the communication screen in front of Kuanglin.

  As soon as the screen changed, Kuanglin stood up on the spot, and then he glanced at the gold murloc with a weird face, as if he wanted him to leave first.

  Looking at the look of mad scales, the gold murloc smiled disdainfully.

"Master Crazy Scales, you won’t be saying that this is the secret of the murloc. Don’t let me see it. I can tell you that the current murloc empire is dominated by our Loa murlocs, your so-called steel murlocs The first series only occupies one-fifth of all the seats. If you don't give you face from an adult this time, you won't be able to reach the deep sea at all.

But what about you, what have you done? I said before. After entering the deep sea, all directions were obeyed my command, but you drove me out of the cabin under the pretext that this is the secret of your mechanical murlocs. You Do you think I didn’t know that you secretly changed the course?

  I can tell you, Kuanglin, others are afraid of you and I am not afraid of you. If you have the ability, you will kill me, otherwise I must stay here today. "

When this person said so, Kuanglin was also a little speechless. After thinking about it, he finally let this stay. In Kuanglin's thoughts, Chisu must have completed the task, and he came back with the news of the completion of the task. At most, it revealed the essence of life there.

  But the Mechanized Murloc clan has been looking for life refinement. All the Murlocs know it, and they will definitely not suspect anything for this reason, so the crazy scales directly hit the blue light.

  But the next moment Kuanglin and that one were stunned, because they saw the phantom of Chisu.

"Master Crazy Scale, the mission failed. The enemy attacked my headquarters. The opponent is super strong. According to the final data analysis, the opponent has at least five heroes. At the same time, the three heroes we bring may only escape one. This is my battle plan and the analysis of the reasons for the failure. Please check it.

  In addition, my skull has been brought into their city by the other party. This is the positioning signal, this is the monitoring signal, this is... the thing has been sent out, it should be in the belly of the No. 97 fish, this is how things are positioned..."

  (End of this chapter)

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