Necromantic Myth

Chapter 383: Game task

  Chapter 383 Game Mission

  The situation is different from the previous two times when he entered the game. This time, Liu Zhi seemed to have watched a cutscene. His vision was as if he had been thinking of the Eye of Rasha, straight down from the sky.

Looking down from the sky, it was a wilderness shrouded in mist. Before Liu Zhi could see the surroundings clearly, a huge turtle hiding in an oasis jumped out and opened his mouth to swallow Liu Zhi and the others. Went in.

The turtle is quite big. If it weren't for Liu Zhi himself, he would look down from the sky, and he would never have noticed that it was a turtle. The moment he was swallowed, Liu Zhi only felt that the turtle’s throat was stronger than his own. The palace is even wider.

  In the next moment, Liu Zhi found that he had entered the game.

  At this time, he seemed to be soaked in the sea. As the surface of the water was rising and falling, the sky was covered by a cloud, and lightning flashed across the sky from time to time.

  Beside him are Capuda and the others, but compared to Ryuzhi who doesn't know what the situation is, these few are already there with their own weapons and equipment.

  Yagiji pressed his hand on the sea, and he got up and stood on the sea.

  Before Liu Zhi raised the death staff in his hand and lit the sun crystal on the staff, Capuda couldn't help but sighed, "Sailor? Your supernatural ability for sailor awakening is water walking?"

   "Ah, do you have to pick this extraordinary ability to awaken?"

"Looking at each situation, it seems that when you were a sailor, you were an important member of the deck." Capuda smiled and tried hard to swim. It can be seen that his water quality is also quite good. It is very likely. , He also has a deputy sailor.

  Yuzhi hadn’t spoken yet, Capuda ordered, “Everyone pays attention. Check your attribute column to see if it’s affected.”

  As soon as this sentence was said, Liu Zhi was a little confused again. What is the situation?

Perhaps seeing the doubts in Liu Zhi's mind, Capuda explained: "In fact, this is just a routine check. On the one hand, every time you enter the game, the game will arrange the corresponding identity. If you bring something different Something comes in and may even affect your initial identity in the game.

On the other hand, you also need to check to see if this game has restraint on your profession. After all, some worlds are quite restrained for some professions. For example, some worlds are born without magic, and the magician of that world must Be careful, some worlds are vindictive worlds, so warriors in this world need to think more about the way of fighting. "

  Under Capuda’s explanation, Liu Zhi also checked his attributes.

  But this time the attribute column has not changed except for some changes in experience. During this time, nothing that Liu Zhi has learned can affect the attribute column.

  It was some information about this body, and the real world information, which was said to be a dream in front of him, attracted Liu Zhi's attention.

  The world is a little different from the opening animation. The timeline is not known whether it was a certain era before or after the opening animation. The ocean flooded the wilderness before, and sea turtles became island nations floating on the sea.

  The whole world revolves around the myth of this island nation.

  According to legend, there is a **** transformed from a giant tree in this island country. Because the life of the tree itself is longer than the average life, this giant tree is called the immortal.

A king heard the legend of the immortal, and thought that there was an immortal force here, so he sent a fleet to look for it. The identity of Ryuzhi and his party are the envoys of this fleet, but they are entering the island nation. In the sea, he was attacked by the most dangerous monster in the island country and almost drowned in the sea.

  And now there is only one task placed in front of Ryuzhi and them, to enter the island country, find the immortal, and get the so-called elixir.

   [Reminder: Player's basic task-the secret of the immortal: Please enter the island country within 72 days, find the legendary immortal, and get the secret of the immortal from him. 】

[Reminder: VIP mission-King of Fangs: A clone of the Snake King guarding the island nation, the King of Fangs, is lurking outside the island. Their presence prevents outsiders from entering the island country. Please kill at least four Kings of Fangs (0/4/ 8)】

  [Reminder: Shared task 1-Viper flower: Viper flower is a flower that grows on the side of a poisonous snake. There must be such herbs around the King of Fangs. Please collect 10 copies of Viper flower (0/10)]

   [Reminder: Shared task 2-Clearing mutants: The island country has been affected by some, and some weird mutants have been produced. Please kill at least 14 mutants (there will be a corresponding prompt when killing, 0/14)]

[Hint: Shared task 3-Mutated leather: When killing mutants, you can remove some of the skins that have changed from them. This is a good material for making backpacks. Please collect 10 copies (0/10) 】

[Hint: Shared task 4-Port trouble: Someone stole 99-year-old Bordeaux wine from a port. According to reliable sources, the wine is still floating on the sea. Of course, no one knows which drunkard’s hand it is. Please bring the wine back before it is drunk. 】

Looking at the total of 6 missions, Liu Zhi couldn’t help being moved. These missions didn’t seem to be too difficult. They were mainly searching and killing missions, unlike his previous two game worlds. This kind of trouble, this time the task is simple and clear, and it is straight to the core.

  It can be seen, this time they only need to kill and kill.

At this time, Capuda also said: "Very good, our luck is very good, and it happened to have a dream that has precedents to be found. Come listen to me, everyone has seen the task, the most important thing for us is actually not looking for immortals. , That was just a gimmick. Our most important thing is to kill the King of Fangs. Before the King of Fangs is killed, we can't even go to the island, let alone look for the immortal.

Let’s first analyze the situation this time. I’ve heard of this task before. The King of Fangs is a clone of the God Snake King. Generally speaking, how strong they are depends on how many heads the Snake King has. Every time a king of fangs is killed, the strength of the snake king will be restored by one point, and the king of fangs behind will be stronger.

Our luck is pretty good. There are a total of eight Kings of Fangs, and we only need to kill half. If there are only four Kings of Fangs, then when we fight the last one, we may face the King of Snake. The strong one.

  And before that, we have to fix a task first, share the task of 4-port trouble! "

  (End of this chapter)

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