Necromantic Myth

Chapter 384: Encounter (please subscribe and add more explanation)

  Chapter 384 Encountering the enemy (seeking subscription and more explanation)


  Not only Liu Zhi is a little curious about why we must complete the [Sharing Task 4-Port Trouble] first, but several other people also have such doubts in their hearts.

At this time, Capuda said calmly: "Have you not found any problems? Although the other party is talking about troubles at the port, it is actually asking us to find a bottle of wine on the sea. As long as we find this bottle of wine, then we Is it possible to exchange something from what they call the port."

   "What for?" Although Dorkat is the temporary main tank, he actually doesn't understand the world as well as Capuda.

"Boat, otherwise do you think we can soak on the surface of the water until the King of Vipers? We need a boat. As long as we have a boat, we can face the King of Vipers head-on and kill the Four Vipers Wang, we can go to the island, the whole story is as simple as that."

  Listening to what Capuda said, the others also reacted. Although they did not feel anything at this time, it is an indisputable fact that they are now soaking in the water.

  Now there is only Liu Zhi who can stand on the water. If you just survive, it’s okay for everyone to soak in the water. The big deal is just to swim a certain distance.

  But if you want to fight the king of vipers in the sea, it is difficult to be soaked in the water. They must have a place where they can fight the king of vipers, then a boat becomes the key.

  At this time, Capuda said again: “From the current situation, we may have been on the sea for the first 30 days. Even if we don’t face the King of Vipers, do you want to stay in the water forever?”

  This was said by Capuda, and several other people also agreed with this statement. At this time, the thief Carrich took action and began to locate the direction, preparing to search for the stolen 99-year Bordeaux.

  Ryuzhi has nothing to do with him for the time being. Standing on the surface of the water, he has released Vidnina and let Vidnina protect himself.

And Capuda and others also began to prepare their own weapons. Ryuzhi noticed that although the Dolkart claimed to be not a professional main tank, he still had a tank in his hand, and he was using his weapon. After putting away weapons such as spears, Dorkat put on a square shield that looked like a piece of skulls, and another weapon that looked like a small axe appeared in his right hand.

  Activated the small axe, and Dorkat was still a little unaccustomed to say: "I haven't used this axe for a long time, and I don't know if I remember how to use it."

For Dorkat’s words, Kapuda just smiled. He is sorting out his heavy crossbow. The heavy crossbow knows that this is a more powerful mechanical crossbow. This crossbow has a longer range and can also be used. Continuous shooting can be regarded as a good weapon.

After taking out the heavy crossbow, Capuda replaced some of the equipment parts on the heavy crossbow, and replaced them with other parts. Although it is not clear what those parts are for, it is nothing more than waterproof effects. .

  After adjusting the heavy crossbow, Capuda nodded in satisfaction and began to install the corresponding crossbow bolts on the heavy crossbow.

  Yagijiyou noticed that Capuda’s crossbow bolts seemed to be classified in several different colors. This time he put a white crossbow bolt on his heavy crossbow.

Compared to the few of them, the mage is the lowest-key one. The sea water behind him surging slightly, and nothing has changed, but Liu Zhi can see that the sea water seems to have a certain spirituality. , Seems to have formed a water element.

  Seeing that everyone is ready, Capuda won’t drag on here anymore, the sky is not clear yet, they need to find a place to avoid it.

  At this time, the thief Karishi has confirmed the direction. He pointed to a certain position and said: "Let’s go over there first, there is land there."

  Karishi was quite sure. This surprised Liu Zhi. He looked over there curiously, but he couldn't see anything in that direction except the black sky.

"Don't worry, Karishi still has the ability. As long as he determines the direction, there will be nothing wrong." Seeing Ryuzhi's expression, Kapuda explained with a smile, "This is exactly why, The reason I will invite Karishi."

  Ryuzhi has not yet integrated into this team, and Kapuda is willing to believe in Karishi, so he will believe it for a while.

A group of five of them, with their own means, headed towards the direction Karishi pointed out. They walked on the surface of the sea for about an hour, when the clouds in the sky were getting lower and lower, and the lightning began to fall on the water. Liu Zhi and the others finally saw a reef beach composed of many reefs.

  However, Ryuzhi and the others have noticed that there are some hainagas on these reef beaches.

   "The eleven hanagas are all double-armed. Using weapons, spears and shields, it can be seen that they are not the main type of hanaga."

  Not yet close to the reef beach, Capuda has already judged the situation of the enemy in front of him, and made a corresponding analysis.

  Then the few players quickly got ready, watching Liu Zhi for a moment, and Liu Zhi said at this moment: "Can you let me say a few words."

  Capuda glanced at Ryuuji, hesitated for a moment and finally nodded.

"You can also see the situation of the Soul Naga under my hand, so I have a certain understanding of He Naga. Just now, Capuda, you said that all enemies use spears and shields, so what are their weapons? Shield, can you elaborate on this point, because the shield used by the adult and the minor is very different."

   When Ryuji said that, Kapuda focused his power on the eye position again, and took another look over there. He found that the shields in the hands of Heinaga were really different.

  "There are five people with small round shields, and seven people with square shields."

"The bucklers are grown-up Hennaga. They have considerable freedom in their combat skills, so they use the small bucklers. Even the elite Hennaga don’t use shields. Those who use square shields are under-age seas. Naga, as long as we drag them together, we will kill the adult first, and this battle should be won."

  Yiu Zhi analyzed, but he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. If he brought his own Hades, he would directly surround these haenega, where would he need to calculate this and that carefully?

Under Ryuzhi’s analysis, Capuda has a new understanding of the enemy’s situation, "Then it’s okay. I’ll arrange the battle. Dorkat will hold the enemy. Sandru, you have only one mission. , That is to ensure that there are no problems on Dorkat’s side."

    There were 1,258 monthly tickets last month, which is 1260. I still owe 960 monthly ticket additions, a total of 96 times. I will try hard to see if the additions can be completed this month.



  (End of this chapter)

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