Necromantic Myth

Chapter 385: Against Hennaga (1/96)

  Chapter 385 vs. Hai Naga (196)

   Pulled out a few unused blood-sucking touches, first added one to Dolkat, and then Liu Zhi focused on some of his skills.

He found that he really has the potential to be a nanny. The Vampiric Touch allows the main tank to fight and make up for the other side. Spirit-gathering thaumaturgy is the ability to make up for the purpose. After that, he has a deal of recruitment and death. This is clearly A magical skill used to pull people back to life after the war.

  Although the tricks are a little bit less, it just works.

  So Liu Zhi followed Dorkat comfortably, holding the death rod in one hand, and pressing the thin thorn sword on his waist with the other, waiting for the process of paddling.

At this time, Capuda also said loudly: "Is it all ready? Pay attention. Although the He Naga in front of you are not high-level, they are Naga after all. We must not underestimate the other party's level. They, the next battle must follow my schedule and cooperate a lot. As long as we can cooperate in place, we can naturally also deal with the subsequent battles easily."

   "This battle is our first cooperation, so please show off your own abilities. I will make some adjustments in the subsequent battles."

  After saying this, Capuda directly started to blame.

  As a heavy crossbowman, his way of opening monsters is naturally the easiest. Raising the heavy crossbow in his hand is an arrow at the opponent's Hanaka.

  After knowing the situation of He Naga, Capuda naturally would not attack those underage He Naga. He hit an adult He Naga on the spot with one arrow.

At this time, Ryuji finally knew the effect of Capuda’s white arrow. When the arrow was shot, hoarfrost appeared on the whole body of the Hennaga, and the movement speed was almost zero, which seemed to make up. Frozen the same.

  However, Capuda had only frozen one Hennaga, and when the rest saw such a situation, he quickly rushed towards this side.

  When Capuda saw Heinaga rushing over, he was not nervous, but said loudly, "That Heinaga needs at least thirty seconds."

  All the players present are old players. You know the meaning of Kapuda’s words when you hear it. Kapuda dragged an enemy, and then it depends on the performance of the other players.

  The thief flashed away, just a little bit on the waves. The next moment, he happened to appear behind a Hennaga, the dagger in his hand turned over, and the handle of the dagger hit behind Hannaga heavily.

  The Hennaga fainted in an instant, and you can see it. The hit just now knocked the Hennaga into a coma.

  Liu Zhi will definitely not miss this opportunity. He raised the death rod and yelled, "Close your eyes."

  In the next instant, a white light was emitted from the top of the death rod, and the flash of light blinded all the haenejas in front of him.

  Such a good opportunity, Dorkat will naturally not let go. Although he is not a professional shield warfare, he can still use the shield method a little bit. Holding a shield is a charge.

Although on the water at this time, the effect of Dorkat’s charge was not as good as on land, the power of the charge did not weaken at all. With one charge and one blow, the Hennaga that Dorkat was eyeing Was beaten back a few steps.

  Then the arrow on the Capuda heavy crossbow has also changed from the original white to a green arrow. No need to explain this time, Yanagi can also see that the arrow is painted with poison.

  At the same time, the mage, who had not done anything, also released a string of ice arrows at the Hennaga that Dorkat was staring at.

  The strength of this mage is much better than that of the skeleton mage under Liu Zhi. The skeleton mage can only put five ice arrows at most, and he needs to meditate to restore his magic power.

  But this mage can release a string of five ice arrows in one breath.

The Frost Arrow hit Hennaga's body. Although it did not have the freezing effect of Capuda's bolt, it also slowed down Hennaga's speed a lot. The Hennaga raised his spear. The speed is significantly slower.

  And this flaw was also caught by Dolkart, and the small hatchet in his hand slashed to the body of this hainaga, and this cut happened to be at the position of hainaga's neck.

  This blow was considered to be the life of this Hennaga. The Hennaga did not expect that he would be hacked to death at the first time, and he did not even wait until the nearby Hennaga came to rescue.

  Henaga was hacked to death, Dorkat retracted the small hatchet and raised the shield in front of him with one stroke of his hand. At the same time, all the skulls on the shield in his hand screamed, attracting the attention of the Hennaga.

There are a total of five grown-ups in Hennaga. One died in Dorkat’s small hatchet, one was bored by thieves, and one was freezing, and finally there were two still alive. Without thinking, the spear pierced towards Dorkat.

  Dorkat turned his shield and blocked the attack of the spear, but the spear slashed across Dorkat’s face and made a wound on his face.

  Liu Zhi was taken aback by this situation, and immediately prepared to leave the Spirit Gathering Thaumaturgy.

  But Capuda said, “Don’t do it at this time, it’s a waste of magic power at this time.”

When talking, Capuda’s heavy crossbow shot another arrow, which happened to be staring at one of the Hennaga. When the arrow went down, the body of the Hennaga turned green, which looked quite similar. Scary.

  When the other Hanaka saw him, he wanted to rush to the good side of Capuda, but Dorkat blocked his way.

  This Heinaga still wanted to use a spear to pick up Dorkat, but the thief appeared behind her when her spear was shaken out.

  This time the thief did not come with another sap or something, but directly flicked with a pair of daggers, and stab at the vest of Hennaga. This is the most important attack of the thief, the backstab.

But this one in front of him is not an assassin, otherwise his attack power will be stronger, but even this is enough. After the two daggers were pierced into Heinaga's vest, the thief was still in the position of Heinaga's vest. The ground turned a bit before pulling out the dagger.

  As soon as the dagger was pulled out, a large amount of blood spurted out along the wound of the dagger.

Both Dorkat and Capuda did not miss this opportunity. Dorkat knocked the hainaga one step back with a shield. It was exactly at this time that Capuda’s crossbow flew in, with super penetrating power. His crossbow bolt was stuck at the center of the eyebrows of the Hennaga, causing the Hennaga to fall down.

  At this moment, Hennaga, who was bored by the thief, finally came to her senses. She spotted the location of the thief and rushed out like a spring.

   Seeing this situation, Liu Zhi couldn't help but lift his hand, going against the storm!

  (End of this chapter)

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