Necromantic Myth

Chapter 387: Rest

  Chapter 387 Rest

  After confirming that all the Hennaga had died, Kapuda and the others were finally relieved. They discussed with each other, and finally Kapuda came to open the corpse to see if there was a good start.

  Speaking of Kapoda’s luck, it is not good or bad. This is the first battle after entering the game. After touching it for a long time, he drew out a spear and a gem that didn’t look very good.

  The spear was taken out, and it was taken by Dolkart. He is a weapon decorator and a good blacksmith. His strength has reached an extraordinary level, so he can distinguish between various weapons.

  Just took a look, and Dorkat said: "Good luck, players are prepared, D+ level, there are two effects of sharpness and solidity, who do you want?"

Liu Zhi shook his head. He didn't use a spear. The Amanat at home used it, but the spear in Amanat's hand was obviously better. What's the use of taking this thing back? So Liuzhi simply looked at it. Put it on top of that gem.

  "Do you need me to look at the gems? My gem knowledge has reached the legendary level."

   "I've heard about this. I heard Mark said that the face of the eldest lady changed at that time." Kapuda was talking about what happened after Ryuzhi and Mark killed the silt monster together.

  Speaking of Capuda, he put the gem in Ryuji's hand.

Ryuzhi just took a look, and said, just like Dorkat, "This sapphire that can be inlaid on weapons and equipment is of decent quality. It has reached an extraordinary level. It can increase the effect of ice attack when inlaid on weapons. On armor, you can add ice protection, you can see and use it yourself."

Saying this, Kalixi said, "Then give me this sapphire. I still have several daggers in my hand. This ice attack effect is useful for me. It can slow down the enemy and be an offhand weapon. Yes."

   "Okay, then it will be calculated at the normal price. After you go back, you have to make up the difference and you will divide it." Capuda thought for a while and gave the gem to Carrich.

  The next thing is much simpler. They took a break here and figured out how to find the Bordeaux of 99 years later.

  And Ryuzhi asked for the corpses of these Hai Naga from Capuda, and prepared to treat these corpses into Naga corpses and take them away.

When dealing with Naga corpses in public, Ryuzhi had done it before. At most, the conversion rate was not high. There were a total of twelve Hai Naga. After Ryuuji's treatment, a total of two corpses were made. Naga-Sea Divider.

  If it weren’t for Liu Zhi that he didn’t bring the Hades to come in, and there would be no way to forcibly summon his own troops, these two sea dividers could be incorporated into his sea dividers army.

  There is no way now, Liu Zhi can only let the two sea dividers follow Vidnina to see if he can protect himself.

Seeing the corpses of Heinaga on the ground that had turned into piles of rotten flesh, Capuda couldn’t help but said, “It’s better to bring in a necromancer. Although there is no manpower at the beginning, as time goes by. , In the end you can even pull out an army of undead."

"That's just luck. It's just that I happened to learn how to make corpse soul naga, and everyone has seen that the cost of making corpse soul naga is still very large, and twelve can only make two sea dividers. Come."

"What does this have to do? We will be floating on the sea for a period of time. The chance of encountering Hennaga is very high. If you do this two at a time, it will not take long before you can make up a full force. Come." Capuda laughed.

As soon as I heard that I had to be banned at sea for a period of time, Liu Zhi asked, "Will we meet murlocs while we are floating on the sea? I have been playing murlocs for this period of time, but it made me sick and bad. , I don’t want to get involved with the Murloc anymore."

   "Don't worry, I have asked, there are no murlocs in this copy." Capuda said affirmatively.

   Listening to what Kaputa said, Ryuzhi no longer entangled in this matter, and began to communicate with Kaputa and the others.

After they took a break, Capuda said: "The next thing is very important to us. Do you remember the 99 Bordeaux that I said? According to my judgment, it will appear in front of us soon. Whether we can get it depends on our ability."

  Ryuzhi was a little curious after hearing this, "Why do you say that, isn't this thing we are looking for? How can we hear what you say is like it is sent directly in front of us."

"You are a newcomer, so you still don't know. In fact, our identity in the game replaces the existence of some people. Our destiny is blank in the game, but their destiny is well-written. Besides, When you enter the game, why do you think the system will arrange such tasks for us is entirely because of the fate of the body we occupy, and we will soon be able to come into contact with these things."

Liu Zhi thought for a while and realized that it was really the case. He wanted to leave the first time in Golden City. As a result, the fleet was used as bait, and there was no way to leave the Caribbean Sea. The second time was the same, saying yes. To find gems, he directly sent a gem hunter to him.

  From this point of view, the game system is still taking advantage of the trend, and it is not too difficult for players.

  Want to understand this, Liu Zhi stopped saying anything. He seriously recalled the first time he was a nanny. He noticed that he still had some problems when he was filling blood.

  At least when he used Spirit Gathering Thaumaturgy, the effect did not reach the ideal level. If Dorkat encountered the same siege before, he might not be in a hurry.

Liu Zhi talked about the situation, and specifically said to Dolkart: "I don't have many skills to replenish blood. Spirit Gathering Thaumaturgy is easier to use, but this is generally aimed at Necromancers. If you encounter siege again, It is very likely that there will be a situation like the one before. I can't get the blood line up in a short time."

  Dorkat also seriously considered it after hearing this. Kapuda could not participate in this matter, only Dorkat knew the situation when facing the enemy.

In the end, Dorkat said: "It seems that we are all half lost. In fact, if you encounter a formal defense, the situation may not be like this, because they know better how to protect themselves, even in the face of siege. Worry, but I am a weapon warfare, and I still haven't learned enough in this regard. It seems that the battle behind us cannot be caught in a melee."

  Yagiji nodded as well. At this moment, Capuda suddenly said, "Look over there."

  (End of this chapter)

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