Necromantic Myth

Chapter 388: Goblin who steals (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 388 Goblin who steals (seeking subscription)

Looking in the direction that Capuda pointed, Yuji looked at everything in front of him with a little disbelief, because he saw a goblin driving a thing that looked like a motor boat toward this side. Come.

  Behind the goblin’s ship, many sharks followed.

   Seeing Ryuzhi and the others from a distance, the goblin screamed loudly: "Leave me aside, my boat can't stop."

  Well, this style is very goblin.

  Liu Zhi watched the goblin rushing here in the boat, and naturally gave up a position. He wanted to know how the goblin faced the reef here.

  The goblin screamed when the ship arrived nearby.

   "What, you are not standing on the water."

   Regarding this question, Liu Zhi is also a little speechless. What kind of eyes are this goblin, they are obviously standing on the reef, OK?

   Before Liu Zhi could spit out, the goblin’s boat hit the reef, and only heard a bang, the goblin was thrown out and hit the nearby sea.

  At this time, the sharks behind also chased him. The goblin screamed and jumped onto a reef, where he shouted loudly: "Get out of here, I don't have what you want."

  Yagi and Capuda, they immediately turned their gazes to the goblin. They found that even if it was blown up, the goblin was still holding a huge package. It could be seen that there were a lot of things in the package.

  "The streamer with gems is an extraordinary gem. As for what it is because he hides it too deep, it can't be seen at all."

  Yagiji said quickly.

  Capuda nodded, and didn't say anything, Dorkat and the others went up from the surroundings.

  The goblin also found that something was wrong. He drew out his dagger and said loudly to Liu Zhi and them: "You want to grab my baby too, I want to kill you."

  After speaking, the goblin seemed to disappear into the shadow, and disappeared on the reef as soon as he turned around.

  The thief Karishi disappeared with him.

  It can be seen from this point that the goblin is also a thief.

  Yiuzhi saw it, and Capuda naturally saw it too. He shouted loudly, "Ambient attack, strike out the goblin."

  When Liu Zhi heard it, he moved the death staff in his hand to the ground a little, and a cloud of white light was uploaded from the sun crystal and spread to the surroundings.

  The white light this time is naturally not a flash burst, but it just happens to be able to illuminate the enemy in the shadow.

  Under the white light, both the goblin and Kalixi appeared on the reef. At this time, they had already competed in that position several times.

When    found the goblin, the wizard immediately came to the side with a cone of ice, and a cold wind rushed towards the goblin side.

  The mage also knows that the most important thing to face the thief is to freeze him. As long as the opponent's movement speed slows down, it will be useless if the opponent can become invisible.

  As soon as the speed of the goblin thieves slowed down, Capuda's heavy crossbow shot out with one arrow.

   Then Dorkat also took a look at the current situation. Instead of using a shield and hatchet suit, he replaced it with his usual weapon, and a halberd stabbed towards the goblin.

  This is a means of attacking goblins from four directions at the same time.

  The performance of the goblin at this time also showed his corresponding strength. He actually twisted his body, making a turn in the air, blocking the attacks from all directions with a dagger.

  Except for the Cone of Ice technique that could not be blocked, the other attacks, the goblins turned away all.

   "It's okay, this goblin is going to die soon, step up the attack."

   Seeing that the goblin could block all the attacks, Capuda said quickly.

  This is exactly the requirement for the commander. After each attack, no matter the final situation, the commanders need to encourage their comrades and improve their morale. If there is anything that is not doing well, he also needs to point out.

  From Capuda, Ryuzhi saw what a hero should do.

  If Capuda is also a lord player, maybe he will be a good hero.

  While thinking this way, Liu Zhi commanded the corpse soul Naga-Sea Splitter into the water. He also saw that the goblin must be dead, so the sharks in the sea chasing the goblin must be dealt with first.

  Anyway, the corpse soul naga are still idle now, and killing a few sharks in the water will not affect the situation of the battle.

When these two corpse soul naga entered the sea, an accident happened suddenly. The sharks chasing the goblin did not attack or leave. It could be seen that they seemed to be waiting for something. .

  This situation made Liu Zhi a little surprised. He looked at Vednina, but found that there was no expression on Vednina's face. He seemed to understand the relationship here.

  But there is a serious problem, and Vidnina doesn’t want to speak.

  In the end, Ryuzhi could only give up the idea of ​​letting the Soul Naga attack the shark, and turned his attention to the goblin.

  This time, there is nothing wrong with Ryuzhi. Four fights one. If they can't fight, Kapuda and the others will not play games.

Although the level of that goblin is about 4, he really hasn’t stepped out of the 5th level. Although the goblin supported him for a while under the attack of Kapuda and the others, he was still caught by Kapu in the end. Da an arrow hit the door.

  Then Dorkat cut off his hamstring and fell to the ground.

  When the goblin was killed, all the nearby sharks even let go of the corpse soul naga and swam towards the reef, as if they also understood what was happening on the reef.

  Capuda was taken aback by the situation, turned his head and looked at Yanagi: "Shandru, what's the situation?"

  Yagiji could only glance at Vidnina, and then Vidnina slowly said, ""

   "It should be that this goblin stole something from the shark. Before, the shark could not kill the goblin, and could only wait in the water. Now the goblin is dead, the shark is afraid that we will take that thing away."

  Capuda thought for a while and nodded lightly, “I see, can you help me ask these sharks, we can return things to them, but they have to give us some benefits.”

  This question makes Liu Zhi a little embarrassed. He has fish knowledge but does not speak the language of fish. How can he communicate with these sharks?

  If his corpse soul Naga can communicate with sharks, it’s okay, but Vidnina is the kind of temperament who can never speak without speaking. There is really no way for him to communicate with sharks.

Seeing Liu Zhi shook his head, Capuda also said helplessly: "Forget it, I think too much. I thought these sharks are a force in the sea. Now it seems that they are not. We got what we wanted. Thing, pour the rest into the sea."

  (End of this chapter)

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