Necromantic Myth

Chapter 389: The Great Ship (3/96)

  Chapter 389 Giant Ship (396)

Capuda opened the goblin’s backpack, then raised his head and said to the crowd: “This backpack is a treasure chest-shaped backpack. There are 20 things in it, but we can only take out five of them, that’s one for each person. , Our mission item 99 years of Bordeaux wine is in it.

I will take this one, but you will have to compensate me for something later. As for what choice you will make, it depends on your own ideas, Sandro. If you are willing to help those sharks, you can take what the sharks want. Right. "

   Speaking of this, Capuda took out a bottle of wine that seemed to be old from his backpack, and then gave the place to Ryuji.

Liu Zhi glanced at the contents of the backpack and found that, as Capuda said, the backpack had a total of twenty squares. The squares were filled with items, except for the 99-year Bordeaux taken away by Capuda. , And the rest are all messy things.

   Picking out suitable items from this, it really depends on their own eyes.

  Yagiji thought for a while and waved to Vednina: "Vednina, you ask what the shark wants, and pick it out directly to the shark."

   Saying that Liu Zhi left with his hands on his back. He can't leave without leaving. You must know that Liu Zhi was quite regretful at this time, and he was cursing in his heart, knowing that he would ignore the sharks.

  In the backpack just now, Liu Zhi has seen two extraordinary gems. Pick any one. The benefits are better than picking what sharks want.

  In addition, Liu Zhi also found a design drawing in his backpack. Although he didn't know what the design drawing was, Liu Zhi's current Hades Palace lacked everything. As long as he had a design drawing, he dared to use it.

  As a result, he was pitted by those sharks.

  I just hope that after those sharks get what they want, they won’t lose face.

  Vidnina stood on the edge of the reef, listening to what the shark said, then walked into the backpack, took out a bone-like thing from it and threw it into the sea.

  The bone looked rather inconspicuous, and Vidnina moved so fast that even Liu Zhi could not see what the bone was.

  But what those sharks wanted was this bone. After throwing the bone into the sea, the sharks actually jumped up and down in the water, looking very excited.

  After a while, a few sharks just swam away like this, which surprised Liu Zhi. He thought these sharks would give him some benefits, but he didn't expect these sharks to turn their heads and leave.

  For the ending of Ryuzhi, Capuda and Dolkat laughed.

Dorkat even walked up to Ryuuji and patted his shoulder lightly and said: "It's okay. We have encountered such things before. You don’t know if you don’t play games often. In fact, many times, just press the game button. If the mission goes, it won’t happen."

"Yeah, this actually tells us a truth. Hidden tasks are rare. Don’t think of yourself as the existence of reason. In fact, the system for so many years, the experiments of countless players, the game system has long since The loopholes are plugged."

  Listening to the words of his teammates, Liu Zhi thought of the long list of rules when he entered the game several times before. He also knew that he really had to think too much this time.

  However, with this choice that does not affect his strength, Liu Zhi also chose to choose something that makes him happy.

  Just like the situation before him, give Liu Zhi another chance, and he is still willing to make such a choice.

  Soon Dorkat and the others first picked what they wanted, and after each took out one thing, the goblin’s backpack disappeared in front of everyone.

  For this situation, Capuda and the others have long been used to it. Capuda held up the 99-year Bordeaux in his hand and said: "Okay, we have got our stuff, now we are going to change the quest items."

  Ryuzhi did not ask where to change such a question, but followed behind and watched how his companion handled it.

  Capuda and the others quickly re-orientated, put away the things they had taken, and then jumped into the water and headed in a certain direction.

  Yagiji didn't know what Capuda meant, but he quickly followed.

  After entering the sea, Liu Zhi unexpectedly discovered that his previous choice was not without benefits. At this time, two corpse soul naga-sea dividers were next to two sharks.

It can be seen that these two sharks are the battle pets of the two corpse soul naga, but Liu Zhi is not sure if this is a unique performance of these two, or whether his sea dividers can bring it like this in the future. War pet.

   But no matter what, Liu Zhi finally did not run in vain this time, at least it was a gain.

  They swam in the water for about an hour.

  At this time, a huge wave has been set off on the sea. Except for Liu Zhi who can walk on the water, the other players are already a little bit unable to support it.

  Capuda is okay. He has a deputy post of sailor. Although he can't walk on the water like Liu Zhi, he is better than Liu Zhi in diving.

  However, Capuda did not dive himself into the relatively safe deep sea, instead floating on the surface of the sea with his companions.

   Soon Capuda found what he was looking for. He pointed in a certain direction and said loudly: "We found it, look, it's there."

  Looking in the direction that Capuda pointed to, Ryuzhi noticed a huge ship appearing in the distant sea.

  The huge ship has a length of at least three hundred meters, and its style is the style of the Dongfanglou ship. A huge building was even built on the ship’s deck.

  However, Liu Zhi had noticed that the ship looked big, but there seemed to be fewer people on it. There was even a large area on the deck shrouded in darkness, with only a few sailors patrolling there.

  For this situation, Liu Zhi was somewhat worried. His previous experience in the game made him understand that the characters in the game cannot be viewed as NPCs. They have their own ideas.

  However, Capuda didn’t worry about this at all. You patted Ryuuji on the shoulder and said, “Don’t worry, we are already familiar with this set.”

  Speaking, Capuda took out something like a flare gun, which was a shot in the sky.

  The flare gun traversed an arc in the sky, illuminating the entire sea area.

  Then Liu Ji heard the chaotic sound from the ship, and the sailors on the ship seemed to have discovered the existence of Liu Ji and the others.

At this time, the sailors on the boat did not ask much, and quickly put down the boat and arranged for people to come and rescue people. As for the identity of Ryuzhi and the others, it is not important to the people on the boat. It is the key to watch and help each other at sea. .

  (End of this chapter)

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