Necromantic Myth

Chapter 396: Kill the monitor lizard

  Chapter 396 Killing the Giant Lizard

When Liu Zhi’s bone spear flew out, it automatically locked the monitor lizard’s right eye. The bone spear had a penetrating effect. This effect Liu Zhi has experimented with, and it can almost directly penetrate seven or eight centimeters of steel plate.

  The monitor lizard closed its eyes, but the bone spear stuck in.

  Then the other two attributes on the bone spear burst out instantly, and one self-destruct attribute turns the bone spear into the same as a bomb.

  The thing exploded directly in the monitor lizard’s eyes, blasting the monitor lizard’s eyes to pieces.

Then comes the flame attribute attached to the bone spear. The flame is centered on the monitor lizard’s eyes and burns toward the monitor lizard’s brain. This time, the flame is not something that sea water can resist. The flame follows the monitor lizard’s eye sockets. Burning towards the back of the brain.

Dorkat had been thrown into the sea at this time. When he saw such a situation, he immediately understood that it was an opportunity. He held Leif's twisted ridge and quickly swam towards the monitor lizard, where he was right. It was the wound that Capuda shot with an arrow before.

  Dolkart felt that it was a wise choice for him to take out that useless ball of light to exchange for Leif’s Twisted Spine. If he still held the small hatchet at this time, it would be useless even if he had such a good opportunity.

  Now it’s different, Leif’s twisted spine is in hand, and Dorkat has the courage to fight anyone.

  Holding Leif’s twisted spine, Dorkat pounced on the monitor lizard, and before he swung a blow, the shield in his hand screamed first.

  The scream attracted the attention of the monitor lizard, and the monitor lizard turned his head, and one of the remaining eyes fixed on Dorkat.

  And Dorkat took this opportunity to pierce Leif’s twisted ridge forward before the monitor lizard bite.

  This thorn happened to pierce the hole that Capuda had made before.

  The previous blow of Capda caused a hole in the monitor lizard’s neck, which even affected the aorta and trachea.

  Dorkat’s blow, it can be said that a large amount of magma was poured into the face of the hole, and the intense pain caused the monitor lizard to continuously roll up on the bottom of the sea.

  Looking at the mud rising on the surface of the water, Capuda said quickly: "Come on, the opponent is very big, no matter what method is used, the attack cannot be stopped."

  Speaking, Capuda shot his own blow underwater.

At this time, Capuda has changed some of the crossbow bolts on the heavy crossbow. This time he used water-dividing crossbow bolts that can penetrate everything underwater. As long as it is aimed at the enemy, it will not be affected by water marks influences.

Kapuda's order made Ryuji act. He once again gathered a spear in his hand. This time Ryuji did not add the power of flame to the spear. He also saw the effect of flame. It doesn't seem to be very big for the monitor lizard.

  So Ryuzhi simply experimented with the monitor lizard. This time the bone spear cast was used to penetrate, explode, and poisonous.

  After injecting these three effects into the bone spear, the bone spear in Liu Zhi's hand began to change color. Unlike the previous bone spear, this bone spear turned into a strange green.

   Then Liu Zhi took a deep breath, held the bone spear in his right hand, and threw it out under the water.

The moment the bone spear was thrown, Liu Zhi suddenly felt something wrong. The habitually poisonous liquid that was attached to the side of the ship was actually affected by the bone spear, and quickly gathered in the direction of the bone spear, finally turning the bone spear into A green like emerald.

  The effect of this blow was something that Liu Zhi didn't expect. He was a little surprised watching the bone spear pierced the monitor lizard's chest.

  Under this tie, the bone spear pierced the scales of the monitor lizard’s chest, and then exploded at the place of the monitor lizard’s chest.

  All this is the same as before the bone spear pierced the monitor lizard’s eyes, but this time the bone spear actually introduced the poison that Liu Zhi poured into the water at the beginning into the monitor lizard’s body.

  In the next instant, the monitor lizard that had turned light blue because of the wizard Frostbolt turned green.

  Then the monitor lizard opened his mouth wide and wanted to roar wildly, but he only opened his mouth, and the sea water squeezed into his belly.

  The monitor lizard didn't understand what was going on at all. Even Liu Zhi felt the magical power in the sea water before he understood that it was the mage's action.

As an ice mage, he can actually control the power of the water element, but this mage has done more in place. He constantly pours sea water into the body of the monitor lizard, and he has a belly in the monitor lizard. Turn those seawater into ice cubes.

  The monitor lizard never thought that the opponent would use such a trick at the beginning, it can be said that it was directly hit. After a while, the monitor lizard's stomach was squeezed open by the ice.

  How could Capuda miss such a good opportunity? Capuda, who changed his crossbow bolts again, raised his heavy crossbow with both hands. It can be seen that he installed something behind his heavy crossbow.

  After installing the accessories of the heavy crossbow, Capuda raised the heavy crossbow and shot this blow at the underwater monitor lizard.

  This time his heavy crossbow shot like a siege cone. The whole body is black. When that shot was shot, Kapuda was almost shocked into the sea by the reaction force.

  But the effect of this blow was the best. The black crossbow bolts that looked like a siege cone easily pierced the scales and skull of the monitor lizard, and plunged into the head of the monitor lizard.

  Then the black crossbow arrow rapidly heated and turned red in the monitor lizard's brain, and finally turned into a scorching white.

The monitor lizard that hit the target roared and wanted to make the final struggle, but it didn't even have the chance to raise its head. In the bang, the monitor lizard's head exploded, and a huge skull was even thrown out. The sea.

  After the explosion was over, Liu Zhi and the others saw a huge headless monitor lizard floating from the water.

  After that, the corpse soul naga under Dorkat and Ryuzhi emerged from the bottom of the sea, leaning against the ship and looking at the body of the monitor lizard.

  After watching this for about four or five minutes, Capuda raised the heavy crossbow in his hand and fired a flare against the sky.

   "We succeeded, we killed this guy."

   "Yes, hurry up and dispose of the corpse, Capuda, your luck is good, you come to open the corpse."

"That's right." Ryuzhi agreed with this point. As for Kaputa's luck, Ryuzhi still saw him. In the first battle, he could draw out a magic gem. This time such a big BOSS. , Certainly can open some good things.

  At the request of everyone, Capuda did not refuse, he jumped into the sea, and just swam towards the monitor lizard corpse.

  And Ryuzhi's corpse soul Naga threw the body of the lizard that had previously been killed on the seabed to the ship.

  Looking at these corpses, Liu Zhi thought for a while, and said to the thief: "Karishi, take a look, does the mutant leather refer to this?"

  (End of this chapter)

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