Necromantic Myth

Chapter 397: Open the corpse (7/96)

  Chapter 397 Opening the Corpse (796)

  The thief originally wanted to watch Capda open the body. Hearing Yuji's call, he reluctantly came over to take a look, and finally said somewhat unexpectedly: "There are really some in this."

   Talking about the thieves, they provoked the corpses on the ground. Liu Zhi found that all the corpses picked by the thieves had black lines on their bodies.

  Ryuzhi thought for a while, and stepped forward to pick out a corpse with black lines and asked: "Is this mutant leather?"

   "If you didn't peel it off, it wouldn't be." Without lifting his head, the thief started peeling it.

  Under his handling, piece after piece of lizard skin was peeled off, and the thieves did not only deal with the mutant leather, as long as the lizard fell in front of him, he would deal with it.

  After the skin is processed, the flesh and bones of those lizards will be handled by the mage. The mage will pick out the lizard's eyes and tongue, which have magical effects, and then give everything to Yanagi.

  For the choice of companions, Liu Zhi has long been accustomed to them. After sailing together for seven days, they have already experienced this behavior many times.

   After all, Liu Zhi wanted to take all the flesh and bones from the corpse. If the thieves and wizards were not given a chance, they would have almost nothing to gain.

  So along the way, Liu Zhi has developed the habit. If the corpse has skin, the thieves will deal with it first, and if there is magic material on the corpse, the wizard will deal with it first.

  All the remaining things belong to Yuji.

  For this kind of distribution method, Liu Zhi has no opinion, but the flesh and blood on the road is enough for Liu Zhi to make up for all the gains.

  Not to mention the Hanaka forces that Liu Zhi and the others encountered along the way. Most of the bodies were taken away by Liu Zhi alone, and there were no thieves and wizards who said anything here.

  After handling all the corpses, the thief raised his head and said to Liu Zhi, “It’s not bad this time. There are 8 pieces of mutated leather, but we have five people. Each person needs ten pieces. We still need to work hard.”

  In addition, the thief pointed at the bodies of the lizards and said, “These lizards have not mutated, so the task of clearing the mutants is not included in this. We need to check what the mutants mentioned here refer to.”

While talking to the thief, Dorkat had also climbed onto the boat. He was playing with Leif’s twisted spine. He heard the thief talking to Yanagi, and he also interjected: “Sandru, this time Thanks to you, your sword is so easy to use. I feel that with this sword, I can change the route of violent warfare."

   "It's okay, mainly because you have enough strength. Unlike me, this sword has been in hand for so long, and my strength has just been able to hold this sword."

   "Haha, you don't know, we are the ones who have drunk the power spring water, especially like me and Capuda, we have all drunk to the limit, guess how strong I am now?"

  Ryuzhi shook his head and said that he didn't know.

"I'm telling you, my strength is close to 40, isn't it amazing." Dorkat said as he threw a punch in the face of the sky. Under that punch, Liu Zhi even heard the sound of breaking through the air. That is the effect of power reaching a limit.

  Ryuzhi couldn’t help but sigh, it’s really nice to have a big guild player. In fact, Dorkat is not the main force. He can only achieve this effect by relying on the spring water of the power spring.

  Although he was lucky along the way, his strongest spirit has not yet reached 20.

   Just as Ryuzhi was thinking about this situation, Capuda on the corpse of the monitor lizard actually yelled loudly.

   "Look, our luck is really good, we found something good."

  Kapuda's call directly attracted the attention of everyone on the boat. They used their own means to rush to the side of the monitor lizard body, and at first glance they saw the thin fangs of an arm in Kapuda's hand.

  When they saw the fang, the three of Ryuzhi, Dolkat and the thief spoke at the same time.

   "Long sword (spear tip, dagger)."

After    said it, the three of them laughed at the same time. In fact, the three of them saw nothing wrong. The fang in Kapuda's hand could really become a long sword, a spear tip, or a dagger.

  Because of this unfinished player equipment, as long as which player is determined, it will be converted into corresponding equipment according to the player’s ideas.

Of course, this thing is only for people who are capable of using this weapon. For example, because Liu Zhi has a good level of swordsmanship, he saw that this thing is a long sword. As a weapon warfare, Dolkart was originally He could see any kind of weapon, but the fangs couldn't become a battle axe or something, so what he saw was the tip of a spear.

  As for the thief, because he used a dagger, all he saw was a dagger held in Capuda's hand.

  And because Kapuda himself used a heavy crossbow, it was of no use to him, on the contrary, there was no change.

  On the other side of the wizard, he is not like Liu Zhi, who can fight in close hands. In his eyes, these fangs are still fangs.

  Capuda looked at the three of Ryuzhi, "This should be the best harvest this time. The attribute is unknown, but the level must be above C+. You can discuss it yourself."

  Yagi and the thief glanced at each other, the thief hesitated, "I withdraw."

After speaking, the thief shrugged helplessly, "Don’t look at me that way. I took a gem before. If I want to grab it, I have to increase the price more according to the regulations. If it’s an artifact, it might be useful to me. But it’s impossible for this thing to reach that level, so forget it."

  After the thieves gave up, Dorkat also proposed to withdraw.

Dorkat said directly: "What I saw was the tip of a spear, which shows that it will be transformed into a two-handed weapon in my hand. In this game, I almost can't use it, and I know that when the BOSS opens the corpse, the things given will be equivalent to the attributes of the BOSS. I can't see what characteristics this monitor lizard has besides its size. I don't want this thing anymore."

  Dorkat and the thieves didn't want this thing, this fang naturally fell into the hands of Liu Zhi.

Liu Zhi took the fangs handed by Capuda. The moment the fangs fell into his hands, they quickly deformed and became the style of the thin thorn sword Liu Zhi usually uses, but this thin thorn sword. The whole body was white, and it looked a lot like the bone spear that Liu Zhi had thrown before, even without the hilt and the back of the sword.

  But Liu Zhi likes this long sword very much, not to mention the style of this sword, and the attributes of this sword are enough to satisfy Liu Zhi.

  【Monitor lizard's blood-stained fangs (thin thorn sword)】

  【Level: C+】

  【Equipment requirements: Strength 5.3, Agility 5.3】

   [Feature 1: Sword shadow division, when a sword is pierced, there is a 20% chance to draw a sword shadow with the same effect, and the attack power of the sword shadow is equivalent to one-third of the normal attack effect]

   [Feature 2: The sword body is huge, and the size of the long sword can be controlled. At the maximum, the long sword can be tripled to the original sword body, but it does not affect the attack power]

   [Feature 3: Blood-stained solidity, as the long sword kills the enemy, the long sword will become stronger and stronger, and finally it can reach a level that a normal long sword can't imagine. 】

  【Explanation: As a giant beast, claws and teeth are their most important weapons. 】

  (End of this chapter)

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