Necromantic Myth

Chapter 398: Plant area (8/96)

  Chapter 398 Plant Sea Area (896)

  After getting the thin thorn sword that can be used directly, Liu Zhi immediately hung the blood-stained fangs of the monitor lizard on his waist.

  As for the following equipment, according to the rules of rotating quotation, he has no right to quote demand for the time being.

Liu Zhi could only watch as Capuda took off a staff with eyeballs from the monitor lizard, and gave it to the mage. From the body of the monitor lizard, he took out a piece of heavy armor that had not yet melted. , Handed over to Dorkat.

As for he himself got a piece that looked like a leg bone, Liu Zhi knew that it was quite useful for Capdo. With this leg bone-like bone, he could make several pieces with special effects. The arrow comes.

  Because the thief had a demand last time, the sorting item was ranked last this time. When it was his turn, the item was gone.

  Not surprised by this thief, he shrugged and said, “Just so, it’s okay, there are still four bosses anyway.”

  The generosity of the thief made Liu Zhi full of affection for the team in front of him. He glanced at the corpse of the monitor lizard that quickly decomposed after taking away important equipment and said: "Where are we going down?"

  Capuda had already sorted out the most important equipment, and the rest were bits and pieces. He asked the thieves to help deliver those things to the boat, and then took out the chart and took a look.

"We are going to the northeast. There is a King of Fangs that we can deal with. Unlike the monitor lizard we played just now, the King of Fangs is the only plant among all Kings of Fangs. Attributes exist, so we must be more careful, because after entering his domain, there may be ships unable to move."

  Yuzhi stood behind Capuda and glanced at the chart. He found that their past goal this time was not the weakest among the nearby kings of fangs, but the relatively medium one.

   "Why did we target this one first? Shouldn't it be better to take down this flying snake first? This flying snake is obviously the weakest one nearby."

   Regarding Liu Zhi’s question, Capuda smiled, “It’s very simple, we didn’t say before that every time a King of Fangs is killed, the strength of other Kings of Fangs will be improved to a certain extent.

If we kill the weak at the beginning, then the strong will get stronger and stronger. In the end, we will suffer. On the contrary, if we kill the normal or the stronger, how can we strengthen the weak? It is impossible to strengthen to a certain level. "

  Kapuda’s explanation, Liu Zhi could be considered to understand it, and it can be seen that, in addition to the corresponding position, Kapuda’s calculation of the King of Fangs also considered the issue of their strength after they were promoted.

  Considering in the direction of Capuda, hitting the plant-type King of Fangs is really the only option available.

  Ryuzhi didn't say much, ran to the mast and lowered the sail.

  As Liu Zhi set sail, the others also returned to their positions. The thieves began to act as human radars, judging the route through their ears.

It's just that with the death of a king of fangs, the situation in the mist seems to have changed. Liu Zhi, who controls the sails, soon felt that a demon wind surged in the mist, and there was no wind at all Orientation, sometimes going around the ship, and sometimes blowing head-on towards the ship.

  If Liu Zhi is not a sailor who can control sails to a certain level, perhaps under this weird wind, this ship is already difficult to move.

  But Ryuji controlled the ship to move slowly. Although the movement speed was obviously slowed down, he still headed towards the position they had determined at the beginning.

  This time Liuzhi and the others sailed for nearly eight hours before sailing out of the sea area belonging to the lizard. After entering another sea area, Liuzhi noticed that the seaweed under the water seemed to increase.

  "This is the power of the king of plant-based fangs." Looking at the seaweed underwater, Liu Zhi couldn't help but say.

  The seagrass in this sea area has exceeded his imagination, and there are a large number of creatures that are still immovable surrounded by the watergrass.

  Among these creatures, Liu Zhi even saw some lizards that passed by here accidentally, but couldn't go back anymore.

Those lizards are quite huge. They look like velociraptors. Under the entanglement of seaweed, they have no room to struggle. They look like prey wrapped in cobweb cocoons. Shaking all at once.

  "Be careful, everyone, the boat may be entangled in seaweed."

  Yagi and Capuda said at the same time, both of them are carefully preparing to deal with possible problems.

  Yagiji has already begun to control the strong wind and move the sail carefully, hoping to use the least force to bring the greatest thrust.

  And Capuda kept controlling the rudder to prevent the rudder from being entangled with seaweed.

  After the ship entered this sea area, its moving speed slowed down a lot. It took almost half an hour to drive the ship before Liu Zhi hit a reef.

  At this moment, the thief said loudly: "Come on, everyone is ready."

This time, Ryuzhi did not send the Soul Naga-Sea Divider into the water. The underwater is full of seaweed. If the Soul Naga gets into the water, it will be entangled in all likelihood, but Ryuzhi did not. So stupid.

At this time, Liu Zhi and the others saw something scurrying in the mist. Those things looked like semi-activated plants. They had flower-like heads, their bodies seemed to be spherical, and four or five were like long whips The tentacles are waving.

  The color of these plants is similar to that of the lizards I have encountered before. They are both purple-red and blue-blue, and some of them have black lines.

  As soon as these plants came out, Capuda ordered: "Prepare for the blizzard, Dorkat, you must block me in front."

  Dorkat had put on a new armor at this time, standing majestic in the bow position, when Capuda's order came, he said with certainty: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

  After he finished speaking, he struck his shield heavily with his long sword.

  With a scream, all the plants looked towards Dorkat.

  These plants, with their heads like flowers, leaped towards Dorkat with their whip.

  The thief took this opportunity to push the bow gun to the other side.

  Amidst the roar of flames, the mage also shot. He took the staff he had just received and pointed at the plant. A large amount of ice and snow fell from the sky like a flying knife, cutting all the plants.

  (End of this chapter)

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