Necromantic Myth

Chapter 399: Estimation error

  Chapter 399 Estimate Error

  After the blizzard went down, all the plants that rushed over were frozen, and those plants themselves moved slowly, and after a bit of freezing, those plants became living targets.

  Liu Zhi and the others quickly took out all the long-range attack methods they could use, and they hit the plants fiercely.

  Under the attack of Ryuzhi and the others, the plants on the sea were instantly torn to pieces.

  Yagizhi even controlled the ship to crash forward at the last moment, knocking some plants into the sea.

  After killing this wave of plant monsters, two green beams of light suddenly rose up beside their ship.

  This is exactly the same as the effect of the previous monitor lizard.

  It's just that what came out of the fog at this time was not a monitor lizard like Godzilla, but a huge monster made up of many seaweeds.

  This monster looks like a giant pterodactyl, but his wings are all made up of seaweed and tree vines. When fanning, there will be some rotten fruit smelling.

  This pterosaur is at least 30 meters tall, and its wings are about 200 meters wide. If it weren't for this guy to be unable to get out of the sea completely, Liu Zhi and the others would never have a chance to fight him.

"how to spell."

  All of them flashed this thought in Liu Zhi's mind.

  When they came, they never thought that they would encounter a flying unit. They just watched the huge plant pterosaurs open their wings, and Capuda jumped out on their own initiative.

"This time I will attack you, Dorkat. You attracted him to me, Sandro. Can you still use the bone spear before? This time I don’t need you to help people to replenish blood and add flames to the bone spear. Power, burned me that guy’s wings."

  Liu Zhi knew when he heard that he was the only one who had the ability to burn people in front of him. Others were either unable to fight or were pure ice mages and couldn't burn them even if they wanted to burn.

Ryuzhi didn't think much, and climbed to the top of the mast along the cable of the mast. He grabbed the death rod with his right hand, and took a cable with his left hand. He fixed himself to the mast, where he stared at the wings of the pterosaur. .

  After seeing Ryuzhi in place, Capuda raised the heavy crossbow in his hand and shouted at Dorkat: "Attack."

  Dorkat heard that, the long sword knocked on the shield, and the shield composed of skulls kept screaming, and instantly attracted the attention of the pterosaur.

  The pterosaur did not take the initiative to rush towards Dorkat, but opened its mouth and screamed in the direction of Dorkat.

  Amid the screams, a lot of foul-smelling breath rushed into his face, and there was even a kind of green breath that was visible to the naked eye.

  The mage who had not had much to do jumped out at this time. He held the staff and pointed at the pterosaur. A waterspout rose from the sea, just to dispel the stench.

  Then the waterspout formed a defensive cover in front of the ship. Although it did not look very eye-catching, it was somewhat defensive.

  At this time, Capuda's heavy crossbow mechanism was one card, and a black crossbow bolt flew out.

  Naturally, this crossbow bolt was not used to kill a siege cone like a monitor lizard. When the crossbow bolt flew out, Yanagi who was standing on the mast smelled a scent of fire oil rushing to his face.

  Liu Zhi didn't think much at the time. With a wave of the death rod in his hand, a bone spear appeared on the top of the death rod.

  This time, Liu Zhi didn’t think much about it. He didn’t bless the bone spear with any penetrating and self-destructive attributes. He said three things to the bone spear, "flame, flame, flame."

  When the last blessing fell on the bone spear, Liu Zhi waved his hand, and the death rod flew forward and flew towards the pterosaur.

  As soon as the bone spear flew out, Capuda seemed to have discovered something. He cried out: "The situation is wrong, everyone is hidden."

  But it was too late, Liu Zhi's bone spear had already flown out, and it happened to land on the left wing of the pterodactyl.

  As soon as the bone spear plunged into the left wing of the pterosaur, Liu Zhi and the others heard a bang. The huge pterosaur was like a fired pyre, burning the entire sea area.

  The shock wave brought by the flame rushed to the ship on the spot. Fortunately, the mage had a defensive cover that had risen in the water before, so the ship was not lit.

However, everyone on the boat felt the heat rushing towards their faces, and Capuda said there: "Dak, you are the main attack, I guessed wrong, that pterosaur is not of plant attributes, he is of fire attributes. Yes, he is waiting for us to light him up."

  The mage didn't even think about it, lifted his hand, and a series of ice arrows flew towards the pterosaur.

  However, the pterosaur that had been lit at this time had fully displayed its corresponding strength. Opening its mouth on the ship was just a spray. This time, it was no longer a smelly breath, but a thick flame.

  It can also be seen from this point that the characteristics of this pterosaur, in fact, this thing is like a large pterosaur-shaped natural gas field, and the natural gas here is all the plants in the sea that slowly gathered after the corruption.

Actually, you don’t need Liu Zhi and the others to order it. It only needs this pterosaur to move twice, and a spark will have such an effect, but Liu Zhi and the others also light up the fire. Right now it is equivalent to hitting the boss. Give a three-stage transformation, which makes people fight.

  But it’s not enough if you don’t fight in front of you. There are flames on the sea. Even if they can jump into the sea, it’s not so easy to escape.

  At this time, Ryuzhi stood up and said to Capuda: "I can set another fire and burn a passage out. In that passage, I can guarantee the safety of ships and personnel."

  In the face of the fire at this time, Capuda only hesitated and agreed, "I will let the mage help you."

"No need to."

  Liu Zhi's death rod threw forward, a white light flashed by, and a carriage pulled a large amount of flames toward the pterosaur.

  After the carriage rushed out, Liu Zhi was there and shouted: "The sun's trail."

   Then Liu Zhi said to Capuda: "Drive the boat into the flame channel, so as to ensure safety."

  Kapuda saw it, and found that it was true. The flames brought out by the carriage formed a channel on the sea, and the flames in that channel seemed to be different from the outside world.

  Capuda didn't think much, ran to the rudder and started to operate, and cooperated with Liu Zhi to send the ship into the flame channel.

  At this time, the Frostbolt on the wizard's side has also slowed down a lot. Watching the ship safety, the wizard couldn't help but said: "I need to meditate, I have no magic power."

  Yagiji and Capuda glanced at each other, and said, "I'm coming."

  (End of this chapter)

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