Necromantic Myth

Chapter 501: Buy, buy, buy (59/96)

  Chapter 501 Buy, buy, buy (5996)

  After entering the door, Liu Zhi only felt the space turn, he seemed to have entered another space.

  The scene in front of him was shocked, because there were hundreds of men and women gathered here, they were surrounding a high platform piled up with boxes, shouting something excitedly there.

Liu Zhi noticed that more than half of these men and women were combinations like him. Necromancers carried a necromancer. Most of them wore black robes. Even if they wore other colors, they would regard themselves as necromancers. Show it.

  The other half is just the opposite. They are all wearing animal skins, and some of them just made clothes out of leaves.

  Beside them, there will be one or two beasts. It is obvious from the breath of them that these people are druids.

   "What's the situation? Is it possible that they know my goal and want me to meet the druid players?"

The thought of   Yagiji flashed, before he could react, a player on the wooden box platform shouted loudly there.

"Now it is a new lot. The colony of ants I accidentally discovered in the game. I brought the entire ant nest and queen. Don’t underestimate these ants. Their size is many times that of normal ants. You can See, the worker ants are so big and the soldier ants are so big."

Liu Zhi looked at the ant displayed in the player’s hand. It was obvious that this was just an ordinary ant that had not undergone any demonization effects, but their size was much larger. The worker ants looked as big as the AA battery, while the soldier ants were straightforward. It is the size of the No. 1 battery.

  This is already very attractive to Liu Zhi and the others. From the perspective of the ants, this is not magnified by magic, which means that under the effect of magic, these ants will mutate.

  It's like the spider in Liu Zhiming Palace, affected by the breath of the underworld, and transformed into various spiders by the underworld.

  And the player also said that this time he brought the entire ant nest, with the queen inside, so as long as the transformation is successful, there will be a steady stream of ants.

  For a time, the players here, whether they are necromancers or druids, all yelled, and they started to quote.

  Liu Zhi listened later and found that most of the quotations were in common currency, and some offered some items for asking prices, but when quoting, the approximate value of the item in common currency would be reported.

  Liu Zhi listened for a while, and noticed that these necromancers and druids had a certain judgment on the value of what they wanted.

  Like this ant nest, it sounds good, but the price is not too high. After the 450 currency is called, no one will increase the price.

  It can be seen that these people don’t look very excited now, but they are actually quite rational in doing things.

  Ryuzhi is not in a hurry to participate. On the one hand, ants are not what he wants. What he needs now is the existence of a large number of troops that can directly supplement his troops, and it is best to continuously supplement his troops.

  On the other hand, Liu Zhi also needs to take a look. The trading methods here, if they don’t understand anything, come out at will, and they will soon be targeted.

  After watching a few auctions, Liu Zhi found that the person on the high platform should be the kind of person who brought back everything. In addition to the ant nest, he also brought back a large number of beasts, the corpses that had just been dug up, and the like.

   didn’t know how he brought these things out of the game.

  From some necromancers, Liu Zhi also heard that the player above seemed to have brought out humans.

At this moment, the player on the high platform suddenly stopped, and he said loudly: "Next, the climax is coming. In the things I brought back this time, there is nothing more thoughtful than this, a civilized humanoid. Alien."

Hearing this, Liu Zhi was also a little curious. He turned his head and glanced at the high platform, and found that the player was directing his hands to bring up a cage from behind the high platform. Inside the cage was a kind of harpy that looked like a harpy, but The head resembles the existence of a wide-mouthed bird.

  This kind of thing is about one meter in height, thin body, hands are directly on the wings, and the legs start to transform into bird claws from the calves, it looks like it was changed forcibly by some magical power.

"Don’t you see what this is? This is a race I found in the game. They have their own civilization and legend. According to legend, their ancestors were princes of the human kingdom before. There are eleven brothers in total. Magic, was turned into a swan.

They tried to crack the magic, but failed, and finally became what they are now. They called themselves swan people, and they also established a swan country. When the country was at its strongest, there were eleven different types of swan, arms. Nearly thirty kinds.

Of course, this is what they played. Now they have left a total of three races of swan people, namely white swan, black swan and wild swan. Among them, the white swan is the most civilized and can communicate with it. The wild swan is the most powerful, but The most savage, not easy to communicate, the black swan is in the middle, it is more suitable for Necromancer to control the meditation.

  The four arms are Swan Commando, Swan Cavalry, Feather Priest and Volume Burial.

  The first two are the main forces, and the latter two are the inheritance troops. The feather priests control the inheritance of civilization, and the burialists hold the historical records.

That’s what they said. I captured a total of 3,500 swans of various types and packaged them for sale by race. Two copies of white swan, three copies of black swan, and two copies of wild swan, each with 500 copies, guaranteeing that the four types of arms are complete. In addition, each with 800 swan eggs, this is the largest amount I can bring back.

  You can quote if you want, and get the higher price. "

  Ryuzhi thought for a while and raised his hand, "One for the black swan, one for the wild swan, a total of 2000 currency."

  Following Liu Zhi's bid, most of the Necromancers screamed, and Liu Zhi also followed up in the crowd. Finally, after spending 1,400 common currency, he bought a copy of the Black Swan Troop.

  What happened next, Liu Zhi couldn't control it a little, and he fell into the process of buying and buying.

  The things that the player brought out were really in line with Liu Zhi's appetite, and even the corpses were carefully selected.

  Sometimes he also sells some magic books and materials, and Liu Zhi can't stop buying them.

After spending nearly 10,000 common currency, Ryuzhi finally couldn't buy it. He counted his gains this time, asked people to deliver the goods to the designated place, and took Vidnina to find Capuda. went.

  (End of this chapter)

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