Necromantic Myth

Chapter 502: Get the final reward (60/96)

  Chapter 502 Get the final reward (6096)

  When he left the game, Capuda left an address for Ryuzhi, so that when he came to Burning Blade City, he sent a message at the gate of the city and waited for him in a tavern somewhere after a long time.

  As long as he is still near Burning Blade City that day, he will definitely rush to the tavern.

  As for the two of them, whoever gets to the tavern first will wait first.

  Liu Zhi counted the time. He stayed with the old necromancer for a period of time, and then spent a period of time in the private auction house. Now that counts, what Kapuda and the others say will come.

  Take Vidnina, and Ryuuji came to the pub that had been agreed upon.

  Liu Zhi noticed that this seemed to be a relatively private tavern. As soon as he entered here, Liu Zhi was noticed. Before two steps had been taken, the waiter invited Liu Zhi to the middle of the hall.

  Capuda was drinking there, and the guests around him were staring at him.

Seeing Ryuzhi coming over, Capuda said with a smile: "This is the tavern opened by my family. One of my family members has become a player. They built a tavern here based on my face. I always have to come and sit here. Sit and tell some people that I'm still alive and I'm still guarding here."

  Speaking, Capuda pushed over a wine glass, "Come and try, our wine is still okay."

  While talking, Capuda poured a glass of wine for Liu Ji.

"In fact, our family wanted to build a blacksmith shop at the beginning. After all, there is this kind of craft in the house, but after thinking about it, forget it. If you want to build a tavern in Fireblade City, you will not at least pay for it. You can’t build a blacksmith shop. Most All of the players go to several big blacksmith shops, and lose business as soon as they run out of business..."

  Listening to Capda's nagging words, Liu Zhi didn't say much, just holding a glass of wine there, listening to Capda's complaint.

  Capuda did not drag Yuji to talk for too long, and soon he turned the topic to the game after Yuji left.

  The four of them still went to see the last two hidden BOSS, just as Liu Zhi guessed, they did not do anything.

Those two are different from the King of Fangs they fought before. They are heavily guarded. Scam usually lives in the main city of mechas. Even if they go out, they use deformable mechas and carry a large army around them. .

  As for Kresh, the four of them only knew that this person existed, but where the person was, they didn't find it at all.

  Fortunately, they haven't stayed in vain for the last 30 days. They still found some good things in the island country, such as a sapling that they couldn't understand.

   Another example is some weird training methods for thieves.

  Of course, these things were taken out, just to tell Liu Zhi that I have some good things here, you can bid to buy them.

Liu Zhi also understood Capuda’s thoughts. Liu Zhi didn’t believe in this guy’s morals. The guy’s mind turned around. On the surface, it was for the good of being tolerant, but in fact it was to make the decision on his own. The kind that people choose.

  What he took out looked good, and it was also something that Liu Zhi might want, but Liu Zhi didn't intend to follow him.

   "Things are good, but they are of no use to me. I still have my own business. Can you give me what I promised before so I can leave."

  "Alright, let me do the calculations with you. This time there are three parts of rewards to be handed over to you. The first part is naturally the things obtained from the Ishimi Mine. I have already handed it over to our guild.

  The rewards of the guild have also come down. They are mainly common currency and resources. I have heard of you, so I helped you apply for corpses as resources. The number of these corpses is about 30,000.

   are fresh corpses that have not been conjured by necromancers. Of course, because of the large number, the quality is not high. Most of them are murloc, boar, centaur and other corpses.

  There is also the universal currency side. We get the same. You can get ten thousand per person, right? "

   Speaking of Kapoda, he also glanced at Liu Zhi.

  Liu Zhi understood that the 30,000 corpses were actually left behind by the junglers of their guild. For their guild, these were all useless garbage, but Liu Zhi is now just useful.

  Liu Zhi nodded, "Yes, help me take the corpse to the place where the Kodo Bone is buried."

  Capuda, who originally planned to bargain with Liu Zhi, didn’t know what to say. He was originally here waiting for Liu Zhi to make a request, so that he could reluctantly agree to it and replace it with something better.

  When the next item was taken out, Liu Zhi couldn't make any more demands.

  Unexpectedly, Liu Zhi didn't even put forward his own opinions, and Liu Zhi did not have a strong willingness to exchange the two things he said before. For a while, Kapuda didn't know what to use to convince Liu Zhi.

  Looking at Capda suddenly jamming, Liu Zhi was also a little surprised.

   "What's wrong, didn't you mean that you will change one piece of equipment in the end? Didn't it mean that I can only get one of them? What about the equipment?"

When asked about this, Capuda was also a little embarrassed, but the equipment was for Liu Zhi, and he couldn't swallow it. At the beginning, he took the wine and asked Liu Zhi to drink, and there he blew the things he got during the trip. There are also supplies given by the guild, all to make Liu Zhi owe him a little.

  As long as Liu Zhi owes something, he has reason to persuade Liu Zhi. He believes that his eloquence can make Liu Zhi willing to exchange this piece of equipment with him.

  But now Ryuzhi has not accepted any tricks, and the relationship between them is not so good, but Capuda doesn't know how to speak.

  Looking at what Capuda looked like, Liu Zhi couldn't help but stunned.

   "What, did they not equip it?"

   "No, that adult gave the equipment, that's it, you can take a look."

  Although he was unwilling, Capuda took out the equipment he had exchanged.

The one who took the kit, naturally gave the things not bad, and when he gave out the things, he had asked Liu Zhi about their situation, he would not give the wrong things, and would not take some Liu Zhi to use. Give him the stuff on.

  The thing that Capuda handed over this time was something like a glove.

  Liu Zhi took a look, and couldn't help but let out a hey.

  This is a pair of silver silk gloves, inlaid with fine shards of gems at the fingertips of the gloves.

  【Silver Energy Breath (Gloves)】

  【Level: C- (standard equipment)】

  【Equipment requirements: Strength 3.0, Agility 3.0, Spirit 10.0】

  【Feature 1: The back of the hand can be inlaid with different gem-shaped staff charging props, and the power is controlled between five gears. 】

  【Feature 2: You can grasp the magic effect for 3 seconds, and ensure that the user is not harmed by magic for a certain period of time. 】

   [Explanation: This is a glove designed for wizards to grasp the source of magic power. Also because of the needs of the wizards, this glove does not affect the flexibility of the fingers, but strengthens the control of the source of magic power. 】

  (End of this chapter)

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