Necromantic Myth

Chapter 503: Crazy Scale is dead

  Chapter 503 Crazy Scale is Dead

  Until Liu Zhi left with something, he didn't doubt that Capuda had any thoughts about his gloves.

He has already seen from the description that this pair of gloves is actually mass-produced equipment, which should be available with money. In addition, Capuda did not make any unreasonable demands in the end, so he did not have any. I found that I was almost calculated.

  Wearing gloves and went out, Liu Zhi raised his hands to the sun. The gloves had disappeared at this time. Only Liu Zhi's nails changed to the color of gems at the fingertips of the gloves.

  It’s no wonder that the glove dared to claim that it didn’t affect all the actions of the wizard. After putting it on, it felt like it was not worn.

  Yagiji simply installed the extra lightning coral on the glove of his left hand, and the glove of his right hand was temporarily empty. He had thought about bringing the sun crystal on the death rod to install it.

  But when you think about it, I don’t think it is necessary for the time being, so I didn’t **** the death rod from Sandru.

  Out of the Capuda’s tavern, Ryuzhi saw that he was fine. Most of the things were coming, and there was nothing to buy, so he planned to go back here.

  But at this moment, Fireblade City suddenly rang a bell, attracting everyone's attention.

Liu Zhi looked in the direction from the bell, and found two huge airships flying side by side in the sky. All the airships were 100 meters long. Even if Liu Zhi stood in the corner of Fireblade City See the airship clearly.

  Between the two airships, a huge gray shark head fused with mechanical silver light is suspended by iron cables.

  It can be seen from the size of the shark's head that the shark was at least 500 meters long before it was alive.

  At this time, the airship was flying around in the sky with this shark head hung.

  There are lights on the ground and into the sky, as if I want people to see it more clearly.

  Ryuzhi didn't quite understand what was going on here, before he could ask, another voice came from the sky.

"Tell everyone the good news. After the joint efforts of the Black Bull Guild, Greenskin Prince Guild, Ghostface Guild and others, we finally killed the Mechanical Shark Crazy Scale, the leader of the Mechanized Murloc. This is his car, this, Everyone, look at my hand, this is Kuanglin's head."

  In the direction from which the voice came, Liu Zhi noticed that at the intersection of several lights, there was a green-skinned guy with a whole body of bone spurs, and a mechanized murloc head was holding in his hand.

  Is this crazy scales? Why did he die like this?

But what happened to the Black Bull Guild, the Greenskin Prince Guild, etc. The Sleep of Toga was not taken by the Matrib Guild. Didn’t they plan to ambush Crazy Scales here? How come these people just listen to their names. The sand sculpture's guild took advantage.

   "Great, Crazy Scale is finally dead, and the weaponized murloc is dead!"

   "Yes, great, the murlocs are all dead!"

   "Great, great, wait, why should I applaud, it has nothing to do with me."

  Looking at the whole city cheering there, Liu Zhi also knew that this was good news for Burning Blade City.

  After all, after the death of the mechanical shark mad scale, the murloc empire's power on the side of Burning Blade City is only one bloodbone murloc. The pressure on the coastal defense line is greatly reduced, and they can do more.

  Yagiji glanced at the mechanical shark hanging in the sky again, and prepared to leave with Vidnina.

  At this moment, he heard someone talking there.

   "Didn’t Crazy Scale hide in the deep sea all the time? How could he be killed all at once?"

  "You don’t know, let me tell you, this is the real news. The cousin of the second son of my younger brother’s brother-in-law is a member of the Black Bull Guild. He participated in this battle.

  I heard that they were also lucky. Just two days ago, this mechanical shark didn't know what medicine it took, and actually provoked a big guy and folded all his troops in.

Just escaped half of the shark and himself. At that time, you know, my younger brother’s second son discovered this situation. Then, as soon as the report was reported, all the members of the Black Bull Guild were dispatched, and my younger brother’s second son’s , I just said what is the relationship. "

  "Who cares about your little brother's relationship? Tell me what's going on."

"Oh, when the Black Bull Guild saw it, it was a good thing. I was afraid that I couldn’t eat it. So I contacted the Green Prince’s Guild, which happened to be fishing nearby. The Ghost Face Guild went over and took a look. Guess what, you saw that Half of the shark is floating on the water. How could such a good opportunity be missed? They rushed up and killed the mechanical shark madly."

   "Wait, it's over. I heard your little brother's relationship so long, so you just say this."

   "Yes, I managed to squeeze in. You said it too simple."

   "Yes, my pants are half off, so just tell me this."

   "Then I know this too, but it seems that they have reported the combat information to the mercenary guild. You can check it out."

   "We are stupid, now the ghosts from the mercenary guild can squeeze in."

  Among the discussions of these people, Liu Zhi heard some information.

   His general analysis is three kinds of guesses, one is that the mechanical shark fought a battle with the murloc and the blood-bone murloc, and finally turned into this.

   One kind of speculation is that the mechanical shark fought with the Murloc Empire and was chased down by the upper ranks of the Murloc Empire.

  The other is to guess that the mechanical shark should have gone to the bottom of the sea to hunt for treasure, but the treasure hunt lost his life.

  For these speculations, Liu Zhi generally believed, but he always felt that something was wrong. The mechanical shark scales were not the kind of impulsive person, otherwise he would not arrange it for that long, so he would find a life essence for his son.

  There is no reason for him to throw all of his people in for some reason.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi heard another voice, “Of course what I said is true. I am not afraid to tell you that I am a member of the Green Prince Guild, and I participated in this battle.

  We discovered it at sea, but before we discovered it, it was a vision. We saw the big wave set off, and the shark of the mechanical shark was thrown out of the wave.

  The president of our guild is a person with vision, and he can see that it is a mythical figure who has mastered the divinity of the ocean.

Although we don’t know what the reason is, we must avoid it. As a result, this avoidance allowed the grandchildren of the Black Bull Guild to take advantage of it. Otherwise, the name of our Greenskin Prince’s Guild was the name of our Green Prince Guild. . "

  (End of this chapter)

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