Necromantic Myth

Chapter 505: Arrange new subordinates (61/96)

  Chapter 505 Arrange new men (6196)

  In addition to the swan people, Liu Zhi also bought six other races this time, but among these races, there are still relatively few races like the swan people that have inheritance and are more innovative.

   Even if Ryuzhi is rich, he dare not spend it on some uncertain races.

  He knew his current situation and had strict requirements on race. In many respects, he was not too picky. At the beginning, Liu Zhi accepted even his least favorite murloc, and he was not unacceptable to some new races.

For example, among the six races in front of us, there are wild boars, kobolds, lizards, and cavemen that are not very eye-catching but have relatively high birth rates and occupations. There are also centaur races that have a low birth rate, but almost every Will only become the existence of suitable scouts and cavalry.

  There is also a flower essence that is only the size of a palm and looks no different from a butterfly. This is the race with the highest birth rate among the six races, but their combat effectiveness is just fine.

  The number of these races, Liu Zhi also bought the maximum amount he could buy.

  Among the six races, the number of flower essences is the largest, with 6,000 directly, but these elves are too small, except that their souls can be extracted to make ghosts, their bodies cannot even be transformed.

  Instead, it was a centaur with only 300, a full-staff cavalry occupation, and it was regarded as the most important unit in Liu Zhi's hand.

  Ryuzhi planned to wait for a time, divide them into 5 brigades according to the color of the centaur, and take them out to see if they can be transformed into an integrated unit for use.

  In addition, there are 700 wild boars in total, and the number of kobolds is relatively large, 1200 in total, and there are 900 lizardmen and cavemen, all of which are equipped with some juvenile bodies. Now they are waiting for the underworld process.

  For these races, Ryuzhi's idea is the same as that of the swan people, picking out all their professionals and letting them take most of the civilians to the real world.

  Their childhood experience grows in the Hades, and when they grow up to adulthood, they can see if they can get a job based on their situation.

  Of course, if this is the case, the growth rate of Liu Zhiming Palace will slow down, and it may not be possible to draw a group of troops in a short time.

  For this, Liu Zhi has his own thoughts.

  In the beginning, he just wanted to develop the Hades, but now it is different. He has a demiplane, and if this demiplane is not unified, then it would be a waste of his such a good opportunity.

  In addition to the enlightenment he got this time, Liu Zhi's thoughts were turned from the underworld of Hades, and the half plane in front of him was an opportunity for him.

  He cannot just ignore the development of the underworld and give up the existence of the real world part of the demiplane.

  So slower, he needs to play steadily and take control of the entire half plane.

  Together with Amanite, all the creatures of the race were imprinted, and after a transformation into the underworld, Liu Zhi took these creatures from the teleportation array outside the palace to the side of Duke Long’s castle.

When Liu Zhi was about to transmit, Ama Chengchi came to Liu Zhi and said softly: "Don't worry, we can be stable. The corpses of the dragon tooth soldiers you sent back are already in the bone-buried desert and mass-buried. Gangli is transformed, and new troops will soon be added, so don't worry about the safety of the palace."

"I'm not worried about this, and I still have about 30,000 dead bodies that will be sent over this time. You can see where they can be converted. As far as our situation is now, the conversion ratio of soldiers to labor is about three to three. Seven in this way, let's get the city architecture done first.

The corpses of Dragonfang Soldiers, you still don’t want to turn into labor occupations. Those will be more suitable for combat positions. When 30,000 corpses are delivered, you can convert them into labor. In addition, those creatures are willing to take their juveniles. Put it in the Hades for training, then you must train well.

  Professional arms cannot all depend on their own inheritance. We also have to give full play to our own ideas. We will slowly establish various training camps in the future, and now they can learn from the fine thorn sword. "

  After Liu Zhi explained everything clearly, he took seven new race troops and passed them out from the teleportation array outside the Hades, and appeared in the castle of Duke Long.

  When the creatures of these races were meditated, Liu Zhi had already considered how to arrange these creatures. At this time, Duke Long’s castle was still empty, and Liu Zhi could use the nearby land.

  Among these seven races, cavemen belong to the most vegetative race.

  The fighting power of this race is actually not strong, and the only reason they can be dragged onto the battlefield is because they are not afraid of flash art.

  Ryuzhi is temporarily not using them, and cavemen have no good career choices. They can only be spearmen at best, and they may be at the level of skeleton soldiers.

  Liu Zhi is not too short of this skeleton soldier, letting cavemen do their work, really has some cavemen like Langzuna.

Liu Zhi’s plan is to let these cavemen help him to plant the fields, first planting behind the Long Duke’s Castle. After the botanist took away the seeds of the Dragon Tooth Soldier last time, it was in the Dragon Tooth Soldier farmland that Liu Zhi and the others discovered before. Started to work.

  However, all the Duke Long arranged to farm there were their serfs, and Liu Zhi didn't plan to use those things. It happened that the cavemen came over now, and they were quite good at planting.

  Liu Zhi arranged them there to help botanists plant the fields.

  As for the remaining troops, Liu Zhi intends to find a safe and quiet environment to make arrangements after the first inspection of Duke Long’s territory.

  For the remaining races, Liu Zhi’s plan is very simple. Flower essence has a good effect on trees. It can be arranged in the woods to help the trees grow, and then collect some herbs and other things along the way.

  Kobolds can take them to mine, and there is their territory.

  The wild boar and the centaur are pure fighting races. They can find a place to put them down and let them develop on their own. When Liu Zhi needs them, they can be organized.

  Lizardmen are amphibians, they can be placed in the river, or they can be arranged to work on the goblin’s boat.

   Just as Liu Zhi was thinking about how to slowly expand his subordinates to the entire half plane, suddenly there was a loud noise outside the castle.

  Yagiji felt that something was wrong when he heard it. He hurried to the highest point of the castle and looked in the direction where the sound came from.

  At this time, he happened to see the scene of the huge wave washing away the distant dock.

  In the huge wave, there seems to be a large number of murlocs.

  (End of this chapter)

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