Necromantic Myth

Chapter 506: The Great Wave (62/96)

  Chapter 506 Giant Waves (6296)

  Looking at all this from a distance, Liu Zhi felt that his face was so painful being drawn.

He came out of the Hades without any troops at all. He thought that Nessa had already got everything done. Now it seems that it’s really not the same thing. Not only did he not kill the pirates, it’s the current situation. From a point of view, it is possible for the pirates to come up instead.

  Looking at the sailing boat appearing on the river, Liu Zhi's face condensed, and he turned to say to the various meditation races who were still waiting for orders.

   "All civilians retreat to the third floor area of ​​the castle. All professionals take up weapons according to their occupations. We are about to fight."

  Under Ryuzhi's order, all the professionals of other races, except for the caveman who had been arranged to leave, stood up, and even the flower essence also had corresponding professionals.

  Flowers are small and weak, so they don't have a corresponding melee class, but their recovery spells are good, especially the natural spells, which have a super good effect on the treants.

  Among these six thousand flower essences, 300 flower essence priests have been assembled. Their task is to supplement blood for the troops on Liu Zhi's side in the upcoming battle.

  As for the other races, except for the swan people who need special claw blades, the others do not need too professional weapons and equipment. The inventory of the Dragon Duke’s castle has suitable equipment for them to change temporarily.

  The wild boars chose weapons such as heavy hammers and two-handed axes. The kobolds picked up the shovel and the pointed hoe, the centaur got the spear and the bow and arrow, and they also got a set of leather armor.

  Lizardmen even took long swords and shields, and I don’t know why they made such a choice.

  No matter what, these soldiers are ready.

  And Ryuji, who was standing at the highest point of the castle, also saw the ships appearing on the river.

  There are nine ships appearing on the river at this time. Except for the four ordinary two-masted ships, all of them are three-masted sailing ships.

As an extraordinary shipbuilder, Liu Zhi could tell at a glance that only one of the ships had reached the extraordinary level, but he could not judge the other party’s extraordinary effects, but seeing the speed of the ship’s advancement, Liu Zhi believed It should not be an extraordinary attribute comparable to speed.

   Stopped at the pier where Ryuuji was blocked before, the pirate king took a murloc body and walked off the ship.

  He wanted to attack Duke Long’s territory a long time ago, but Duke Long’s reputation kept him from daring to mess around.

  Now that the Duke of Dragon is destroyed, the territory is full of strange creatures that seem to be strong underwater, but in real fight, a ship charge can kill a batch of weird creatures, which gives the pirate king a lot of confidence.

  Those creatures are very strong in underwater battles, but they are not organized, and they are not as good as pirates in fighting.

  The biggest ability is to attack underwater, or to control water to form flood peaks and the like.

If it’s someone else, maybe it’s also afraid, but the Pirate King is not afraid of this. His ship is called Poseidon. It is a good ship handed down from his ancestors. After hundreds of years, their family was forced to use it in strong winds and waves. This ship has become a transcendent class.

  And the ability of this ship, Liu Zhi, had also seen it before, and it was called a giant wave.

  In other words, where the ship appears, there will be huge waves randomly. The faster the ship moves, or the narrower the place, the greater the height of the wave.

  When the waves are the highest, they can reach as high as 15 meters.

  Usually, the Pirate King relied on this ability to kill opponents that challenged him one after another.

It was the same this time. The Pirate King didn't want to shoot himself at first. He just pressed the pirates to shoot. On the one hand, he pushed the pirates that he did not manage to the battlefield. On the other hand, he also considered the ability to launch his own ships every time. , Is also a consumption for ships.

But the pirate king did not intend to take action, but Nasha did not let them off. When the pirate ship was washed away by the flood, Nasha took most of the murlocs and jumped into the water, ready to chase the murlocs. of.

  At that time, the pirate king was waiting for news in his own ship. His idea was that no matter where the pirates were hit or what they were hitting within three days, he would not take action.

  Three days later, it is estimated that the pirates and the people who occupied the Halong Duke’s castle in the past are also fighting together. It happened that he used to take advantage.

  So the pirate king was holding a wine bottle, and standing on the bow of the ship drinking wine, suddenly he felt a turbid current gushing out of the sea.

  If it is an ordinary person, there will be no reaction to this change, but the Poseidon of the Pirate King has the extraordinary ability to travel with huge waves.

  The pirate king usually sees more changes when the flood and huge waves are set off. When you look at this, you know that someone is acting as a demon in the upper reaches of the river.

  The pirate king yelled as soon as he saw it, "The order goes on, all ships are ready, follow me, level 3 huge waves."

The Pirate King’s men all know the capabilities of the Poseidon. Normally, as long as they follow behind the Poseidon, they will not be affected by the huge waves, but they accidentally ran in front of the Poseidon. The huge waves don’t care who you are. .

  So most of the ships have the function of preventing waves. At the same time, the pirate king also divided the huge waves into lower levels. It is said that there are several levels of huge waves, which means several levels of huge waves. As long as the defense is in place, the ship will be fine.

  The pirate ship was only ready here. The huge waves that had been set off by Nessa had pushed several sailboats that had penetrated into the river and retreated to the mouth of the sea.

  Looking at the sailboat being pushed back by the huge waves, the Pirate King snorted.

   "A bunch of useless things."

  After that, he stood at the position of the leader of the ship, just grabbed his right hand forward, the sea under the Poseidon was surging, and the sea slowly rose up, unexpectedly lifted the Poseidon by about three meters.

At this time, the giant wave had already rushed to the front of the Poseidon. The Pirate King pushed his hand forward, and the Poseidon rushed towards him. The water under the Poseidon turned into the shape of a blade, and it took a lot of effort to break the Nasha. The huge waves set off.

  After the huge wave was divided into two halves, it went in two directions, without affecting the Poseidon and the pirate ship hidden behind the Poseidon.

  Only the pirate ships that were pushed back by the huge waves were affected. Several ships were overturned because of such impact.

  Looking at this situation, the pirate king grunted and said: "Useless guy."

  He was also irritated this time. He didn't plan to stay here any longer. He pointed at the river entrance to the sea and gave the order.

   "Along with the huge waves, charge me!"

  (End of this chapter)

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