Necromantic Myth

Chapter 510: Fighting power of various races (2/109)

  Chapter 510 Fighting Power of Various Races (2109)

  At the moment of crisis, the Pirate King released his battle axe, raised his arm and grabbed the two samurai swords, while using an unimportant position of his body to block the remaining four samurai swords.

  It can be seen that the Pirate King’s idea is very simple. He can use his injury to change the timing. As long as he does not die immediately, he can find a way to seize the opportunity again.

  But Ryuzhi won't let the Pirate King survive just like that.

In fact, when his wind blade was blown away, Liu Zhi was ready for the next move. His left thumb and index finger formed a circle shape. Under the action of the glove and the lightning coral, a current circle appeared in this way. In his hands.

   Then, Liu Ji launched the Eternal Night Sword Curtain, concentrated his attack with a single point of Liu Ji’s swordsmanship, and pierced the Pirate King’s eyebrows.

  The Pirate King just roared off Yanagi's wind blade and blocked Vidnina's katana. The timing of Yanagi's attack was just right. The Pirate King wanted to dodge Yanagi's attack like a katana.

   But like the Evernight Sword Curtain, an attack that focused all of its power on one point, how could the original designer not consider whether it would hit or not.

  Not to mention that in the beginning, Night Stabbing Swordsmanship was a defensive counterattack route. Counterattack hits were the basis of this swordsmanship.

  The pirate king can only turn his head sideways now. Just wanting to escape the blow is just dreaming.

  Yagiji made a full blow and directly pierced the pirate king’s forehead.

  In the next instant, the pirate king's body turned from bronze to red. He roared, and all the blood in his body exploded on the spot, and nothing was left, including his soul.

  Yiu Zhi did not expect to encounter such a thing, he was blown up with blood on his face.

  Although as a necromancer, Liu Zhi is no longer afraid of all kinds of corpses, but he is still uncomfortable with this situation.

  Vednina even took a samurai sword to stand in front of Ryuuji.

   seems to be preventing an enemy from appearing.

   Glancing at the pirate king who was fried to pieces on the ground, Ryuzhi felt that this was not good news.

  Although he killed the Pirate King, it can be seen from the self-destruction behind that there is something hidden behind the Pirate King.

   Wiped the blood on his body with his hand, Liu Zhi put the blood in front of his nose and smelled it.

  "Is the blood under control? Is it possible that the power of the Duke of Blood is behind this?"

  Ryuzhi said to himself, then turned his gaze to the battlefield.

  When Ryuzhi fought with the Pirate King, his men also fought with the pirates.

Since all his subordinates were bought, they are not creatures born in Liu Zhi Ming Palace, so most of them are level 1. Of course, there are also some elders and the level is almost level 2. Or level 3 like this.

   Most of the pirates are ordinary people. With a weapon, they can’t be counted as level 1 arms. Only a part of the transcendents can be counted as level 1. Several captains are almost at level 2 or 3.

  They collided together, and those pirates who were weak after all were knocked out on the spot.

  After all, the appearance of more than three hundred centaurs charging together is no different from a hundred trucks lining up and colliding together.

  At this time, the pirates should have been organized. Even if they could not win the fight against Ryuzhi's men head-on, they could still engage in a melee. For the pirates, this kind of melee was actually their best.

  In addition to Liu Zhi and other subordinates, in fact, there is no organization at all. After the release, it basically releases itself, and Ladu can't pull it back.

  If the pirates are willing, they may still have a chance to survive.

  But at this time, the pirate king was hit by a sword by Liu Zhi, and finally blew himself up.

  The effect of the self-detonation is quite gorgeous, and everyone in the vicinity has seen this scene.

  The morale of the pirates was not high. Once this happened, the pirates fell apart.

  Some of them roared and rushed to the enemy in front of them, and some chose to escape.

  And Liu Zhi's men also became confused in this situation. They didn't know whether to kill the enemy in front of them or to pursue them.

  Looking at the chaos in front of him, Liu Zhi was also a little speechless. At this time, he finally understood why he needed heroes and reorganized troops.

  There are only a few hundred people here, and he can't control it. If there are tens of thousands of people, how can he control the troops?

  Yagiji waved his hand, "Freely attack, kill all the pirates, don't let any one go, you will come back directly after the fight."

  After speaking, Ryuzhi took another look at the meat lump left by the pirate king on the ground after the explosion, carrying the monitor lizard’s blood-stained fangs and walking towards the castle like this.

Under the order of Yuji, the centaur freed themselves. They naturally like to run on the ground, and pursue freedom more than the swan people taking off in the sky. After hearing the order of Yuji, they were in groups. , Chasing the pirate away.

  On the contrary, the two groups of Boarmen and Lizardmen did not have so many ideas. Ryuuji ordered them to move freely, and they were still dealing with the pirates who did not escape.

  As for the swan people, although they can fly and fight, they don't like to participate in the battle. After Liu Zhi allowed them to move freely, they actually flew back to the city, seemingly wanting to find a place to stop and rest.

  For the choice of swan people, Liu Zhi is also a little speechless, but he can't put all the swan people on the battlefield.

  Looking at those centaurs and boars fighting against pirates, Yanagi also had a certain judgment on the strength of these creatures.

Centaur is a mixture of heavy cavalry and light cavalry. If you put a set of heavy armor on them, they can sweep across the plains. The method of using them should be like the one in front of them, all together and charge once. Then let them chase after the points.

The Boars are completely different from the Centaur. They can also charge, but the distance is relatively short, but the force of the collision will be stronger. If they are concentrated like a Centaur, they will squeeze behind. The previous one would have no effect.

  These wild boars should form a medium-sized phalanx, and about thirty people collide together, so that they can exert their greatest effect.

As for the lizard people, they are of the same level as the murlocs, but they are more flexible than the murlocs, and they will be taller than the murlocs. Yanagi believes that they may not be as good as the murlocs in the water, but they act as sailors on the boat. These lizardmen will be stronger than the murlocs.

  (End of this chapter)

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