Necromantic Myth

Chapter 511: Arrangement of Lizardmen (3/109)

  Chapter 511 Arrangement of Lizardmen (3109)

  The battle on the pirate side starts quickly and ends quickly.

  Those pirates rushed up like the tide, but as a result, it hasn’t been long since they opened, and they fled like the tide.

  It's just that most of the pirates who landed ashore did not escape alive, only a small number of pirates fled early and finally ran to the dock.

  At this time, near the pier, there are still some pirates guarding the ship.

  As soon as they saw their brothers escaping back, followed by a group of centaur, they were all stunned.

   "Oh my God, what's the matter, what kind of monster is that?" Pointing to the centaur, the pirates shouted one after another.

   "That's a centaur, don't be afraid, they can't rush into the boat."

   "That's right, but what is their current situation? Why did they run away so a few people came back."

   "The Pirate King is dead, everyone, run away!"

  As some pirates ran to the ship, various news spread quickly.

  In order to control the ships and pirates, the Pirate King called all the captains away when he disembarked.

  The people who stay here are ordinary pirates, and only he has a master of level 3 strength on board.

  They didn’t know what to do for a while.

  However, after rushing to the shore, the centaur also stopped. The centaur is not suitable for sailors, and they have no swimming ability. They can only watch the pirates jump into the water and climb onto the ship.

  Seeing that the centaur did not attack again, the pirates were relieved a lot. The original panic was slowly covered up, and some ambitions appeared in their hearts.

  The pirate king is dead, there is no owner on the sea, these ships are still there, they have escaped now, this is the opportunity.

  The pirates on the ship looked at each other, and there was a glimmer of light in their eyes. They all had a chance to become the pirate king.

  The one guarding the Poseidon grabbed a pirate.

   "You say it again, is the king really dead?"

   "Yes, the Pirate King is dead." As the pirate said, he was secretly upset. How come all of the Pirate King's men, like the Pirate King, like to ask people for questioning.

   "How did he die?"

   "I don't know, they all said that the pirate king exploded, and it exploded into blood fog."

   "Is it really exploded into blood fog?" The person was also excited when he heard it.

   "Yes, everyone has seen it, the blood fog is exploding so high, it's all over the sky." The pirate didn't understand why this person asked, but he still explained the situation in his own words.

"Okay!" The one who stayed behind laughed loudly, "You have brought me good news. Go and pick a boat. From now on I will be the new pirate king. Everyone will immediately operate the boat and we will leave here immediately. ."

However, he did not have the prestige of the pirate king before. Those ships were also in chaos. Not many people were willing to listen to him. This one could only control the Poseidon and let the crew who stayed behind the Poseidon raise the sails and sail down the current. .

   Then several more ships found the Poseidon leaving, and they followed the Poseidon with thoughts of this and other.

  The remaining ships have no such idea. The pirates on their ships are still fighting for the position of the captain.

  At this time, Liu Zhi had also rushed over with his hands. After all, he had to come here to take a look at the current situation of the dock.

  Naturally, Liuzhi brought amphibians like lizardmen. After all, the murlocs are now missing, and the only ones who can enter the water are these.

  As soon as he arrived at the dock area, Liu Zhi saw some boats parked on the river, and the sound of fighting was heard from the boats.

  However, there is nothing extraordinary in these ships. It can be seen that the ship that caused the huge wave ran away.

   "Forget it, you dive up and kill all the pirates on it. After that, drag the ship over."

  Yiu Zhi said to the lizardman, and stopped taking care of the matter.

At this time, he turned around here at the pier. Because of the previous huge waves, some of the pier’s defenses were swept in on the spot, so the entire pier area became unguarded. The village chief who was in charge of managing the pier was originally Missing, the soldier guarding the pier also died in the huge waves.

  After the pirates rushed up, they naturally robbed and killed them. There was originally a dock with more than a hundred households. At this time, there was no living person.

  Looking at the situation at the dock at this time, Liu Zhi thought for a moment, and he also had a new plan in his mind.

He beckoned to the lizardmen who hadn't rushed on the boat, "You guys, go to the castle and invite your elders over, and ask them if you want to help me guard this pier. If you want, I Just arrange this dock for you to use.

  You can fish nearby, grow your normal food, or act as a sailor or labor.

  After you have more manpower, I will divide you out. After all, besides the murlocs, some other creatures are needed in this river. "

  Yagiji said calmly.

  However, when he finished speaking, he found that the lizardmen he had recruited had run away. It could be seen that they were very interested in Liu Zhi's arrangement, and now they were already excited to call their elders.

  Yagiji still wanted to talk to the Lizardmen about his plan, but he didn't expect that they all ran away.

  For such a situation, Liu Zhi didn't know what kind of expression he had to face.

  At this moment, the lizardmen who entered the water also began to climb towards the sailing boats.

  It can be seen from this moment that the lizardmen have their talents as sailors.

  These amphibian humanoids, in addition to swimming in water, can also climb walls. This is also a talent of lizards, just like geckos.

  At this time, the pirates on these ships suffered a lot of deaths and injuries due to the civil strife, and their minds were not kept outside. Even if Liu Zhi came with the lizard people, they thought that Liu Zhi could not get on the ship.

  By the time the lizardmen were killed on the ship, everything was too late. Those lizard talents, regardless of whether the pirates were injured by the fight just now, as long as they were alive, all made up for it.

  In a short while, there were seven sailing boats left here and they were all cleared. The lizardmen tied the boat with a cable, jumped into the water and dragged the boat to the shore.

  Yagiji commanded the man to transport the pirate's body from above, and looked at the excited lizard-men.

  Finally, he shook his head helplessly, “What kind of situation is this? Let’s find some sailors to teach you how to sail the boat later.”

  (End of this chapter)

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