Necromantic Myth

Chapter 512: Fish people's discovery

  Chapter 512 Discovery of the octopus

  In the military building of the Hades Palace, Liu Zhi looked at the map in front of him with a speechless expression on his face.

   "What is the situation with these two guys, and without explaining the situation, they ran out of the map."

  The two mentioned by Liu Zhi refer to the two of Nasha and Stubble. Since taking the territory of Duke Long, the area of ​​the map in Liu Zhi's military building has also become much larger.

  It is also divided into two parts, one part is the location of the underworld, and the other part is the real world map centered on the Dragon Duke’s castle.

  His flags also appeared on various locations on the two maps.

  But at this time, the flags representing Nessa and Skullbeard did not appear on these two maps. At the same time, the flags representing the murloc formation units disappeared together.

  It can be seen from this point that Nasha or Dabeur took these troops out of the control of Ryuzhi, and ventured to places he didn't know.

  As for why it is not said that these two are dead, it is entirely because if the hero dies, Liu Zhi will react here, the most obvious is that the banner representing the hero is broken.

   After thinking about it, Liu Zhi could only ignore this matter, and no longer bothered Nasha and Weakbeard.

Just looking at the somewhat empty sea area of ​​the Hades, Liu Zhi could not help but sighed. It seems that the relationship between him and the murlocs is really not good. Every time he enters the game, he will encounter such murlocs, even The murloc races that they have established will also have moths of this kind.

  If it had not been determined that the aquatic-murloc system was the main tree-bound spirit system in the underworld ecosystem of the Hades, Liu Zhi would like to replace these murlocs, so as not to need to invest a lot of resources each time, but there is no benefit.

  And at this moment, on the surface of the sea, Broken Beard was talking and laughing with the goblins.

After they went out to sea, the abilities of the goblins became more and more demonstrated. They seemed to be seekers of natural wealth. They always found the right direction. Under the guidance of the goblins, they had discovered several times that the pirates were hiding. Of the supply island.

  Judging from the situation on the island, these are what the pirates left behind, and there are even some small treasures hidden inside.

  However, these treasures were all divided by the goblins, and nothing was left to the beards.

For this kind of situation, there is no one who has any opinion. At this time, he has only one idea in his mind, that is, to fight this battle well and show his strength in front of Ryuzhi, so that he can become the leader of the murloc. Squeeze Nesha down.

  This is the idea he had after joining Liu Zhi. After he saw Liu Zhi's handling of the murlocs, he wanted to become the leader of the dead lake murlocs.

Because he saw the potential of the Murloc in the Dead Lake in Liu Zhi, after a few generations of treatment like that, the Murloc in the Dead Lake will become the kind of natural murloc. This kind of murloc just needs to be stimulated again. , Will soon become a powerful murloc race.

  Although I don’t know what changes will be made behind the Dead Lake Murloc, it can already be seen that the Dead Lake Murloc will become a system by itself in the future.

  In this system, only one leader is needed.

  Beard looked at the goblin who was the heaviest on board, his face became more and more solemn, he must perform well this time, let Liu Zhi understand that he is the hero among the murlocs.

  However, Dawei didn't know that Nasha was onboard the Poseidon at this time.

  Nasha was swept away by a huge wave. When the Pirate King went to attack the Dragon Duke’s castle, Nesha had already summoned the surviving murlocs under the water.

  But at this time, Nasha also understood that his loss this time was too serious. If he didn't get some record, maybe after returning, he would only have to guard the dead lake murloc's life in the sea area of ​​the palace.

  This is not what Nasha wanted. Nasha wanted to be a player, he wanted to go out independently, and he wanted to stand higher than Liu Zhi.

  If you just want to breed fish people in the sea area of ​​the Hades, what else do you need to do with the existence of heroic potential like him.

  So Nasha took the murloc professionals he had recruited and sneaked into the Poseidon, preparing to take the Poseidon to Ryuzhi.

  As long as he has such a record, the loss this time can be blamed on a momentary error, at least his future actions will not be restricted.

  But Nasha did not expect that when the news of the Pirate King's death came back, the Poseidon immediately selected a new Pirate King.

And he dragged the Poseidon to the sea, where the new pirate king was about to pull the newly-elected captains from the other ships to his own hands. Nasha and the Murloc suddenly rushed out, and the two sides passed by. In the war, Nessa and the others successfully killed all the enemies.

  After throwing all the pirates into the sea, Nescha found the throne of the previous pirate king.

  For this throne, Nessa agrees very much. He believes that as the king of murlocs, he should also have such a throne.

   So when the murlocs were arranged to control the other ships, Nesha sat on the throne.

  Originally, he just sat casually, but he found a book placed on the throne.

   "The Harem of the Son of Destiny-The Secret History of Duke Long"

  Looking at this weird title, Nasha couldn't help but smiled. I never thought that a pirate king would read such a novel. There are really all kinds of people.

  Under boredom, Nessa opened the book.

As a murloc with heroic potential, Nasha has received orthodox education since he was a child. At least the spiritual murlocs have taught Nasha to read and read. Although he does not recognize much, he can still read some normal things. understand.

  Flicking through the book, Nasha's face became more and more serious.

  From this book, Nasha saw something that the natives in this demiplane could not understand.

   "Duke Long is a player?"

  Nasha is thinking about the identity of the player. After experiencing the game world once, Nasha knows the characteristics of some game players.

As it is said in the book before me, the first generation of Duke Long is like a chosen one. Whenever he encounters some danger, he will always hide in a place where no one else can find it. Seventy to eighty days later When he reappears, his strength has been improved to a certain extent, and he can defeat his enemies.

  It’s okay once or twice, every time, so some people say that Duke Long is the chosen one in this world, and he is here to unify this world.

  It's just that after unifying the world, Duke Long's ambition can't be suppressed. He actually wants to become the **** of this world.

  So the gods behind the world fought with Duke Long, and finally killed Duke Long.

  However, Duke Long’s family has been passed down and has not been affected in any way.

  Holding the book, Nassau became more excited as he read it. He shouted: "I have found it, I have found a way to become a player."

  (End of this chapter)

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