Necromantic Myth

Chapter 513: Elf Legion

  Chapter 513 Elf Legion

   To the east of the semiplane continent, near the Duke Long’s territory, there is a dense forest. The continent has the least number of people, but the most powerful race elves live here.

   Legend has it that the elves are the oldest race in this demiplane. Before the appearance of the Duke of Dragon, the continent belonged to the elves.

  It's just that the birth rate and growth rate of the elves suppressed the strength of the elves, and the battle with the Duke of Dragon caused the elves to suffer serious losses. After three thousand years, the elves have not yet recovered to one-tenth of their heyday strength.

However, relying on the advantages of all professionals, occupying elven archers, sword dancers, druid mages, and a few more powerful treants left over thousands of years ago, elves still occupy the east side of the continent on the semiplane. It’s a big place.

  It's just that their turf is a little bit larger than that of Duke Long, which is far behind the two in the north and the south.

  The elves have not been doing very well these years. They also want to develop their sphere of influence, but their position is not very good, and they are blocked from any direction.

  Further east is the swamp and port of snake people. Even if the elves want to occupy this place, they need to transform the swamp woodland. That would be a waste of time.

  Go west, it is the territory of Duke Long. Generations of Duke Long have suppressed the elves quite well, so that the elves don't dare to go to the land of Duke Long.

  As for the northern part of the North Plains Glacier, which does not fit the elves’ living habits, the southern elves have been there several times, but people died inexplicably when they got there. After a long time, the elves also developed there.

  This time I heard about Duke Long’s accident, and the senior elves felt that this was an opportunity, a chance to come back with revenge.

  To know the life of the elves, what happened to the first Duke of Dragon is just like what happened yesterday. There are many elves who have a little friendship with the first Duke of Dragon Adam.

  Compared with the "Harem of the Son of Destiny-The Secret History of Duke Long", they knew better what happened at that time.

  So for so many years after Adam's death, they have not fully mobilized.

Now that Duke Long’s territory is occupied by people, the elves are naturally a little excited. On the one hand, they want to develop their own power. On the other hand, there are also some elves who want to see if they can find the secret hidden by Duke Long. .

  At this time in the city of elves, a dozen or so senior elves are discussing this matter.

They were sitting in a meeting room made up of trees. At the top was a male elf wearing a leather armor. On the edge of his seat, there was a pair of twins that seemed to flash with silver light. Long knife.

  He took a look at the situation below. Among the ten or so elves in the next first place, there were three druids wearing straw hats and deer hats, bear hats, and wolf hats on their heads.

  Four elves dressed similarly to him, carrying double knives.

  Four elves dressed in leaves and carrying long bows.

  There is also an elf who keeps his eyes closed, and seems to be sensing something there.

  These are the leaders of the elven clan now.

  They respectively represent the current four forces of the Elven Clan, the sword dancer with a large number of people, the most traditional Elf Archer of the Elf Clan, the Druid of the Law System, and the communicator of the Tree Man.

  They also have their own needs for the Long Duke’s territory.

  But in terms of the overall situation, the leader of the elven race is quite satisfied.

  At least when they said they wanted to deal with the territory of Duke Long, these people did not directly object, even if they had opinions, they just remained neutral.

After a glance at the crowd, the elf leader said: "Everyone has no opinion on this matter. Then I will talk about our thoughts. We are going to talk with them this time, as long as they are willing to hand in Adam's things. Come out, we will not be enemies with them."

  When the other elves heard this, they all nodded their heads there. In their opinion, this time they only needed Adam's secrets to be considered pretty good.

  "Of course, if they don’t talk to us, then we can also let them see our strength. This time I plan to except the dark green legion (tree people) that can’t move.

There are six legions left behind, namely the Wild Bear Legion (Druid), Stardust Legion, Starfall Legion (Shooter), Moonlight Legion, and Crescent Moon Legion (Sword Dancer). When we leave, you will be in charge of the territory. Security.

  The remaining six legions, including my White Moonlight Legion, act in unison and directly enter the realm of Duke Long.

In this operation, the Lunar Legion (Sword Dancer) is the main forward, the Starlight Legion and the Star Wars Legion (Shooter) as the Chinese Army, and the White Moonlight Legion is started, the Deer Spirit Legion and the Wolf Legion (Druid) As a defender, protect our passage.

  We do not plan to fight for too long. After the Lunar Legion is in contact with the enemy, the horse sends out our signal to tell the other party what we are coming.

If they don’t want to, they’ll just pull out their defense points and kill them under the Dragon Duke’s castle. Let me say again, our goal this time is not to take down this territory. Those lands are of no use to us. Our goal is , To find the secret of Adam. "

  Speaking of this, the elf leader stood up and raised his hand high.

"I'm not looking for this secret for myself. Everyone remembers what happened at the beginning. The final parable of the mother **** tells us Adam’s weakness and tells us that Adam is the mother god’s greatest enemy. We did it. After that, the mother goddess disappeared. I think there was a final battle where we didn't see it.

  Adam is dead or alive. We don’t know. After so many years, we have been trying to find this secret. Now the secret is in front of us. Whether we can find the mother **** again depends on this battle. "


  The other elves all raised their arms, seeming to be quite excited.

  However, after the elves left, the elven leader stood up, spreading his left hand, and said to the palm of his hand.

   "What you said is true?"

   "Of course." A voice came from the palm of the elf leader's hand. If you look closely, you will find that there is an extra mouth made of blood on the palm of his hand.

"Adam’s secret is hidden in his tomb. The new owner of the Duke of Long’s realm must have found Adam’s tomb. If he finds Adam’s secret, this continent will have to return to the original situation again, for your sake. The elves think about it, are you willing to go back to the age of being ruled by humans?

  Don’t forget, the elves are the children of the mother god. "

"I do not want!"

  (End of this chapter)

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