Necromantic Myth

Chapter 514: Exoskeleton Mecha Design (4/109)

  Chapter 514 Exoskeleton Mecha Design (4109)

Looking at the corpse of the Dragon Tooth Soldier who had just been transformed, Liu Zhi nodded his head in satisfaction.

The corpses of the dragon tooth soldiers are really suitable for making undead. The undead transformed by them are beyond the scope of zombies. If Ryuzhi is willing, as long as they are equipped with suitable souls and equipped with good armor, they can be used as black warriors. possible.

   "It's a pity, if I had a training camp for Dread Knights, it would be nice. The background is still a bit worse."

  While Yanagi was speaking, new news came from the exoskeleton mecha factory.

Since corpse canines and cannibal wolves have died in large numbers, and new dogs and wolves have not yet grown up, the exoskeleton mecha factory has also stopped the research work on these two types of biological mechas. The target was placed on the seven races that had newly joined the forces of Liu Zhi.

  Originally, Ryuzhi wanted to strengthen the murloc first, but Nasha and Shirobe were not there, and they didn’t know where they took the murloc troops.

  Also absent there were the black water goblins, which made Liu Zhi quite a headache.

In addition to the fact that the spider is so small, the exoskeleton mecha is not needed at all. As for the other undead, now there is not enough manpower. Ryuzhi simply asked the exoskeleton mecha factory to focus on other research directions. Seven races.

  The first to be made was the exoskeleton mecha of Centaur and Swan.

  For the requirements of the centaur exoskeleton mecha, Liu Zhi asked them to study how to strengthen the defensive power of the centaur without affecting their movement speed.

  Liu Zhi has already seen from the previous battles. When the Centaur charged for the first time, it looked like a heavy cavalry, but after the charge was over, it fought like a light cavalry.

  Their defensive power is not high. If they are entangled, it is actually quite dangerous.

  So the exoskeleton mecha factory, specially designed new mechas for them.

  This kind of mech is transformed with some useless piecemeal beasts and worm shells in the Bone Desert.

The resulting exoskeleton mecha is like a heavy armor wrapped around the whole body. In fact, this thing is not heavy. All the weight is supported by the exoskeleton mecha. On the contrary, the movement speed of the centaur is due to the split beast. And attack flexibility has been significantly improved, in the melee, they can also make a way out.

  Looking at the centaur sample sent over, Liu Zhi nodded in satisfaction.

At this time, the centaur in front of Ryuzhi looked like it was wearing an insect-like chitin shell armor. All the positions on their body, even the underside of the centaur, were wrapped tightly. A pair of eyes were revealed.

On the back of the Centaur, there is also the head of a lion. There is the energy source of the entire exoskeleton mecha. This is the main power source of the entire exoskeleton mecha. With this, the Centaur runs particularly easily. Long-distance raids are no longer a problem.

  Also, because the gravity of the armor is all supported by the exoskeleton mecha, the centaur has more weapons.

In addition to a normal spear, two spare spears, a scimitar for melee combat, a bow and three-barreled feather arrows, and supplies that can be eaten by the centaur for three days .

  For this kind of centaur, Liu Zhi's request is to attack remotely, and finally come back alive.

  Now it seems that what they are going to do is pretty good.

  Different from the exoskeleton mecha used by the Centaur, the exoskeleton mecha of the Swan Man does not cover the whole body, but only covers the head, back and feet of the Swan Man.

  The exoskeleton mecha of the Swan Man is made of dry bones in the buried desert.

  For the flying unit, the research plan of the exoskeleton mecha factory is to ignore the flying ability of the swan man, but how to make the swan man better attack.

  The focus of the exoskeleton mecha they researched is still the claws of the swan man. The original attack of the swan man was a claw blow from the sky.

  But they used to just put some steel in the claws, no other changes.

  The situation is different now. The focus of the exoskeleton mecha is to deal with the claws of the swan man. In addition to the normal claws, the exoskeleton mecha will also become a dagger and some small tools.

  Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the strength of the swan man’s claws will be significantly improved. With the exoskeleton mecha, the swan man can even fall directly from the sky and crush the enemy’s head.

In response to this situation, Liu Zhi nodded with satisfaction, "This is to equip the Swan Assault Soldiers, and then prepare new exoskeleton mechas for the Swan Cavalry. At the same time, you can decide on the research direction of the Boarman exoskeleton mechas. No?"

The staff at the exoskeleton mecha factory immediately said: "There is already a direction. We found that the Boars are actually the most suitable for heavy armor fighters. This is the direction of our research. Our goal is to strengthen their defense. If Yes, add another shield to them."

  For the staff of the exoskeleton mecha factory, Liu Zhi is also quite satisfied. It can be seen that they are really interested in researching.

  At this moment, a warning bell suddenly rang in Liu Zhi's ear.

  He didn't stay longer, and a flash appeared over the military building.

  Since Ryuzhi has several territories, the military building has an additional function. No matter where he encounters an attack, Ryuzhi will receive information, and then he can see the situation from the map of the military building.

  Of course, Liu Zhi also specially set the warning range and the number of people in order to prevent the screaming of a wolf coming from outside.

  Only after a certain number of troops have entered the territory, this alarm will sound.

  It is precisely for this reason that Liu Zhi became nervous as soon as he heard the alarm.

Appearing in the military building, Liu Zhi first glanced at the situation in the underworld. In the past few days, such alarms are often sent from the underworld. After all, the hundreds of thousands of undead are still not far away. , From time to time there will be some running over.

  But after a glance, Liu Zhi discovered that on the border of the Realm of Duke Long in the real world, several skull-shaped signs appeared.

  This is a big army.

  Liu Zhi was shocked, and immediately ran out, after the transfer of the teleportation array, he came to Duke Long’s castle.

   "If the order goes on, there will be enemies, and everyone will be ready for battle."

  After finishing speaking, Liu Zhi lifted his hand, and an eye in the sky was released and flew to the side where the alarm came.

  (End of this chapter)

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