Necromantic Myth

Chapter 515: The elves strike (5/109)

  Chapter 515 Attack of the Elves (5109)

  From the scene from the Eye of the Sky, Liu Zhi saw some scenes that surprised him.

  He never expected that there are elves in this half plane.

  Although there is no way to tell from their skin which elves they are, the pair of pointed ears can still explain their identities.

  These elves formed six phalanxes, advancing in a one-three-two formation.

  The number of elves in each phalanx is different. The largest phalanx has 300 people, and the least is only about 150 people. The total number of elves here is about 1,200 people.

  In the team, there are obviously the presence of commanders. They ride different animals, mostly deer with sharp horns, and walk in the front or middle position of each team in the team.

  It can be seen that they came here ready to fight. Except for weapons, equipment and armor, these elves didn't even carry anything on them, and they didn't know what they planned to eat on the road.

But in their situation, Liu Zhi didn’t believe that they were here to trade. After thinking about it, Liu Zhi returned to the Hades. He called Sandru out and asked him to bring the centaur and the swan from nearby. Make a detour and go to the back of the enemy team.

  If the enemy is not hostile, the final withdrawal is, if the enemy is hostile, it will be more advantageous for Ryuzhi to attack from behind.

  As for how he and Sandro are connected, this does not require too much consideration. As long as there is not a boundary between life and death, the distance between Yanji and Sandro is very long.

After arranging the centaur and the swan man out, Yuji led the others to defend the Dragon Duke’s castle. If it weren’t for Mander must guard the Hades Palace, Ryuzhi wanted to transfer Mander to defend the city. use.

  However, Ryuzhi still asked Mander about some useful troops to defend the city, especially Duke Long’s catapult and ballista, which were all transported to the city wall.

After   Yagiji's side was ready, the elves appeared in a spot where the Dragon Duke’s castle could be seen.

Compared with pirates, the attitude of the elves is much better. At least they will not attack the villages they encounter when passing by. They will not rush in and burn them. As long as the humans inside do not attack the elves, the elves will not take the initiative. Focus on the humans they disdain.

  However, they seem to have obsessive-compulsive disorder. They have to line up neatly when they walk. When they walk around, no matter what farmland is not farmland, they walk straight ahead and destroy a lot of nearby farmland.

  But the villagers did not dare to say anything, even the village chief or something, looked at the thousand elves, and did not even dare to lift their heads.

  Soon the elves approached Duke Long’s castle.

  They stopped where they were under the command of the leader.

  In the team of elves walking in the front, an elves riding a deer with double knives on their backs walked out of the team.

  When the elf walked forward, there was something said there.

  After saying a few words, he lifted his hand, and the wind blew out of his hand, and the wind flew over Duke Long’s castle with his words.

  Everyone on the castle heard the elf’s voice.

   "Please come out and see someone who can talk."

   Seeing this kind of faction, Liu Zhi's brows condensed. He didn't want to stand out at all, but there was no one who could go out and negotiate with the other party on his own behalf. Liu Zhi finally stood on the city wall.

   "You are not qualified."

Although Liu Zhi can control the wind, he does not have the ability of this elf. He uses the wind to send his own voice up. He uses his usual voice. Anyway, he has already said it. Whether he can hear it depends on the elf himself. Of it.

  Judging from the picture sent back from the Eye of the Sky, the elf heard what Yanagi said.

   However, there was no expression on his face, nor did he say how I was not qualified, but waited for the troops behind to arrive.

This elven army is said to be divided into the forward and the middle army. In fact, it is almost the time for the front and back feet. After the follow-up troops arrived, the elves retreated to the elves' team and ran to the Chinese army's phalanx and another. What the elf said.

  There was no sound of wind coming over this time, and Liu Zhi could only look at their lips with the eyes of the sky.

  The elf who stood up at the beginning seemed to be talking.

   "Boss, I have already contacted those people. They don't seem to want to communicate with us."

   "Then fight."

  As he spoke, he saw these elves quickly change their formations, from a one-three-two formation to a two-four formation.

The two troops with the largest number are in the forefront. The elven soldiers here are all carrying double knives, but the situation of the two teams is obviously different. One of the teams is dressed in leather clothes, which is obviously more when walking around. To be more flexible.

  The clothes on the other unit are scale armor. It can be seen that their strength is significantly stronger.

  Behind them, the elf archers lined up on both sides, leaving a place in the middle, leaving a place for the druids who appeared to be wearing deer heads and wolf head caps.

  The situation of the elven archers looks similar. They are all high-heavy bows. It can be seen that their shooting ability should be super strong.

  Yagiji believes that more than three hundred elven archers shooting at the same time, the power is absolutely beyond those useless pirates.

  As for the druids, Liu Zhi guessed that the wolf-head hat was the offensive type, and the deer-head hat was the healing type. If the war really started, the two troops should be destroyed first.

  With this thought, Liu Zhi had already begun to prepare in his heart. Orders came from Liu Zhi's mouth, and an undead brought him back to the Hades.

  In a short while, the two troops of the Skeleton Mage came out of the Hades and added to the main line of defense of Ryuzhi.

  At the same time, there are some undead that Ryuzhi can extract. Ryuzhi feels that these elves dare to line up in front of his castle. There must be a way to send people to the castle, so he must keep the fighting troops.

  At this moment, several leaders of the elves have gathered together, and the leader raised his hand.

  Following his movements, all the elf archers raised their heavy bows at the same time, and the long arrows were placed on the bows.

  Yagiji saw this action, and put his hand on the blood-stained fangs of the monitor lizard, waiting for the enemy to attack.

  At the same time, the stone cart and ballista are also ready. As long as the opponent makes a move, Ryuzhi will make a move.

  But they, Liu Zhi, waited for a long time, but the hand raised by the elf leader did not let go, as if they were waiting for something.

  (End of this chapter)

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