Necromantic Myth

Chapter 518: Yuki Onna (6/109)

  Chapter 518 Snow Girl (6109)

  Facts have proved that Liu Zhi thinks too much. His new races have only undergone a partial meditation. Although each of them has a profession, most of them are level 1, and there is no organization or anything.

   Take it out to fight against the sword dancer, it is basically to go up to give the head.

After   played for a while, Liu Zhi changed his mind. He released the Boarmen and kept them in the front, and used the archer and the wizard to shoot the sword dancer who wanted to rush up there.

  At the same time, a group of skeletons crawled out from the corner of the city wall to chop the bean vines that have not been chopped off.

  These bean vines are the handwriting of the elven druids. Originally, according to the situation of the elves, after a bean vine was put on, they had to make up a few more vines immediately so that the army could enter the Dragon Duke’s castle quickly.

  But the impact of the Centaur disrupted the plans of the elves, especially the Centaur’s initial goal was the Druid, so the growth of the new bean vines was interrupted on the spot.

  The current sword dancers can only rush up along this bean vine, and most of the sword dancers are stuck in the middle of the bean vine.

  These skeleton soldiers came over and chopped the bean vines, and the sword dancers also saw them. The sword dancers in the back had nothing to do with themselves, so they skipped to stop the action of the skeleton soldiers.

  But Ryuzhi has arranged for various archers to wait on the wall. As long as there is a sword dance jumping there, one arrow will pass.

  Those sword dancers on Douman can also do things like swords and arrows, but if they jump in midair, they are embarrassed. As long as they jump, they will only be shot through.

  But for sword dancers, Douman is their only chance to attack the city wall. Without Douman, with their strength, they don't need to climb the wall at all.

  So even if they die, they have to keep the bean vines.

  So the sword dancer's center of gravity shifted from the direction of the siege, and placed it on Douman.

  Yagiji couldn't help but laugh when he saw this situation. While he let the boarman stand in the front, he commanded the skeleton mage to attack the sword dancer on Douman.

  I want to drive out the sword dancers who are close to the city wall.

  And the sword dancers on Douman also discovered Liu Zhi's plan. They became more anxious and wanted to rush to the wall.

  After all, the bean vine is so big, with hundreds of sword dancers squeezed, then the situation is almost catching up with the Indian train, not to mention the battle, it is good to be able to stand.

  Yagiji’s Skeleton Mage didn’t need to aim at anything at all, hitting a fireball over there would kill seven or eight people. If there was a rolling log or something, Ryuzhi could sweep them all under the vine.

  Of course, those sword dancers also understand the danger, but the situation before them is a situation they have not encountered in so many years.

  They have only two options now. One is to withdraw some people and come up in batches instead of squeezing them all here as targets.

  The other is to find a way to forcibly charge, as long as you break through Ryuzhi's line of defense, everyone will rush to the wall, and the team will be deployed. With the strength of the sword dancers, as long as they are on the wall, everything is not a problem.

  Two choices were beating back and forth in the hearts of these sword dancers at a time, and they didn't know how to choose.

  At this time, the leader of the sword dancer should have given new orders.

  But their leader is pursuing the centaur at this time, and there is no time to look back and take care of the situation here.

  They didn't even notice the embarrassing situation of the sword dancer at this time. They all thought that the sword dancer could easily rush to the city wall as before.

   Seeing the situation in front of him, Liu Zhi's face also showed a slight smile.

   "It seems that they haven't fought for a long time. With such a fighting method, they really thought they were queuing to shoot."

  Yagiji said as he spoke, he began to mobilize other troops under him, holding those sword dancers to experiment with his own fighting methods.

  For example, the Snow Girl who hasn’t been trained for long.

  This troop was really trained by Liu Zhigang, and they did not even participate in the previous battle of Duke Long.

  These snow girls are different from the snow girls that Liu Zhi met in the game before.

  The snow girl in the game still looks like an entity, but the snow girl trained in the hands of Yanagi is in that kind of translucent ghost state.

  It's just that they are wearing Japanese-style kimonos, and they are covered with a layer of cold air, and there are some snowflakes falling in the cold air.

They have the ability to release blizzards, and they can also use Cone of Ice. However, they are not considered legal units. Those two abilities can only be regarded as talent abilities. In fact, they are considered fighters. Their greatest feature is that they can be combined with them. The enemy at war freezes instantly.

  This kind of freezing is temporary, it will only affect the enemy's mobility, and will not cause too much damage to the enemy.

But this is enough. Thinking about it, you can understand that when your enemy is frozen in the battle, the situation is different. Although it may be frozen for a few seconds, death in these few seconds can definitely determine one. The life and death of people.

  After releasing the Snow Girl, Liu Zhi called the Boar Man again, pointed at Douman, and Liu Zhi ordered, "You go down."

  The Snow Girl jumped on Douman for the first time. Before she stood still, the sword dancers slashed over.

  However, the Snow Girl is made of ghosts. The characteristics of the ghosts have not been eliminated. They have 50% immunity to physical attacks.

The sword of the   Sword Dancer didn’t hurt many Snow Maidens. On the contrary, Xue Mai was like a snowplow, rushing down along the Douman.

  They rushed into the team of sword dancers and directly frozen the sword dancers, and even ice cubes appeared on the bean vines.

  This made the boar people who rushed up next to be quite troublesome. Boar people were used to moving on dry land, and they had never seen anything like ice or snow.

   rushed up, the first wild boar slipped, and he took his weapon armor, like a bowling ball, and hit the frozen sword dancer.

  And the rest of the wild boars did the same, sliding down one by one, and after a while, they knocked the sword dancers off Douban.

How can the skeleton soldiers under Liu Zhi miss such an opportunity, they cut the bean vines, and finally resolved the crisis on the wall.

But after cutting off the douman, the sword dancers can't get up, but the snow girl and boar men sent out by Ryuzhi are also thrown underneath and can't get up. They can only get up under the city wall with the sober sword. The dancers fought together.

  This made Liu Zhiyou also a little speechless. It seems that the undead also have some shortcomings. The lower-level soldiers don't have any brains. It seems that all kinds of heroes will need to be commanded in the future.

  (End of this chapter)

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