Necromantic Myth

Chapter 519: Elf Evacuation (7/109)

  Chapter 519 The Elf Evacuation (7109)

  The elven leaders who were chasing the centaur, saw the sword dancer being swept down from the city wall.

  Although they felt a little unhappy, they immediately reacted, and one of them sent a signal, as if they were asking the sword dancers to return to the team to deal with the centaur here.

  At this time, the other leaders were also free to gather their own men, preparing to deal with the centaur first, and then come back to deal with Duke Long’s castle.

  In fact, at this time, the elves don't think they will lose, they just haven't won for the time being.

  However, at this time, Ryuzhi had no idea of ​​trying anymore. After releasing the centaur and swanman, Sandru set up a temporary circle behind the elves.

  The troops that can be pulled out from the Liuzhi Palace are being transported one by one behind the elves.

  As for the troops in the Dragon Duke’s castle, all there are shooters. Moving out to the field at this time does not have much effect.

   Instead, Ryuji stood on the wall and gave orders to the wild boar and the snow girl below, asking them to entangle the sword dancers, so that the archer and the skeleton mage on the wall had a chance to aim and shoot.

The wild boar man and the snow girl are also obedient. Under the order of Yanji, almost a wild boar man followed a snow girl. As long as the sword dancer did not react and was frozen on, the wild boar man would rush over with his hands. His battle axe or hammer hit the sword dancer hard.

  Basically, the attack of the wild boar will directly hack to death or smash the sword dancer. After three or five blows, the sword dancer here will be killed or injured.

  The situation of the remaining sword dancers is not too right. They were all knocked down by the wild boar from the Douvine, but they were knocked farther away and were not affected by the wild boar for the time being.

  However, each of them had some injuries, and at first glance, they knew that their combat power had been affected.

  At this time, these sword dancers were mixed together. Some wanted to kill the Boarman and the Snow Girl, and some wanted to retreat to the original battle formation. It was quite chaotic here for a while.

  The elite leaders who were in the melee did not notice the needs of the sword dancers, and the situation here became even more chaotic.

  Sandrew has rushed out with the undead forces.

  All these undead troops come from Liuzhi’s Hades, and they are born with a level 2 level.

  Even if it is a skeleton laborer, it is also a hierarchical skeleton laborer.

  There are some soldiers who have survived the previous battle with the Duke of Dragon. Their level has improved somewhat in the battle. Once these undead rushed out, their momentum was stronger than the previous centaur.

As soon as they rushed out, they attracted the attention of the elves. The strength of these elves has been at level 2 or 3 for thousands of years. They can see it at a glance. If they are not professional, the strength of these undead is related to them. almost the same.

  And these undead are all melee characters, if they are allowed to rush into their own team, the elves will not have the confidence to defeat these undead.

At this time, the elven leader who was still chasing the centaur also saw the situation in front of him. He had already seen the number of enemies, and knew that if they were surrounded by the undead on Sandru's side, they would not say anything about the chance of victory. Ways to go back alive.

  Think about the various relationships within the elven power, and the face of the elven leader has also become ugly.

  He understood that what he needed to consider was no longer how to lay down Duke Long’s castle, but how to bring all his men back.

  He knew very well that his position in the elves had lost his soldiers, and the forces he suppressed would definitely find ways to oppose him.

Thinking of this, the face of the elf leader became more solemn. He wanted to give the order for the entire army to retreat, but the White Moonlight Legion under him was still trapped by the wild boars. Before they came back, he retreated like this. There is no way to take his men back.

  Thinking about it, the elf leader finally made a decision.

  He hacked a centaur to death with a single knife, and then retreated to the middle of the chaotic battlefield. He took out a bottle of potion and poured it on his double knives.

  After the potion was poured on the double knives, the elf leader drank all the remaining potion.

  Then his skin slowly turned white, and his body actually emitted a slight white light, which looked like the moonlight in the sky.

  The elf leader shrank his body and crossed his swords in front of him. The whole person turned into a white moonlight and rushed under the wall of Ryuzhi.

  The elf leader ran into his hands. When the elf sword dancers saw the elf leader coming, they all raised their double knives in both hands, seeming to yell at something there.

  The white light on the elf leader was also in their roar, slowly resonating with them.

  Gradually, a white light appeared on the elven sword dancers, their aura increased, and their strength seemed to change.

  The arrows that flew towards them, no matter how fast they were, would always be dodged or split by them, and the Snow Girl and Boarmen who rushed past had no way to easily trap the enemy as before.

  On the contrary, the elven sword dancers seemed to have found motivation, and easily cut the snow girl and the boar man, and rushed to the location where the elven army was before.

   And when the elf leader took action, the remaining elf leaders also took action. Two archer-shaped elf leaders gathered their elf archers, and one of them said loudly.

"Follow me!"

  Under his command, the elf archers under him simultaneously drew their bows. No matter where they were standing or what kind of situation they were facing, the bows in their hands were full.

   Then Liu Zhi saw that a starlight tunnel appeared on the battlefield, and it seemed that all the people below were shrouded in it.

Liu Zhi’s star fall level has been raised to level 4, and he is also quite sensitive to this kind of starlight aura. He can tell at a glance that if all his men rush in, the effect is the same as when he releases stars to fall to attack the enemy. of.

  At this time, Liu Zhi didn't think too much, facing the elf battlefield above it was a star falling.

  It’s just that this time Ryuzhi’s goal was not the spirit below, but the starlight that would fall in the sky.

  Because Ryuzhi was far away, and the magic power of Ryuzhi himself could not be compared with the power of so many elves gathering together, two starlights exploded in the sky, detonating the nearby battlefield.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the elven leader took his men and fled back. When everything disappeared, Liu Zhi found that most of the elves had disappeared from the battlefield, leaving only the part that was still trapped here at the gate of the city. Elf sword dancer.

  (End of this chapter)

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