Necromantic Myth

Chapter 521: Reality doesn't work, underworld comes first

  Chapter 521 Reality is not good, the underworld comes first

  The next day, Liu Zhi, who instructed the skeleton transporter to transport the elven corpses into the mass grave and the bone-buried desert, stood here and watched.

At this time, the conversion rate in these two places has been saturated. The corpses of the Dragon Tooth soldiers were still thrown in the mass graves and they did not start to transform. The 30,000 corpses that Liu Zhi was coming to were even thrown in the mass grave Above the grave, there was no movement.

  The corpses of the elves were thrown in, which made the place a lot more crowded. Liu Zhi estimated that at this rate of transformation, it would take at least three months for the corpses here to complete the transformation.

  If he had so much time to wait, he would not plan to unify the underworld first.

   glanced at this place, and after proposing the order of transformation, Liu Zhi set off with his prepared troops.

Before setting off, Ryuzhi went to the sea area of ​​the Hades to take a look. At this time, except for the soul Naga and the mackerel, the murlocs did not see much in the sea area of ​​the Hades. Where did the murloc go.

  If they are still there, maybe Liu Zhi can organize the fish people, follow the rivers of the underworld, and unify the waters of the underworld. It seems that this matter needs to wait a while.

  There are three teams starting together this time.

Liu Zhi went east to find the corresponding part of the elves in the underworld. He wanted to see if there was anything different from the elves. It would be better if you could find the elves that died before. When fighting the elves again, these undead can be used.

At the same time, Sandru headed west along the direction of the original Dragon Duke’s castle, which is considered to be the most chaotic place in the entire demiplane. According to the information given by the node prince, the forces here are scattered and scattered from time to time. In some wars, one or two forces are wiped out from time to time.

  Therefore, there should be more undead in this position of the underworld.

  Shandru is regarded as the undead clone of Liu Zhi, and he is at the same level as Liu Zhi in the transformation and control of the undead.

  Liu Zhi asked him to come here, in order to find a way to recruit more undead to supplement what they have lost now.

  As for Amanite, she did not stay in the Hades this time, she would go directly south with a part of the troops.

  In the two consecutive battles, whether it was the pirate king or the elf, Ryuzhi felt that there was a problem in it.

  Especially the blew of the Pirate King, Liu Zhi saw the shadow of some blood sacrifices. Liu Zhi felt a little strange in his heart. He turned the map around and found that only the Southern Blood Duke was most suspected in the half plane.

  Ryuzhi is not so strong now to kill him, so let Amanite go around there to see if there is anything different from the underworld.

  Before setting off, Liu Zhi specially found Amanite.

"Amanite, originally I was going to the south this time, but you also saw that compared with the viper hidden behind, the elves are the key. I need to find a way to deal with the elves, so the Eastern Elves On the other side of the forces, I must go over and take a look.

I’ll leave it to you for the south side. Go there and find out what's the situation of the Blood Duke. At least we need to know the origin of the Blood Duke and what trouble he has. I always feel that there are many in this half plane. It's all related to this blood duke. "

  Amanite also knew that this time the matter was quite serious, so she didn't say anything more. She took the troops Liu Zhifen had given to her, and went south after she left the Hades.

  This time, for his own plan, Liu Zhi divided all the troops.

Liu Zhi has the least number here. There are three hundred undead and more than five hundred meditation spiders. Among these three hundred undead, except for some skeleton mages, all the others are the most common units, and they are not even mixed. The kind that arrives.

  However, Liu Zhi didn't care about it. He had Vidnina and the Spider Girl Spinning by his side. It could be said that the combat power was enough.

  The most important point is that Liu Zhi can use the starry sky beacon to return to the city directly, so he takes fewer troops, which is more convenient for his actions.

  Unlike Ryuzhi, the number of troops Amanite brought was a bit more.

  She brought all the troops produced in the Bone Burying Desert, and gathered nearly a thousand people together.

  Fortunately, the undead don't need any supplies in the underworld, otherwise the supplies of these troops will cause Amanite a headache for a long time.

  Mummy accounted for a large part of the undead brought by Amanite. In order to piece together the troops, Ryuzhi even brought the Mummy City Guard, which was originally planned to be used only to defend the city, with Amanite.

The purpose of    is to make Amanite have the power to fight when he is in danger.

  Sandrew brought some undead newly spawned from Burial Ground. The number of these undead is not large, but their strength is not bad.

  The number of people is a bit small, only about two hundred people, but Sandru secretly recruited the undead in the past, and did not rush to attack the city. The number of these undead is just right, and at least the safety of Sandru and his party can be guaranteed.

After Liu Zhi waited for both Armanet and Sandru to set off, he took a circle in the Hades and took a look at the operation of the various buildings in the Hades. After all, with the three of them leaving, The Hades will be in a state of no one to manage, and the operation requirements of these buildings must be arranged in advance, so as not to stop suddenly and waste time.

  After dealing with these things, he went to Duke Long’s castle again. In addition to ensuring the safety of Duke Long’s castle, Ryuzhi also cared about the conditions of the races he had placed in the real world.

  Before, in order to deal with the corpse of the elves, he hurried back to the Hades in a hurry. He just said about the arrangements for these races. Only cavemen and lizardmen are officially in place.

  All the rest is handled by Sandro.

  After Ryuzhi came to Duke Long’s castle, he found that Sandru’s arrangement was fairly acceptable, and the remaining five races had corresponding arrangements.

  All the swan people were kept in the castle, the wild boar people entered the nearby mountains and forests, and the kobolds were arranged to live near the mine. They will find another place to mine and prepare to find another vein for Liu Zhi.

The   Centaur moves back and forth between the Dragon Duke’s castle and the location of the previous Hades, acting as a nomadic race.

This is Sandru’s idea. Centaur is usually known for its speed of movement. Ryuzhi has plans to build a city at the original location of the Hades, so there must be a road connection between here and Duke Long’s castle. It is impossible to always Use the dock to make contact.

  It is also a reasonable choice to arrange for a centaur with a small population to conduct road patrols.

  Looking at Sandro's arrangement for several races, Liu Zhi didn't say much, he turned his head and returned to the Hades and began his journey to the Hades.

  (End of this chapter)

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