Necromantic Myth

Chapter 522: Necromancers will also encounter ghosts hitting the wall

  Chapter 522 Necromancers will also encounter ghosts against the wall

  Half plane of the underworld, walking eastward with the underworld as the center, Liu Zhi and the team did not know how long they walked.

  At this time, Liu Zhi could be regarded as understanding that the size of the underworld was not in his charge, but was affected by the real world.

On the day they left the Hades and headed east, Liu Zhi and the others saw a giant tree in the mist that went straight to the sky. The tree looked not far from Liu Zhi and his party. The tall trees looked like Shrouded in a little bit of gloom, people can see at a glance that this is the ultimate belonging of the elves.

  But when Liu Zhi went there, he ran into trouble. After walking for nearly a day and a night, he found that the tree was still in front of him, no change from the previous situation.

  If it hadn’t been for Liu Zhi to encounter many different undeads along the way, he might have wondered if he hadn’t moved forward all the time, but had been standing still.

The more so, the more curious Liu Zhi was about the giant tree. He tried it. If he chooses to go back or go in another direction, there won’t be such a situation. He can only walk towards the giant tree. I will encounter this feeling that no matter how I walk, the giant tree is right in front of my eyes.

   Liu Zhi, who holds the power of the Necromancer, understands that he is the most difficult one to deal with among the undead, which is weird.

In Eastern terms, this is the existence of ghost domains and ghosts hitting walls. Their power may not be the strongest, but they are the most troublesome, because no one knows what kind of methods those guys will have. , Do not know where they are.

  After guessing the back of the opponent, Liu Zhi was not too anxious.

  If you want to deal with ghosts hitting the wall, you must either wait for dawn on the spot or walk straight with your eyes closed. As long as you can make sure that you walk absolutely straight, there will be no problems.

  Neither option is feasible in the underworld.

After the    demiplane belongs to Liu Zhi, the sunlight on this demiplane depends on the eye of Horus in Liu Zhi. In the underworld, there is no major light source.

  Yagiji’s Hades is his divine eyes acting as a light source, and outside the Hades, it depends on some moss or ghost fires everywhere.

  Wait here for dawn, it would be better to let Liu Zhi directly drag the Eye of Horus over.

  As for walking in a straight line, Liu Zhi also tried it. He didn't close his eyes and walk in a straight line. He used the sun's trail.

  The sun carriage was able to rush through the sandstorm at the beginning, and Liu Zhi believes that this point can be ignored when a ghost hits a wall.

  As a result, the traces of the flames on the ground are still there, and the giant tree is right in front of you. It is the same as when it was first discovered.

  After a few tries, Ryuzhi stopped doing this kind of waste of magic power.

  In addition, every time he uses the meditation of Rasha's Eye, he will also check whether he is in a maze, but the giant tree is not there.

  But every time Rasha's Eye thought to see that Liu Zhi was walking on the right path, he was already very close to the giant tree.

  This situation made Liu Zhi a little irritable, and he wanted to rush forward several times.

  But every time she was held down by Vidnina, the Spinning Spiderwoman on the side was still talking there.

  "Don’t worry, in fact, we’ve been walking all the time and we haven’t repeated the route.

You see, when we were leaving, I made little spiders keep wiring. These are communication spiders that I have newly researched. They can spin silk all the time. These silk threads are always inconsistent. If you have anything to do, you can pass this silk thread. Pass back to the Hades.

How about   , I have a good idea. This kind of silk thread uses a new alchemy method. This method is also researched out by me first. How about I become an alchemist in the future?

  But I still like the natural breath. Druids are also my idea. When we walked over, nice plants grew on the ground. Do you think it’s weird? Plants also grow in the underworld.

  It seems that the other side also has a good druid. "

   "Wait, what did you just say?" Liu Zhi interrupted Fangming Spider Girl.

  "The other side also has good druids, what's wrong, they are elves, it is not normal to have druids." Spinning Spider Girl said puzzledly.

   "No, I mean the previous sentence."

   "What did I say, oh, there are nice little plants growing on the ground. Look at those little grass and flowers, are they weird? There are also plants growing in the underworld."

   Spinning Spider Girl's voice became lower and lower, as if she was thinking about something there.

  Liu Zhiyou's face also changed a little, and he whispered: "Poisoning? Illusion? Or domain?"

  Every time Liu Zhi said one, he always shook his head naturally, and he felt that it didn't look like it.

  Finally, he turned his head to look at the Spider Girl Spinning, "Check your little spiders and see if they spin silk before."

   Spinning Spider Girl hurriedly went to check it out.

  And Liu Zhi stopped all the undead and stood there waiting for his command.

   Then he turned around the undead like this.

  Since most of these undead are scattered undead, and the weapons in his hands are not uniform, Liu Zhi looks rather chaotic.

   Before Liu Zhi rushed out, and he was not obsessive-compulsive, he didn't care much about this kind of chaos.

  Now when he is free, Liu Zhi has discovered something wrong with his team.

  There are some undead in his team that seems not right.

  Since most of the undead on Liuzhi's side were transformed from mass graves or bone-buried deserts, these undead are similar in length, it is not easy to recognize who is who.

But the situation of the undead in front of him is completely different. Among the undead brought out by Liu Zhi, there are no level 1 little guys. The situation in his Hades, the undead transformed from him, even if it is a laborer, it starts at level 2. .

  In the undead in front of you, especially among some skeleton shooters, there are even level 1 skeleton soldiers.

  This must be problematic.

  Take a closer look, Liu Zhi found that the position of these problematic undeads seemed to be relatively close to the center of the team. By their side, the undead belonging to Liu Zhi had undergone some changes.

  For example, there are some small wood chips or moss on the inconspicuous place of the skeleton soldier, and it looks like it was accidentally touched by some passing place.

  But when Liu Zhi looked closely, he found that this situation was slowly spreading to other undeads, and those zombie-type and ghost-type undeads could not be avoided.

  There is even a part of the bones of the undead, and there is a wood phenomenon.

  This situation surprised Liu Zhi.

  He was about to drag out the fake undead hidden in his team, and the Spinning Spider Girl hurried over.

  (End of this chapter)

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