Necromantic Myth

Chapter 523: Dream (9/109)

  Chapter 523 Dream (9109)

   "It's amazing, do you know what I found."

  Looking at the anxious look of Fangming Spider Girl, Liu Zhi thought that something terrible had happened.

He was planning to follow the Spider Girl Fangming to take a look, but the Spider Girl Fangming said: "The alchemy potion I made was only what I thought of. It turns out that I didn't make a suitable alchemy potion. I'm so stupid. I thought I could be an alchemist, but I didn't expect that everything I made was fake."

  After hearing this, Liu Zhi's eyes became serious.

  "When did you make the alchemy potion?"

   "Huh? When did I make the alchemy potion, isn't it... Wait, I can't seem to remember when I made the alchemy potion, I only remember that I made such a thing."

Hearing this, Liu Zhi shook his head and didn’t need to ask. They should be in a dream at this time, but he didn’t quite know how the other party pulled them into the dream, and also brought Liu Zhi’s undead. Pulled in together.

  This situation made Liu Zhi a little speechless. At this time, he suspected that his memory might have also been affected.

  This day and night action is probably not that long.

  But this kind of thing is better to judge.

  Yuzhi realized that he might be in a dream, so he immediately contacted Sandru through telepathy.

   "Shandru, how is your situation now."

  "Fortunately, I have found some buried corpses, which can be directly transformed into undead troops."

   "Oh, is that right, that's good, you have a few days to leave."

   Seeing Sandro’s response soon, Liu Zhi asked again.

   "One day and one night, what's wrong." Sandro said puzzledly.

  "I need the death rod. You send the death rod over to me. I will exchange the blood-stained fangs of the monitor lizard for you."

  In his heart, Liu Zhi felt that his spiritual connection here might have been affected, and Sandro, who was in contact with him, might have done it in a dream.

However, Liu Zhi didn’t think about it. He regarded himself as the kind of existence that needed people to send the death rod, and said to Sandro: “Okay, then you can send the death rod quickly. ."

  After talking about Ryuzhi, the contact with Sandru was broken.

  This time, Ryuuji did not move forward, but waited for Sandro's arrival in place.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi dealt with the undead around him one by one.

  All the levels of the undead are passed first. Those who only have level 1 will kill them regardless of how they are level 1.

During the period of   , there was no incident of undead resistance at all, because when Liu Zhi dealt with these fake undead, he always believed that all the undead were under his own management.

However, Liu Zhi found that this dream was getting more and more weird. He brought out three hundred undead and more than five hundred ghost spiders. No matter how Liu Zhi handled the undead, he counted it and found that the number of undead was three. A hundred.

  If there is no problem in this, it is really a ghost.

  Faced with such a situation, Liu Zhi could not wait to take out all the souls of the undead and deal with it.

  Look at what is going on in this dream, even the undead can be pulled into the dream.

  But every time he wants to extract the soul of the undead, he always encounters this kind of problem, and when dealing with the problem, he will always forget this matter slowly.

  Soon one day passed, Liu Zhi noticed that the spider girl who was nagging at first seemed to stop talking.

  She has been throwing herself on some herbs, seeming to be studying the alchemy potion she made before.

  The little spiders were controlled by her back and forth. I don't know how many herbs were brought from nearby.

  This made Liu Zhi very speechless. From the words of the Spider Girl Spinning, Liu Zhi roughly guessed that these trees, herbs, wood chips and the like are the things that make people dream.

   Spinning Spider Girl did this, is she not wanting to get out of her dream?

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi suddenly thought of something.

   "Spinning Spider Girl, the natural girl Edie hasn't resurrected yet, she is still waiting."

  Ryuzhi's words made the Spinning Spider Girl, who was caught in alchemy research, jump up, "Ah, the goddess is still waiting for me, and I have to contact the goddess."

   Talking about the Spinning Spider Girl, she prayed, while Liu Zhi was watching carefully there.

  He noticed that the air seemed to fluctuate when the Spider-girl Fangming began to pray. Although he didn't see it, he obviously felt a lot of subtle things pressed against the Spider-girl Fangming.

  Those things are quite small. If Liu Zhi didn't study the soul and mastered the skill of soul extraction, he might not feel it.

  Now Liu Zhi understood a little bit, why whenever he wanted to extract the soul of his undead troops to check, he would encounter various influences.

  He closed his eyes, then opened them reluctantly.

  If he is still a necromancer at this time, and his skull is still a crystal skull, he should have found a solution now.

  But the crystal skull was given to Sandro. Although he could use the power of the Necromancer, he was no longer a Necromancer. The situation here was a problem.

  He could only watch the Spinning Spider Girl praying to the natural girl Edie there. As a result, there were more and more subtle souls on her body, which seemed to mimic the breath of gods.

   "It's still a bit short. They can only be simulations, but they don't look like gods at all, let alone divinity."

  Looking at this situation, Liu Zhi had a judgment in his heart.

  Now he was waiting for an opportunity to wait for the moment when Sandro really delivered the death rod.

  One day and one night passed, Liu Zhi had already seen part of the undead's body began to lignify, and the Spinning Spider Girl was still praying there.

  Vidnina seemed to have discovered something, and kept circling Ryuji in circles.

  At this time, Sandru slowly walked out from a distance carrying the death rod.

   "The death rod is here. I brought it to you."

  Ryuzhi shook his head, "I don’t want a death rod. The crystal skull that composes your head is something that can restrain this dream. You can bring your skull to me."

When   Sandrew heard this, he was stunned on the spot, and his hand stretched forward stopped halfway.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi suddenly took a step forward, and the blood-stained fangs of the monitor lizard moved forward and pierced Sandro's eyebrows.

  At this time, Yanagi felt that the amount of the subtle things around him began to increase, and an expression of excitement flashed in Sandro's eyes.

  At this time, Liu Zhi also smiled suddenly, "That's not how the death rod was given."

  After speaking, he flipped his hand, the monitor lizard’s blood-stained fangs turned into death rods and pierced into Shandru’s body. Then a ray of sunlight burst from the sun crystal, and the strong sunlight stained the neighborhood white.

  (End of this chapter)

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