Necromantic Myth

Chapter 524: Broken (10/109)

  Chapter 524 Breaking (10109)

  Under the white light of the sun crystal, everything disappeared in front of Yanagi.

  At this time, Liu Zhi saw that he did not know when he was already in a strange place. There was no sky here, and there were countless tree roots hanging down in the sky.

There is no ground under   , what they are treading on is the corpse that has been wooded.

Among the roots of the tree, all the undead under Liu Zhi's were entangled by the vine roots. Even Liu Zhi himself, his feet were already entangled with the roots, and only Vidnina was cutting it mechanically there. Roots that keep hanging down.

Between the roots, something with a faint faint light kept falling. The thing was like dust. When it fell, it kept falling towards Yuji and the others. As long as it touched, it would fall on them. Some small plants grow out, and finally they slowly connect with the roots hanging down in the sky.

  It was like that of the Spider-woman who was praying not far away. She was kneeling there, surrounded by a lot of dust, which made people a little bit unable to see her figure.

  In front of Ryuzhi, where Sandro was originally standing, there was a human form composed of roots and dust, and the ‘death rod’ he handed out was a strange piece of wood.

  As long as Liu Zhi took this piece of wood, he would be attached to the fake death rod immediately, and finally dragged into the roots on it.

  It's different now. After seeing what is going on, Liu Zhi has the means to deal with them.

  Holding the death rod, Liu Zhi concentrated all his magic power on the death rod, and a soul was drawn against the sky.

  At the moment when this magic was released, all the dust-like things in the sky, including those shrouded in the spider girl, all flew towards the death rod.

  The dust formed a huge twisted face of the elf in the air.

  Yiu Zhi raised his hand, reached out and grabbed the elven face in his hand, then he took out a gem and stuffed the elven face in.

  After finishing all this, Liu Zhi finally breathed a sigh of relief. He took out a few bottles and threw them on the ground. The flames burned the wooded corpses on the ground.

At this time, the roots hanging down in the sky seemed to be stimulated, waving constantly, seeming to want to attack Yuji, and the undead who were dragged into the roots were also dancing in the waving of the roots. Raise the weapon in your hand.

  But how could Liu Zhi be afraid of this, he put a death rod to the ground, and a flash of lightning centered on him, spreading around.

  At this time, all the small plants on Liu Zhi's body were scattered. They all raised their heads and looked at Liu Zhi's side.

  "Kill them and buy me time."

  Liu Zhi pointed to the roots of the tree hanging down in the sky, and then pressed his hand on the altar of the Hades.

  If possible, Liu Zhi really wants to move Hades to this place, and use Hades to attack this location.

  But this seems to be an unlikely thing. Liu Zhi can only use the altar of the Hades to invoke the divinity placed in the Hades.

  After calling the divinity, Liu Zhi first flashed his eyes, his eyes were already connected with the eyes of the feather snake god, and then a feather snake appeared behind him.

  At this time, Liu Zhi has not yet begun to integrate the power of the feather snake god, but the effects of the sun and death attributes are already in his grasp.

  He can use these two powers at any time, and the control rate is quite high.

  After incorporating the feathered snake god's divinity into his body, Liu Zhi took the death rod with one stroke, and the sun divinity was released. In the next instant, the sun illuminates everything in the vicinity.

  This time the sunlight is no longer as innocuous as before, but with a kind of power against the undead.

  Under the sun, no matter the roots or the undead under Liu Zhi, a faint smoke appeared on his body.

  Next, Liu Zhi seemed to feel something. He held the death rod and pointed at the roots in the sky.

   "Heavy rain."

  Under his order, there was a heavy rain here, and the rain quickly flooded the wooden corpses on the ground.

  At this time, Liu Zhi was standing on the water, holding the death rod and shouting: "Good harvest."

  In the next moment, various plants grew on the wooden corpse. These plants grew very fast, almost reaching the size of a normal tree in a blink of an eye. In the next moment, Liu Zhi said to those plants.


  Under his voice, all the plants are just like before, all dead, and they always seem to have turned into gray, as if they hadn't grown over all kinds of plants.

After completing this set of actions, Liu Zhi's face was full of excitement.

  He felt the circular effect in the feathered serpent's divine nature, which was exactly what he wanted to look for.

  No matter where he was at this time, he started his actions again, starting from the sun, then entering the rain, then harvesting, and then stepping into death.

This way, time after time, round after round, Liu Zhi didn’t need to call out every divine name again, and he didn’t need to use his own power anymore. He just had to stand there, and the power of divinity was like the four seasons. Just like the circulation, it naturally circulates around Liu Zhi.

  At this time, Liu Zhi walked forward calmly. Every time he took a step forward, some changes appeared on the ground. The trees grew quickly and withered quickly, as if life came and went.

And those fallen trees, wooded corpses, slowly began to pile up at the feet of Yuji, who carried the death stick, walked up step by step, and walked towards the roots hanging down in the sky. .

When Liu Zhi came into contact with these roots, they were also affected by the divine nature circulating around him. They were dried in the sun, soaked in the rain, and grew wildly in the harvest. Finally, Withered and fallen in death.

  Every time the divinity around Liuzhi changes, some roots will fall from the sky, and slowly there are not many new roots, and Liuzhi also sees the aging wooden space wall in the sky.

  It can be seen from the density of the wood grain that the body of this root has grown for at least three thousand years.

  Recall the time when Adam appeared and died. Ryuzhi has the same reason. The owner of this root is likely to exist in the same age as Adam.

  Liu Zhi didn't care at all about how he grew up.

  At this time, Liu Zhi is more concerned about what he can get here.

  As the wooden corpses piled up under Liu Zhi's feet, Liu Zhi had already begun to touch the thick wooden space wall.

  At this time, there are three different choices in Liu Zhi's heart, and the final change will depend on the direction Liu Zhi chooses.

  (End of this chapter)

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