Necromantic Myth

Chapter 525: Conversion begins (11/109)

  Chapter 525 Conversion begins (11109)

Destroy this big tree and absorb the energy accumulated by the big tree over the years to strengthen itself; assimilate this big tree and turn this big tree into your own new city; or integrate your divinity into this big tree. The tree, use divinity to control everything here, turning this big tree into a carrier of harvesting divinity.

  Three completely different choices, for Liu Zhi, either one is feasible.

   But for Ryuzhi, choosing that is just what a child does, he wants it all.

  This big tree has swallowed so many undeads and so many spiders, so how can it be done without spitting out something?

With this thought, Liu Zhi took a deep breath, and the death rod automatically returned to Shandru's side. At the same time, his hands were placed on the roots of the tree. The **** of feathers was centered on Liu Zhi. Inject into this big tree.

  In the next instant, the feathered serpent divinity in Liu Zhi's body was injected into this big tree.

  Then some roots protruded from the bottom of the tree, which entangled Liu Ji.

  This time Liu Zhi did not resist, but seriously controlled everything.

  Under his control, the feathered serpent's divine nature has taken over everything in the tree without a soul.

  From the moment the tree was born, all the memories were injected into Liu Zhi's body along with the energy accumulated by the tree for three thousand years.

  These energies are quite pure and large in quantity, almost close to the level of level 10 players.

  Of course, Ryuzhi can't eat these energy, but he also knows his own situation, and he does not intend to keep all of this energy.

  At this time, Liu Zhi intends to use his body as a relay, converting all the energy into the attribute he wants, the attribute of the feather snake god.

  Of course, in the process of transformation, Liu Zhi will leave a part of it for his own body. It is definitely feasible.

And the energy that is reinjected into the tree cannot be completely owned by the tree as before. A large part of it must be sucked away by the divine nature of the feather snake god, and this part will probably occupy the tree original. Three-fifths of energy.

For the remaining two-fifths, one part returns to the big tree and transforms this big tree into the new undead city of Liu Zhi, the other part will be injected into a node inside the big tree. When Liu Zhi grows up, that node It will become the carrier that Liu Zhi uses to store the harvest divinity, and the second possible clone of Liu Zhi.

  But all these things take time, not to mention that Liu Zhi’s current goal is to take them all, and most importantly, he is still there to absorb the memory from the tree.

  All this brought Liu Zhi directly into a state of half meditation and half sleep.

  At this time, Liu Zhi's meditation state had already cut into the natural breath meditation uncontrollably.

  With Ryuzhi's current strength and meditation level, it may take about a month for him to transform all the energy in the tree.

  Before falling into meditation, Ryuzhi used the last bit of spirit to give orders to the following Vidnina and Spinning Spider Girl.

  Let them guard here and protect their bodies. As for Sandru and Amanite, they have their own tasks at this time, and they don’t need Ryuzhi to think too much.

  So Ryuzhi's men stayed here.

  It’s strange to say that as Liu Zhi began to transform here, the roots hanging down in the sky slowly grew again, but at this time these roots had changed, and some dark green liquid appeared on it.

  After these liquids dripped on the ground, small flowers bloomed on the wooded corpses on the ground, and some small trees grew out of the ground.

These small trees will die automatically when they grow to about seven or eight meters, and slowly wither, but the tree did not fall down, but began to rot under the influence of the dark green liquid, and finally some people appeared at the trunk of the tree. Something like a face.

  And those corpses with small flowers seemed to be affected. They climbed up from the ground and moved back and forth around the withered tree. The action was like the wandering skeletons in Liuzhi's mass grave.

   But no matter what, these undead who stood up again have their hearts turned towards Liu Zhi.

Seeing more and more corpses rising from the ground, Vidnina looked up at the sky from time to time. At this time, Ryuzhi was completely wrapped in roots, and the roots seemed to slowly form a huge It’s like a ball city.

  And Fangming Spider Girl ignored those things.

  At this time, she was like a farmer, digging holes in the ground and putting the spider eggs she had brought in one by one.

  Different from the undead that Liu Zhi was carrying, the spiders she carried before were all considered life, no matter how the things turned into life, they were also life.

  At the moment of dreams, the spiders that didn't have much brains were all destroyed. Now they have become corpses that can only breathe but can't move.

  If it was the Spider Girl before, it might be the case, anyway, there are more spiders in the palace.

  But this time, it was also because the Spider Lady Fangming prayed to the natural girl Edie, which activated some of her dreams. The Spider Lady Fangming actually planned to raise some new spiders here.

Regarding her behavior, Liu Zhi has no way to manage, so the spider woman Fangming was quite happy at this time. While talking to herself, she worked hard to bury the spider's eggs in the ground. Go down.

  And at this time, Sandro also received the death rod sent back by Liu Zhi and the last message sent out.

  As a clone of Ryuzhi, Sandro naturally knew about Ryuzhi's situation. In fact, it didn't take much time for Ryuzhi to enter the dreamland. The days and nights in his thoughts were completely what the dreamland made him think.

  Sandrew just felt that Yuji's connection with him seemed to be affected by something.

  This kind of influence is not absolute, it feels like Ryuzhi suddenly went to the real world, and Sandro was left in the underworld.

  Sandrew was used to this situation a long time ago, and it wasn't until Liu Zhi forcibly pulled the death rod past that Sandro realized that something was wrong with Liu Zhi.

  At that time, he had no way to help Liu Zhi, after all, he was so far away, even if he led the troops, Liu Zhi also ended the battle, as long as Liu Zhi himself was fine.

  But the next thing, so that Sandro didn't know what to say. It was only the first day of the army, and he encountered such a strange tree, and there was still energy accumulated for three thousand years.

  Would you like this?

  This is obviously a trap.

  It takes a month to convert. Isn’t this a pit?

  After the conversion is over, you may get a new city, wait, it’s so fragrant.

  (End of this chapter)

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