Necromantic Myth

Chapter 526: Sea of ​​blood

  Chapter 526 Blood Sea

  Different from Sandro is Armanet. She has not received any information from Yanagi. At this time, she is heading towards the south of Hades.

  When Ryuzhi entered the semi-meditation state, Amanite actually didn't feel anything.

  The situation is different from that of Liu Zhi. She has not been blocked all the way to the south. She just feels that the underworld in the south is very weird.

  In the underworld sky in the south, there is a cloud of blood like huge eyes.

  Life that died in the south of the mainland will fall into the underworld from this blood cloud. Almost every second there will be a group of undead wrapped in blood like a meteor, falling from the sky and hitting the ground of the southern underworld.

  The situation of these undeads is also different. Undead or corpses with weaker strength will be smashed into pieces on the spot, and finally turned into blood.

  The stronger corpse was severely injured when it fell, and could only crawl slowly in the blood.

  Only the kind of talented and powerful corpse that wakes up in the process of falling and absorbs the blood water in the blood cloud can it protect its body.

  It can be said that in this southern underworld, all those who can stand up are undead with a little strength, and they also have their own consciousness, not the kind of undead soldiers that can be used directly by catching them.

  This point, after entering this sea of ​​blood in the southern underworld, Amanite felt clearly.

  The team she led didn't go far in the sea of ​​blood, and they encountered a red skeleton running towards this side.

   Seeing the team led by Amanite from a distance, the skeleton obviously made a startled movement, and then he ran in front of Amanite.

  "Quickly leave, the bloodseeker is coming out."

  What is a blood seeker?

  Amanette hadn't reacted yet, and the skeleton dragged Amanette to run out.

"This is how the same thing."

   "There is no time to explain, run, and when you escape the sight of the bloodseeker, I will explain to you again."

   Under the lead of the blood skull, Amanite led her men and ran out of the blood sea area of ​​the southern underworld.

  Waiting for them to find a place to hide in the blood overseas, Amanat noticed some strange-looking bats flying in the sky.

These bats have a blue skin with the head and wings of a bat, but they have a pair of forelimbs. The forelimbs are not arms or something, but hooves with anti-joints. At first glance, they have three times the length of the hind limbs. I don't know why they grow up like this.

   But you can imagine that if they run on the ground, their movements will be like apes, supporting the front half of their body.

  At this time, they were flying in the sky, but they did not see the effect of the forelimbs.

  After the weird bats flew out, the blood skeletons that dragged them out finally breathed a sigh of relief, turned to look at Amnet and asked.

   "Are you outsiders, why are you here in this terrifying sea of ​​blood?"

   "We are not outsiders. We are the masters of this underworld. We are here to unify the underworld."

  Amarnet has been educated by the royal family since he was a child, and naturally knows what to say at this time.

  So she said this kind of righteous words on the spot, and first gave the name of the underworld.

   Hearing what Amanite said, the blood skull couldn't help but shook his head, "It's useless, you should give up here. This place is no longer part of the underworld."

  Seeing that the blood skull did not refute him, Amanite was also a little surprised.

   "Can you tell me what is going on?"

The Blood Skull found a place to sit down, and gently touched the stone on the ground with his finger. Amanite noticed that when he sat down, the blood on his body was dripping with blood, revealing his blood. The color of bones like jade.

"I don’t know what happened. I only woke up for less than a thousand years, and when I woke up, this sea of ​​blood already existed, and for more than a thousand years, I also Those who have been hiding in Tibet don't dare to go to the center of the blood sea, where there are blood seekers and the blood beasts they worship."

  Amanite looked at it and felt that this blood skull was not like the kind of existence that didn't know anything.

  Looking at him sitting here and talking, they are considered to be more organized. How can it be possible that he has not heard anything for more than a thousand years.

After all the dirty blood on his body was dripped, the blood skull stood up and said, "Okay, I'm going back. If you want to go in, be careful not to be found by blood seekers, and if you see it in a sea of ​​blood The huge blisters rise from under the sea of ​​blood, it is best to leave immediately, that is the appearance of the blood beast.

With your strength, you don’t have to worry about encountering a blood beast, but the blood beast will hold you back until the blood seeker comes over. At that time, you will become the sacrifice and food of the blood beast, no matter who you are. such. "

   "What is a blood beast?" Amnet asked curiously.

"I don’t know, no one has survived after seeing the blood beast, but I heard some old people say that the blood beast has no consciousness of surviving, it is the sacrifice given to the blood beast, and it is also the root of this sea of ​​blood. Is it right? No one knows."

   "Then where should I find someone who knows this history?"

   Regarding Amanite’s question, the Blood Skull thought for a while, and finally said: “You go in here and go to the southeast. There is a huge eye-like stone. You can ask questions there.

  That eye is like a mirror, and all the questions raised will appear on that eye, but there is also a problem in it. Do not get dirty blood that reaches the **** sea, otherwise the eyes will treat you as an enemy. "

  Amarnet noticed that the blood skeleton had cleaned all the blood on the ground. She couldn't help but asked, "Did you escape to empty the blood?"

   "Yes, these dirty blood has a strong corrosive power, which makes me uncomfortable, so we will come out every time to empty the dirty blood, and then return to the sea of ​​blood."

  Hearing Blood Skull's words, Amanite also had some doubts.

   "You can obviously leave the sea of ​​blood, why do you want to go back again?"

   "I don't know, we have thought about leaving the sea of ​​blood, but as long as we walk out of Baili, we will have the idea of ​​wanting to go back, as if we want to protect something in the sea of ​​blood."

  This statement made Amanite also a little puzzled. She felt that this situation was a bit wrong.

  Is it possible that there are still many different forces in this sea of ​​blood.

   For the first time, she felt something wrong with Liu Zhi's demiplane. It was such a small continent and there were so many forces in the real world, but even the underworld had so many forces.

  (End of this chapter)

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