Necromantic Myth

Chapter 527: Inside the chaotic blood sea

  Chapter 527 Inside the chaotic blood sea

  In the end, Amanite took his hands down to find the big southeast eye.

   and the blood skull found a way by himself and jumped into the blood sea.

When he was leaving, the blood skull turned his head to look at Amanite, "There are too many brothers in the sea of ​​blood that are stained with blood. They are actually not bad guys. When you meet them, pay attention, as long as Those whose eyes are not stained with blood are good people."

   "Good guy? Good ghost?" Armanet shook his head involuntarily, but he still wrote down the situation.

  At least he knows that these undead can be won, unlike the blood-seekers flying in the sky and the blood beasts that have not been seen, they are directly drawn into the ranks of the enemy.

   Re-introduced the undead team into the sea of ​​blood, and Amanite moved forward more carefully.

Amarnet found that the sea of ​​blood looks big, but it is not deep. The blood water only reaches the waist of ordinary people, and the blood water is thicker, the fluidity is relatively low, and there is no whirlpool or other things in the water. Walking means that the resistance is a little stronger, and it does not affect the forward movement.

  The only thing that makes Amanite uncomfortable is that the blood has a rancid smell, and it rushes into Amanite's nose from time to time, making him turn his head from time to time to avoid the smell.

  It is also for this reason that Armanet’s vision was somewhat affected, and the troops he was carrying accidentally crashed into some undead teams that looked similar to blood skeletons.

Those undead are also full of blood, but they don’t have complete bodies like the blood skeletons they encountered before. Most of their bodies are only half-sectioned. Some bones are still pieced together with other bones, and you can see that it is not the original one. .

  Amanite led the team directly to the territory of these undead because they didn't check it for a while.

  At first, she was still wondering why there were so many things floating on the surface of the water, such as rotten wood, worn-out clothes, and so on.

  Unexpectedly, she hesitated, and such a group of undead sprang from under the blood.

  These undeads are bloodied all over, and the bones under the blood are white with bloodshot eyes.

  But it can be seen that their eyes are stained with blood, and the black blood is dripping from their eyes, and you can see that it is wrong.

  Amarnet saw that these were not good things, and she didn't think much about it, and directly directed the undead under her to launch an attack.

  The undead brought by Amanite were all undead from the Burial Desert. At the beginning, she led the team, and put together nearly a thousand people.

  However, the mummified group of troops cannot enter the blood sea, and now they are all guarded outside the blood sea.

  The undead brought in now are dead bones, corpses, flat beasts, and insect shells.

  Amanite gave an order, and they rushed towards the undead with blood all over.

  These undead transform in the bone-buried desert, and they are a little different from the undead coming out of mass graves. Their bones will be relatively brittle, but they have a lot of special abilities.

  Like withered bones, you can release a bone spear or turn yourself into a bone cage, which is much better than those wandering skeletons.

  Although Amanite didn’t rush to train them in various arms, the corresponding equipment must be available.

  As soon as these troops rushed out, they caught the weird undead and fought. The ones rushing in the front were some flat beasts.

There are not many split beasts in the Bone Burial Desert of Liuzhi, mainly because the corpses of the beasts of Liuzhi himself are relatively small, plus the wolf and the dog, even if they are dead, will be transformed into undead dogs. There is no intention to throw it into the bone-buried desert.

  So the only real desperate beast that can transform is Chimera with pig and human heads.

  Of course, this just looks like a Chimera. The real Chimera's ability is not at all. Not to mention that it breathes lightning, flames, and poison. Even if this thing bites people, it is difficult.

  But in this case, this type of Chimera actually rushed to the forefront. They bit the enemy's skull with one bite, and just bite the enemy's skull to pieces.

  Those skeletons usually use encirclement tactics to attack the enemy. When they are not fighting, they always hide under the sea of ​​blood. When someone breaks into their territory, they will come out to encircle the enemy.

  This tactic used to be unfavorable.

  But they didn't expect that the situation before them looked wrong, who was surrounding whom?

  Although Amanite took the mummy outside, she also brought in more than five hundred undead.

  These dozens of little guys want to surround more than five hundred undead, and they don’t know who gave them the courage.

  Amanite didn't even do anything himself, so he killed them all.

  Looking at the appearance of these skeletons floating on the sea of ​​blood after their deaths, Amanite said silently: "It's really bad luck. I really didn't expect to encounter such a thing."

   Speaking of Amanite, he looked at the direction and prepared to take someone away.

  But she suddenly discovered that there seemed to be something hidden in the sea of ​​blood.

  Amanite took the spear and picked it into the sea of ​​blood.

  A skull fell into Armanet’s hands.

  This skull is about the same size as a normal skull. Amanite is a little confused, how could he suddenly fall into such a thing.

  She was about to throw the skull away, but found that the skull seemed to swallow something.

  Amanite thought for a moment, and with so much force with both hands, she pulled the chin of the skull off. She saw that there was a statue-like thing stuck in the skull's mouth.

  This kind of thing, Amanite had seen it in Yanagi, and every time he opened the treasure chest, Amanite would be there to stare at it.

  When I look at this statue, I know that it is an undead building. The statue looks like a pool of floating rotting corpses. On the surface of the pool, some people stretched out their hands and wanted to climb out of the pool.

  For some reason, Amanite always feels that this might have the same effect as mass graves and bone-buried deserts.

  It's just that Armanet is not a player. She has no way to check the properties of this thing. After thinking about it, she put away the statue like a pond, and planned to take it back for Ryuzhi to take a look. This is what it is.

   With such a discovery, Amanite became more interested in this neighborhood. She let her subordinates rummaged in the blood for a long time, wanting to see if there was anything that could be packed.

  In the end, Amanite picked up a few blood-colored crystals, but the thing was known to be an energy crystal at a glance, and it did not have a special effect like the statue.

  (End of this chapter)

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