Necromantic Myth

Chapter 529: Origin of the Sea of ​​Blood (13/109)

  Chapter 529 Origin of the Sea of ​​Blood (13109)

   Watching the light hit the turtle shell on the turtle’s head three times in a row, Amanite also understood the situation.

  This is the weakness of this blood beast.

  Amarnet sent a signal to the bottom, and the beetles no longer slammed into the blood beast, but slammed into the body of other blood beasts.

  At the same time, some undead began to pounce on the blood beasts. Although their attacks could not hurt the blood beasts, they interrupted the blood beasts' rhythm.

  At the beginning, the attacking rhythm of three ups and downs was interrupted, giving the big eyes a chance to breathe.

   At this time, the eyes also made a strange cry by this opportunity, as if there was some news conveying there.

Armanet didn’t hear this sound. She saw the light hitting the corresponding position three times in a row. She knew what she was going to do. She stepped **** the tortoise’s head and pierced the length of her head. The spear bounced out and fell into Armanet's hands again.

  After having a goal, Amanite no longer stabbed the tortoise head, she stared at the turtle shell on the tortoise head and pierced it.

  This time it is no longer the same as before. It can be easily inserted into the tortoise's head. The spear struck the tortoise shell a few times, and it would be bounced off every time.

  The more so, the more Amanite understood what was going on. She shot from all angles, and the spear kept attacking the edge of the turtle shell, hoping to lift the turtle shell.

  Amanite did this, and he really found a place for him.

  Before the blood beast reacted, Amanite pierced the blood beast's head with a spear, and pryed the turtle shell up with the support.

  At this time, Amanite finally saw what the blood beast was like. Inside the blood beast's brain, there was a tortoise with red eyes.

  The tortoise was wrapped in a blood mass of filthy blood, and seemed to be affected by a mysterious power.

  When the turtle's shell was pried apart, the blood ball wanted to rush towards Amanite.

  However, Amanite had already guarded against this blow.

   When the blood ball rushed forward, Amanite stabbed it with a stab.

   Under this thorn, not only the blood mass was scattered, but also the tortoise soul wrapped in the blood mass was scattered.

  The moment the tortoise was stabbed and scattered, the huge blood beast turned into dirty blood and scattered.

  Amanite did not check for a while, and fell into the sea of ​​blood along the dirty blood.

  When he climbed up, he noticed that there were only three blood beasts besieging here.

At this time, Amanite understood that the blood beasts were actually undead who had been assimilated by the sea of ​​blood. They usually lurked in the sea of ​​blood. When needed, they could gather the dirty blood in the sea of ​​blood. On the side of his body, he became the kind of weird blood beast with a head and a long neck.

  As long as their souls are not killed, they will not be killed by the sea of ​​blood.

  At the same time, all piercing attacks are of no use to them. What is the use of piercing their bodies? The blood underneath their bodies is full of blood, and a few more stabbings will not hurt them.

  So when Amnett pierced down, he pierced all the spears into the tortoise's head, and didn't hurt the guy seriously, and the guy didn't even react.

Armanet, who understands this, is also a bit speechless. Fortunately, she didn’t care about it at first, otherwise she would suddenly encounter a blood beast. Without knowing the details of the other party, she didn’t know how many men to fill to know how to deal with this Enemy.

  Where is it like now, with the help of these big eyes, she just has to watch the play on the sidelines.

  After Amanite came out of the sea of ​​blood, he was not ready for another wave, and the big eyes blinked again.

  This time, the big eyes shot out three rays of light at the same time, and the rays of light flew to the eyebrows, chin, and neck of the three blood beasts.

  After the three rays of light shot out, the three blood beasts banged, turned into dirty blood, fell from the sky and disappeared in place.

"So simple?"

  A strange expression flashed in Amanat's heart, and she had never expected this situation.

  "This is not easy, you must at least know where the enemy is."

  At this time, a voice reached Amanite's heart.

  As a royal child, Amanite has received various educations since she was a child. She knows that there is a kind of person who can pass their own thoughts directly into the hearts of others through spiritual communication.

  "It seems that you also have some potential in the mind. It's a pity. If you step earlier, you may be able to learn some spiritual magic, but now you can't.

  Hearing this, Amanite put away the spear and walked towards the huge eye with the undead.

   didn't wait for her to ask something, another message came from her eyes.

  "Don’t ask too much, as long as people who are not from the sea of ​​blood come, I will answer, and the answer is quite comprehensive, the more people oppose the sea of ​​blood, the better it is for me."

  As she said that, she glanced at Amnett, and a large amount of information was passed into her mind.

There is quite a lot of information, but it is not confusing. In addition to the source of the sea of ​​blood, there are also several creatures in the sea of ​​blood, their births and weaknesses, the more dangerous places in the sea of ​​blood, where to go, and where not to go. and many more.

  In these information, all are explained in detail.

  Even in order to make people believe his words, this big eye also said his identity.

  He is the existence of the beholder family, and he died here before the sea of ​​blood was formed.

  At that time, this place was not a sea of ​​blood at all. It was a wilderness. He didn't know how long he stayed in the underworld, until his body had become a stone.

  One day there was an explosion over the underworld, and the explosion almost destroyed half of the underworld.

   Then a rain of blood began to fall in the sky, and a large amount of blood was poured down from the sky, turning this neighborhood into a sea of ​​blood.

  The blood at the beginning was also full of a weird spirituality, like the essence of the blood of some extraordinary creature.

  But I don’t know when, a kind of dirty blood has appeared in the sea of ​​blood. This dirty blood continuously contaminates the blood in the sea of ​​blood, and gave birth to two terrible existences, blood-seekers and blood beasts.

The blood beast is a terrifying beast that swallows everything by the power of the blood sea. The big eyes suspect that the long neck with the head of the beast that appears in the blood sea is just the hair of the blood beast. The real blood beast is still hidden at the bottom of the blood sea. It.

  Even the lord of the blood beast may be the source of the blood in the sea of ​​blood.

  It’s just that he has been petrified for many years, and there is no way to move. If someone is willing to check the situation, he can tell him the news.

  In addition, the big eyes also said a message, that is, the blood dripping from the sky is the purest blood, and it has not been polluted by dirty blood. If you want to resolve the blood sea problem, you may have to start from the real world.

  (End of this chapter)

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