Necromantic Myth

Chapter 530: Task: Purify the Sea of ​​Blood (14/109)

  Chapter 530 Mission: Purifying the Sea of ​​Blood (14109)

  Looking at the seven-seven-eight messages, Amanite's gaze also turned to the blood cloud in the sky.

   Before she looked at the blood cloud, she only felt that a large amount of blood was enveloped in the sky, and she didn't see much.

  But after the big eyes raised the point, Amanite looked at it seriously, and she could see that there seemed to be a huge crack behind the blood cloud in the sky.

The crack seems to be scratched in the sky. Every moment, one or two drops of blood will drip from the crack. Before the blood drop falls, it merges into the blood cloud. At the same time, there will be some corpses from the crack from time to time. It fell inside, tumbling non-stop in the blood cloud, and finally fell into the sea of ​​blood.

   stared at the crack for a moment, Amnet could not help but said, "This is, the earth is bleeding?"

  Amanite didn't avoid the big eyes to say this, the big eyes made a sigh, and finally no longer used the teleportation, but made a strange voice and asked.

"How did you know?"

  "Do you also know?" Amnet asked curiously.

   "I have watched this place for more than three thousand years. After I have watched it a lot, I don't know what it is. How about you, how did you know it."

   "I know the correct answer, I pushed it backwards." Amanite told Big Eye about the affairs between Adam and the Son of the Demiplane.

  Of course, Armanet is not a fool. She didn't explain what players are like. She just explained what Adam did to this demiplane and the choices made by the demiplane to counter Adam.

  Listening to such a story, my big eyes didn't say anything for a long time.

  Waiting for Armanet to finish talking about this, the big eyes seemed to be thinking of something, so he rolled his eyes.

   "It's really possible."

   "What's possible?" Amanette asked curiously.

   "As far as you said, that Adam killed the Son of Destiny, which represents the key to the destiny of the plane. It is really possible."

  Amanite didn't expect Big Eyes to say such words, he looked at Big Eyes a little curiously, as if waiting for his next explanation.

  "A voice has been heard under the blood seabed over the years, and from time to time there will be a kind of prayer above the crack. The goal of their prayers is the name of the son of the plane you said."

   "You mean, this blood is left by the son of the plane?" When Amanite heard it, he immediately reacted.

   "It is very possible, maybe he is the black hand behind this world."

   When it comes to this, Big Eyes doesn’t say much anymore, "If you can kill this person and help us purify the sea of ​​blood, we are willing to make you king."

   said with big eyes, and emitted light of various colors towards the sky, "This is not just my choice, but the idea of ​​a sea of ​​blood. Of course you have to be able to do this."

   "The whole blood crowd?" Amanite wanted to laugh a little. On the way, she met two people who might be the blood crowd, so why did she want to take herself to the throne.

"Yes, all the undead who have not been contaminated by the sea of ​​blood have this idea, including me, in the past three thousand years, the number of undead who can live here is about 1,700, and the number may be in the future. Slowly increase, but so much now."

Speaking of this, Big Eyes confidently said: "Of these undead, there are not many that can fight for you. After all, in these thousands of years, there is no real courage to go out and fight. If we need to fight, we may be able to fight for you. There is not much to help you, you better not have too much hope."

  Amanet was not so surprised by this statement. He had seen this situation with his father a lot before.

  Where is she to take her to the throne? This is obviously to let her go to death, but it can't do any good, so I rely on such a false name to hold people up.

   After the benefits are obtained, the one sitting on the throne has no soldiers or strength in his hands. That is not to let them have the final say.

  For these people's thoughts, Armanet is quite clear.

  She said unceremoniously: "Help you to purify the sea of ​​blood, yes, don't talk about things like me being king, just take advantage of it."

  The big eyes were also surprised, but he quickly reacted and he could see that Amanite had a kind of kingly aura. She was the kind of existence who had been educated by the royal family since she was a child.

  It is impossible to deceive her.

  So the big eyes thought for a while, and the eyes sent a white light and landed in a position.

"I remember that a guy with a little strength died there. You can find some good things in that location. Besides, I promise that as long as you can purify the blood, we will have 1,700 undeads. Each person will give you three things that can be used together."

  Amarnet shook his head, “I don’t need three things that can be used together, and I can’t use so many things alone, as long as you are willing to admit to being a resident of the underworld and obey the management. I mean everyone.”

   Now the big eyes have nothing to say.

   Dead old monsters that don’t know how many years old can still mix like this in a sea of ​​blood, but they have real skills.

  He knows exactly what to say and what not to say.

  If you have an attribution like this, you must never say it, and you will be bound.

  He might always be soaking in this sea of ​​blood in the future, even if there is no dirty blood, the big eyes are not aquatic species, he still wants to change the environment.

  Looking at the big eyes without talking, Amanite didn't have any surprises.

  She sees a lot of situations like this, and she doesn’t ask for benefits. It’s not so easy if she wants to go for nothing.

  Anyway, Amanit saved Big Eye just now, and Big Eye gave corresponding information. There is no relationship between them.

  What happens in the blood sea in the future, it depends on the situation.

  If they are willing to join their team, Armanet will not refuse. If they are not willing to join, then they will definitely have to do a game with them in the end.

  Amarnet quite understands Ryuzhi's thoughts, whether it is the underworld or the real world, this half plane belongs to him, so take it all down.

  At this moment, the big eyes seemed to understand something. He closed his eyes to make himself look like a huge stone.

  Amarnet looked at the situation in front of him and shook his head involuntarily. Although his big eyes were full of wisdom, they missed the last chance and they would no longer be friends in the future.

  When we meet again next time, they may be enemies.

  (End of this chapter)

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