Necromantic Myth

Chapter 531: Iron ore ambush?

  Chapter 531 Iron Mine Ambush?

  Leaving the big eyes, Amanite led his men and quickly moved in the next direction.

  With the map of the sea of ​​blood obtained from Big Eye, Amanit also knew where he was going.

When she came out, she came with several missions. On the one hand, she naturally asked about the situation of the Blood Duke. On the other hand, she wanted to recruit some new undead from here to join their team, and add Liu Zhi. Lost forces.

  If a new mine can be developed, it will naturally be better.

  From the current situation, the information of the Blood Duke has not been found out, but the new information of the blood sea is almost the same.

  With the map of the Sea of ​​Blood, Amanite naturally headed northwest of the Sea of ​​Blood.

  According to the description on the map, there is the most frequent location of the blood sea in the blood sea, because it was originally an iron ore, since the rain fell, the iron ore has also been submerged by the sea.

Over thousands of years, the iron ore here has slowly turned into a blood-colored iron ore. The texture of this iron ore is stronger than that of the dark ore. The most important thing is the weapon made from this iron ore. Without enchantment, it has the effects of breaking spells, bleeding and sucking blood.

  And the most important thing is that this kind of iron ore has a certain lethality to the dirty blood in the blood sea.

  In order to deal with bloodseekers and blood beasts, most of the wise undead will come here, looking for some iron ore to build some weapons for themselves.

  Amarnet was also based on this consideration, and wanted to come and see if these **** iron ore had any effect on him.

   came here with the team, and Amanite saw the other side of the sea of ​​blood.

  The mine should be a mine that was dug down from the beginning.

  The previous undead were dug from above.

For this method of mining, it is not surprising that the undead are those who have no concept of time, especially in the underworld, the ubiquitous underworld, so they don’t have to worry about underworld news, and don’t need to think about it. How to dig along the veins.

  The way they mine, just find a place to dig directly down.

  In this way, this mine is actually a huge mine. When the blood rain fell, blood was poured into it continuously, and finally formed a weird vortex.

  After the vortex of blood water is poured into the mine, it will not disappear. Instead, it will continue to squeeze in the mine. When the pressure in the mine increases, a spray force will be generated to spout the blood in the opposite direction.

  When the bleeding water is sprayed, a part of the stone and iron ore are sprayed together. The time of the whirlpool spray is about once or twice a year.

  And every year, some iron ore will be thrown out of the whirlpool, which will be scattered around for people to pick up. This is the current mining method of this mine.

  When Amanite and his troops arrived here, it was not yet time for the whirlpool to spray every year.

   Most of the iron ore sprayed out before was picked up by various undead, and a small part was washed away by blood.

  Amanite didn’t worry about this. After she stopped here, she directed her to look around to see if there was any missing iron ore.

   Just when she was leading the troops out, she suddenly saw something wrong near the iron mine. Something seemed to be pouring out of the mine vortex.

   "No way, I just came here, there is no reason to spray iron ore again suddenly."

  Before Amanit finished speaking, there was a boom from under the mine.

  The entire mine pit was exploded, and then more than a hundred bloodseekers and seven blood beasts of different styles sprang from the vicinity.

  They are a little different from the bloodseekers that Amanite saw before. These bloodseekers are in groups of two, with cages full of souls hung on their bodies.

  The soul trapped in the cage is a dark green color, stained with blood.

  It can be seen that those souls have been a little distorted.

  After these blood beasts and bloodseekers appeared, they were obviously taken aback. They didn't expect to encounter Amanite's troops here.

  Amnet didn’t see that their expression was wrong, and when she saw the blood beast appeared, she thought she had been ambushed.

  In Ryuzhi's style, as long as it is not too different in strength, so large that others can wipe them out by reaching out, Ryuzhi will want to fight as much as possible.

  Amarnet has been with Liu Zhi for so long, so she is naturally accustomed to this way of fighting. She just glanced at the situation around her and gave the order to attack.

  This time the battle is not easy to fight.

  Amarnet knew that when he took the shot, the blood seeker would fly in the sky, and the core point of the blood beast was difficult to find. She had not learned how to find the core point of the blood beast.

  But it's one thing to fight well or not, and it's another thing to fight or not. The enemy has already surrounded themselves, so I don't want to stay home for the New Year.

  Amanette rushed forward with his spear.

  Behind her at the same time, the undead automatically formed different battle formations.

  This is not how flexible Amanite’s undead is, but it’s not so good at charging in the sea of ​​blood.

  Two kinds of undead like dead bones and dry corpses, they can't run at all. Instead, they are the undead of worm shells, which can step on the water to charge.

  This one runs, naturally there are fronts and backs, it looks like Amanite is directing these undead to automatically separate the battlefield.

  When they charged like this, the bloodseeker and the blood beast felt wrong.

  One of the blood beasts blocked the front for the first time.

  The blood beast also has a long neck that is more than ten meters long, but there is a tiger's head on the neck.

  This blood beast rushed to the front, facing Amanite who was about to rush over.

  He threw his head on the surface of the blood sea, opened his mouth and yelled at Amanite.

  The roar was like a storm, and it rushed towards Amanite.

  And the remaining blood beasts and bloodseekers want to leave here by this opportunity.

  Amnet didn't see the movements of the blood-seekers behind. She stood in the storm, raising the spear in her hand.

   "Shimmer Sting."

  As Amanite pierced out with a spear, a refraction flashed above the tip of her spear.

  The tiger-headed blood beast had no idea of ​​evading at all. He would jump out, entirely because the tiger-headed blood beast relied on momentum to win, and he was the kind of existence that never retreated.

  As long as it retreats, the momentum of the tiger-headed blood beast is gone, and its attack power will also weaken in his case.

  For this reason, when facing Manet's blow, the tiger-headed blood beast leaped forward and bit Amanite.

  At this time, Amanite speared a little and hit the tiger-headed blood beast.

  In the next moment, Amanite couldn't help but snorted, as if he found something different.

  (End of this chapter)

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