Necromantic Myth

Chapter 532: Full blow

   Chapter 532

When   Amarnet's Glimmer Stinger shot, she found a spot of light appeared on the tiger-headed blood beast, and that spot of light was dragging the blood beast's body to keep moving, seeming to be avoiding something.

  Amanette only took a moment to know what it was.

  She ignored the tiger-headed blood beast, but rushed to the other blood beasts.

  Of course, when Amanite rushed out, he still had the spot for his undead to attack the light spot on the tiger-headed blood beast.

  Among the undead brought by Amanite, there are also some long-range troops.

  After receiving Amanite's order, they immediately launched their long-range attacks on the spot of the tiger-headed blood beast.

  The tiger-headed blood beast did not see the problem on his body. He thought that his own body had not been discovered yet. Facing the attack of the undead, he wanted to shout to scare those undead behind.

  As a result, some spears flew out of the hands of the undead and pierced him.

  Of course, these spears are not as powerful as big eyes, but they are quite large in number.

  And all the spears flew in the same direction, and the spears were all squeezed in that range.

  When the spear fell on the body, the blood beast reacted and was not anxious, and the spears were pierced on the blood beast's light spot.

  Then the tiger-headed blood beast directly exploded and turned into sewage and fell into the sea of ​​blood.

  At this time, Amanite had already rushed past the tiger-headed blood beasts and rushed to the blood beasts that were retreating.

  As soon as he saw Amanite rushing over, two blood beasts rushed forward to meet him.

One of these two blood beasts has a bear's head, and the other has a wolf's head. When rushing forward, the one with the wolf's head directly bites towards Amanite, while the one with the bear's head spouts. A green liquid can be seen. This liquid is full of corrosive effects.

  Amarnet rushed to the chin of the wolf's head in a flash, letting the retreat who came to him bite.

  Then the glimmering thorn pierced the wolf-head blood beast's body.

  In the next moment, Amanite only felt her eyes light up, and she discovered that the spot of light on the wolf-headed blood beast was actually in front of her, which was the position of her chin.

  She didn't expect to encounter such a thing, Amnet didn't think much about it, and pierced the spear a little bit into it as soon as she used her hand.

  At this moment, the wolf-headed blood beast turned into dirty blood and flooded towards Amanite.

  If it were in normal times, Amanite would definitely be able to escape, but just as she was about to escape, the spit of the bear head blood beast happened to follow, sealing her dodge position.

  Now Amanite understood that the blood beast was not a fool. When she discovered the weakness of the tiger-head blood beast using the shimmer sting, they were calculating themselves.

  Use the life of a wolf-headed blood beast in exchange for being contaminated. In fact, this is not a too loss-making choice.

  It can be seen from this point that these blood beasts have brains.

  In this dangerous situation, Armanet’s reaction exceeded her own mind. She didn't think much at all, and just rushed forward.

  Following her rush, she rushed to the place with the most dirty blood.

  But at this time, Amanite launched the stab skill.

  This skill has an effect similar to a charge.

  Of course, the distance to rush out is not too far.

  But it was enough for the situation in front of him. Amanite locked the bear-head blood beast, closed his eyes, and rushed in front of the bear-head blood beast.

  However, because this attack was sent out suddenly, Amanit only locked the bear head blood beast, and could not find the other party's soul. This blow did not kill the bear head blood beast.

  But at this time, Amanite noticed that the blood beasts seemed to hesitate. They seemed to be thinking about staying and killing Amanite, or leaving quickly.

  Under such circumstances, Amanite seized this momentarily missed opportunity. She raised her spear and stabbed a glimmer thorn again.

  It's just that this time, the Shimmer Sting used not a simple skill. Amanite used the extraordinary effect of the Shimmer Sting to activate the Horus bloodline in his body.

Just as she said when she chose to take office, she has the blood of Horus in her body, which is the seed of the born sun god. Although she chose the route of the huntress, it does not mean that she is in her blood. The blood of Horus is gone.

   Instead, the suppressed blood of Horus has a different change in the skill of Glimmer Sting.

  Amarnet did not use the extraordinary effect of the Shimmer Sting when she practiced the Shimmer Sting before, so she did not know that the two Level 4 skills when she took office were actually compensated when she chose it.

  An extraordinary effect can activate the power of the blood, and another extraordinary effect can activate the effect of the spear.

  This time, in the face of such a crisis, Amanite used this blow, but he did not expect such an effect.

  When her spear was pierced out, everyone only felt that the tip of Amanite's spear was like the center of the sun. The effect was far beyond the effect of Ryuuji holding a death rod to release a flash burst.

  Not to mention the light on the tip of the spear, and the power of the sun against the undead.

  Even Armanet felt that he could not control the situation.

She could only stab her spear out, and then she felt a heat wave rushing toward her face. A feeling that her body seemed to be burning began to spread from her fingertips, and she felt that she was holding a handful of burning red. All the spears want to throw this spear away.

  But Amanite understands that she can't let go at this time, as soon as she let go, she will lose control of this move.

  At that time, not only the enemies in front of her, but even the undead troops behind her, and even herself, will be affected by this move.

Armanet can only grit her teeth, close her eyes, and hold the spear, so that the burning sensation slowly fades. On the contrary, the blood in her body seems to become much hotter, giving her a burning sensation. Slowly disappear.

  After that feeling completely disappeared, Amanite opened her eyes. She looked around and found that she had done a terrifying thing with this blow.

  At the location pointed to by her spear, the sea of ​​blood had been burned dry, revealing the red soil under the blood.

  And the bloodseekers and blood beasts who wanted to retreat before are all gone, leaving some twisted metal on the ground.

  It can be seen that the metal is the iron chain and the cage carried by the blood-seeker before.

  It’s just that now these things have melted into a ball, and it is impossible to see where the souls in the cage have gone.

  (End of this chapter)

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