Necromantic Myth

Chapter 533: Upgraded Armanet (15/109)

  Chapter 533 Upgraded Armanet (15109)

Seeing all this in front of him, Armanet was also a little stunned. After half a day, she stretched out her left hand. The moment she raised her hand, she noticed that her left hand seemed to be burning with some flames, and the flames were like the sun. As warm as the light.

   "It turns out that the legend is true. The sun **** is going to fight the evil **** in the underworld. This is the real use of real power."

  Amanite said to herself, in fact, if she could see her character attribute column, she would find that her attribute column had changed when she used the extraordinary level of Shimmer Sting.

  【Amanite (The Fourth Natural Disaster Returning Group No. 9 from God, No. 9-1)】

  [Occupation: Huntress]

  【Level: 3】

  【Magic Power: 50/50】

  【Title: Egyptian Princess】

  【Deputy post: None】

  [Attributes: Strength 4.0, Agility 6.0, Constitution 4.0, Spirit 7.0]

  [Active Skills: Glimmer Spike Level 4 (Effect Activation), Spike Level 4]

  [Passive Skill: Spear Mastery Level 4]

  [Special Skill: Horus Bloodline Level 3]

  【Experience: 3889】

  It’s just that Armanet is not a player. She has no way to see her own attribute bar. She just feels that her shimmer thorn seems to be strengthened a lot, and her blood is activated.

  As for her level of promotion, she didn't even know it.

  After putting his hand down, Amanat turned his head and glanced at the undead troops behind him.

  Although the previous blow was mainly aimed at the enemy in front, the power still affected Amanite’s back. The undead at the front were also affected by the sunlight, and part of it was burned to ashes.

  Only a small part remained, the undead behind didn't have much loss, but they were also wounded one by one.

  Looking at the undead under his men who lost at least a hundred.

  Amanite was also a little speechless, and the undead under him had no loss on the way. He did not expect that he would kill more than a hundred of them here.

  Looking at this situation, Amanite shook his head helplessly.

   "Forget it, reorganize it, just now the blood has not poured up again, everyone went to the mine to dig some iron ore."

  Amanite muttered to himself, while directing his actions.

  Amarnet also understood that although she had evaporated all the blood and water nearby, as long as there was a rain of blood, the sea of ​​blood would return to its original condition, leaving her not much time.

  Maybe after an hour, the sea of ​​blood will return to its original condition. If you want to get iron ore, you have to act quickly.

  Even Amanite himself ran into the iron ore carrying a spear.

  But she never expected that after getting out of the iron ore cave, everything here is different from what she thought.

  After entering the iron ore cave, Amanite discovered that the so-called iron ore cave is basically a cover for people to hide. Under the iron ore cave, there is a cave that cannot be flooded by blood.

  The cave is quite weird. It is clearly in the deepest part of the iron mine, but there is no trace of the veins. It is clearly soaked in the sea of ​​blood, but the ground here is dry.

  If it weren’t for the irregular shape of the cave, perhaps Amanite would think it was something that someone dug up deliberately.

  In this cave, which is huge enough to hold more than 3,000 people, it is not empty. An already dry corpse is lying in the middle of the cave.

  The corpse is a human, but it’s not known how many years after it has been dead, his corpse is a bit black.

  Looking at the clothes he was wearing, Amanite always felt like he was a player.

Armanet walked a few steps to the corpse, and found that the fatal wound of the corpse was a blow to the heart of the chest. He didn't know who it was. He opened a bowl the size of a bowl on his chest. The injury took away the heart.

  Just as Amanite was about to take a closer look, she suddenly felt as if something wanted to squeeze into her mind.

  That seems to be some information, but also some magical spells.

  Amanette reacted quickly and stepped back on the spot.

  When she retreated to the edge of the cave, the thought that had squeezed into her mind was considered to disappear, and Amanite unexpectedly found that her arm began to twist unconsciously.

  This distorted feeling is very similar to the soul she saw in the cage mentioned by the blood seeker before.

  Take a deep breath, Amanite's body heats up, and the power of Horus's blood rushes away from this distortion.

  But Armanet also understood that this is the influence of the power of the corpse after death. He should want to pass some of his own information or his own inheritance.

  It's just that the player after death has no way to control everything about him. As long as he gets close to his corpse and hears the message left by him, both soul and body will be unnaturally distorted.

  This may be the power of the player’s own profession.

  Although I don’t know what the information that is coming from is something, but judging from the actions of the blood seekers and blood beasts, this is definitely a good thing.

  In this way, their previous actions are justified.

They didn't actually come here to ambush Amanette and the others, but they just wanted to transport the twisted soul back. Unexpectedly, they would run into Amanite and the others. Not only did they fight her. Not to mention that the team was completely destroyed, and this place was exposed.

  I don’t know what the situation is, is it possible that the one under the blood is the captain of the transport team?

  For this situation, Amanite had some thoughts in her mind. She thought about it and called a few Chimera over.

   Chimera is a kind of flat beast, they are distorted creatures themselves, in Amanite’s thoughts, even if they distorted a little bit, they are nothing.

   First let Chimera pull them out and send them to the palace of Hades.

  In any case, this thing is likely to be the player's corpse, and maybe there will be something on him that is useful to Liu Zhi.

  Under Armanet’s order, a few Chimeras flew over, tied the corpse with iron chains, and dragged the corpse toward the outside.

  But the corpse seemed to be on the ground, no matter how hard they tried, the corpse would not move.

This situation made Amanite a little speechless. She directed others to find a way to get things like vine chains and entangle them around Chimera's body. Hundreds of dead spirits worked hard and dragged them together. Going out with the corpse.

  Under the efforts of these undead, the corpse finally moved.

  After seeing this situation, Manet was finally relieved, but in the next instant, her face changed. The original position of the corpse was rotated, and the ground suddenly twisted, and a black hole-like passage appeared.

  The space seems to be affected, and everything is constantly distorted.

  (End of this chapter)

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