Necromantic Myth

Chapter 534: Was awakened (16/109)

  Chapter 534 was awakened (16109)

  The moment the black hole appeared, Amanite understood what was going on.

  This is a passage from other worlds to this demiplane. I don’t know who opened it. I didn’t close it until the end, and I was stuck in the passage.

The player's corpse is not the source of the twisting power, but acts like a plug. In these years, it is precisely because of the player's corpse that this passage has not been opened, and this demiplane has not been destroyed by this twisting force. .

   Seeing that she had accidentally caused a catastrophe, Armanet was also a little speechless. Several thoughts flashed in her heart quickly, such as stuffing the corpse back again, and finally shook her head and gave up.

  Those are all ideas that treat the symptoms but not the root cause. If you really want to resolve all of these, you must proceed from the root.

  For this, Amanite made a decisive decision. She ordered all Chimera on the spot to send the corpse back to the palace to ensure the safety of the corpse.

  As for the remaining undead, under the leadership of Amanite, they just walked into the twisted black hole.

Only by finding the source of the passage and closing the passage over there will all of this really come to an end, otherwise, even if Liu Zhi unified the demiplane, the passage will be opened someday, and a group of players will rush out of it. And Liu Zhi grabbed this half plane.

After Amarnet led the team into the black hole passage, the passage was obviously much larger. Due to the suppression of the dead body, the stones in the cave began to twist unnaturally, and then this twisting force was transmitted to the iron ore outside. go with.

  At this moment, there was another rain of blood in the sky. New corpses were thrown down from the cracks in the sky, turning into blood-colored meteors and falling into the sea of ​​blood.

  The blood water brought by the rain of blood also replenished the blood water that Amanite had evaporated before.

  The blood water flows into the iron ore. If it is normal, the blood water should be filled with the iron ore and then twisted to form a whirlpool.

But this time it was different. The twisting power was already fused with the iron ore. After the blood water was touched by the twisting power, it quickly transformed. A large amount of blood water began to twist. The originally calm sea of ​​blood appeared one after another. A whirlpool.

  This situation makes the opponents in the blood sea confused about the situation.

  They didn't care much at first, but soon they discovered that the vortex was not right.

  Some blood beasts or blood skeletons with a little strength accidentally touched the vortex, and they were torn to pieces by the vortex on the spot.

This situation scared the existence in the sea of ​​blood, especially the big eyes. Other people can walk around the vortex, but he is always fixed in that position. The generation of the vortex is not fixed, and the vortex will suddenly appear from time to time. He disappeared by himself from time to time.

  It hasn't spread to the big eyes yet, but what if something goes wrong suddenly.

  But with big eyes, they think too simple, not in case something suddenly goes wrong, but a big problem.

At this time, it’s in the middle of the sea of ​​blood, which is the place they can’t detect with the big eyes. It’s different from the sea of ​​blood in other places. The sea here is full of dirty blood. A large number of blood-seekers stop on the water. Some blood beasts sprang out from the water.

  This was originally a place similar to a valley, which corresponds to the location of the crack in the sky.

  The fallen corpse in the sky may become dead and flexible if it falls elsewhere. If it falls directly here, there will be no hope of survival.

  Most of the corpses will turn into dirty blood when they fall directly, and a few will become blood beasts or blood-seekers.

  But at this time, the originally calm water surface suddenly became unstable, and some vortices appeared on the water surface. The vortex here was not the same as the vortex in the sea of ​​blood outside.

  The whirlpool here has super lethality, and there is no plan to stop, a whirlpool disappears, and a new whirlpool will appear immediately.

   makes those blood beasts dare not rush out of the water, and make blood-seekers dare not stop on the water.

  The **** situation, which was already relatively stable, turned out to be a bit wrong under this situation.

  As the vortex at this location increased, a hand suddenly stretched out of the water.

  The arm is about the size of a normal person's arm, and it doesn't look like a corpse arm. Instead, the skin is quite shiny, as if full of vitality.

  The arm stretched out from the dirty blood, and just held it on the **** water. At this time, the whirlpool on the water stopped completely, and everything around it seemed to calm down.

  After everything calmed down, the hand was supported on the surface of the water, and a bald man crawled out of the water.

  He easily stood on the blood water, looked up at the crack in the sky, and turned to look at the blood seeker.

   "What happened, why is the sea of ​​blood distorted like this."

  All the bloodseekers are flying up and down, making a weird scream there.

  But the bald man seemed to understand the meaning of the screams of these blood-seekers.

   "The passage under the iron blood vein was discovered? This little thing can't be done well, what I want you to do."

  As the communication got longer and longer, the man's face became quite ugly. With a wave of his hand, a group of blood-seekers exploded in the sky, turning into droplets of blood and falling into the sea of ​​blood.

Then the bald man pointed to some blood-seekers and said: "I will find a way to suppress this abnormal distortion. You will inform the people above, tell them to double the sacrifice this year, and let them sacrifice a group of capable ones. The extraordinary come down."

  Speaking of this, the bald-headed man raised his hand, "Otherwise, this year's blood will be gone."

   Hearing the words of the bald-headed man, the pointed blood-seekers hurriedly flew into the sky. After a while, they rushed into the cloud of blood and followed the cracks in the sky into the real world.

  Looking at the blood-seeker honestly obedient, the bald man nodded in satisfaction. He stepped on his foot and a throne composed of blood and skulls appeared under his feet.

  After the throne appeared, a group of bloodseekers flew over and lifted the throne from all angles.

  The bald man sat on it casually, "Go, go to the iron blood mine, I want to know who opened the passage."

  When the bald man moved, Yuji, who was in the roots of the big tree, also felt.

   Liu Zhi, who was in a semi-meditation state, seemed to have merged with this underworld, and everything in the underworld could not be hidden from his eyes.

When seeing the domineering scene of the bald man, Liu Zhi said quietly.

  "How does this demiplane look like a sieve, there are holes everywhere."

  (End of this chapter)

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